by kathilipp | Aug 18, 2010 | tips and ideas, Updates |
Grilled Chicken over Marinaded Salad
This is a beautiful picture taken at our very yummy dinner at Treebones this weekend. Here is our recreation”
* 1 tbsp. lemon juice
* 2 tsp olive oil
* Coarse salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
* 2-3 cups of cherry tomatoes, sliced
* 1 cup of chopped cucumber and peeled
* ¼ cup crumbled feta cheese
* 2 tbsp of finely chopped green onions
* 1 tbsp finely chopped fresh oregano
* 1 bag mixed spring salad
* sliced olives (optional)
* sliced red onion (optional)
* boneless chicken breast with skin on
* 1/4 cup olive oil
* dried rosemary and salt to taste
Combine lemon juice, olive oil, salt and pepper.
Toss dressing with tomatoes, cucumber, feta, onions, olives, oregano and spring salad
Meanwhile, grill chicken with olive oil, salt and rosemary
Dribble plates with balsamic vinegar. Put salad/veggie mixture on plates and top with chicken. Serve with warm rosemary bread.
by kathilipp | Aug 10, 2010 | Because Sometime? I'm Just All Shallow - You Know?, Shameless Self-Promotion, The "What's for dinner?" Project, The Get Organized Project, Updates |
We’re both working for Nickelodeon.
OK – so he has a major kids show and I will be a food writer for their parenting magazine, but still, I’m pretty excited.
So, for those of you who read this blog, let me tell you, a lot of it is due to you.
s how it went down:
I have the world’s best agent, Rachelle Gardner. Every time I talk to her she assures me that I, in fact, am her only client and that she spends all of her waking hours working to make sure that I am completely happy. Well, I have evidence to the contrary.
Seems that she has another client, Erin MacPherson. I will excuse this little indiscretion on Rachelle’s part because Erin is super cool and real and funny. (And since you have amazing taste – I know this because you read this blog – you should absolutely check out her super-fun blog and new book here.)
Erin and I started chatting by e-mail and then she checked out my blog. That’s when she discovered me and my deep abiding love for all things tomato. After doing a little digging in the blog, she saw that roughly a quarter of all my post were food related.
Little did I know that for her day job, Erin is a writer/editor for Nickelodeon Family and Kids digital and edits their weekly food newsletter. Oh, and did I want to be a food writer for them.
Um, yeah.
So thanks to all of you and your love of all things yummy, I get to do a very cool job and work with a really cool woman.
Writing about food.
These are a few of my favorite things…
Oh – and if you want to subscribe to Parent Connect Food Newsletter sign up for it here. (My first issue – coming out next week – is all about how to use fresh tomatoes. Yum…)
by kathilipp | Feb 20, 2008 | Updates |
Thanks to John and Sherry for sharing The Husband Project with all of our great friends in Pittsburgh.
We are so glad to have so many new Project Managers on board! There are going to be a lot of happy husbands out there thanks to you two…

by kathilipp | Nov 19, 2007 | Updates |
Wow – things are moving fast and furious here in Projectland.
I love our new look – thanks to webmaster extraordinaire Roger. (Of course, he’s not reading any of the posts, just making us all look more beautiful in the process. Isn’t that what every girl wants?)
Please continue to roll with me and the Project as I figure out all the bells and whistles of blogging. Trust me, we are going to have fun.
Kathi – Your Project Coordinator