by kathilipp | Mar 17, 2011 | Shameless Self-Promotion, Uncategorized |
Hey girls –
It has been a crazy few days, but I’m excited to share a few things with you:
Q. Why was I MIA for a while?
A. The Desire Conference
I am one of the two speakers (along with Cindi McMenamin) for this new conference sponsored by Harvest House Publishers. The Desire Conference is one day of talking about how the line up God’s desires for you with your own desires. We also had the AMAZING worship band Tapestry (pictured left,) leading us that day. We are scheduled for four more cities so far and can’t wait to meet with the women of America as God creates desires in each of our hearts. To find out more about the Desire Conference (or how to bring it to your city,) check out the website at Transformed Conferences
Q. Anything else cool going on?
A. So glad you asked!
I will be on Focus on the Family TV this coming Wednesday on a broadcast called, “Would You Marry You?” Featuring amazing author Linda Dillow and recording artist Rebecca St. James. The video below is all about the broadcast. Well. Almost all about the broadcast. They just booked me yesterday (hey, I’m not complaining…) and so there is no mention of me – but promise – if you listen (or better yet, call in,) I will be there! Wednesday, March 23rd 11 AM Pacific – 2PM Eastern at The call in number is: 888-465-6595
Q. Hey, what about that giveaway you talked about?
A. Don’t worry. I didn’t forget! If you tell me below that you are either going to:
- Check out the Desire website
- Watch the broadcast on Focus
- Call in to the broadcast of focus
- Or just stop by to say hi, and leave a comment
I will enter you to win my conference speaking partner Cindi McMenamin’s amazing book, Woman on the Edge.

Really. Ask anyone at the conference. You need this books.
by kathilipp | Feb 20, 2011 | Shameless Self-Promotion, The Husband Project, Uncategorized |
I’ve had a dream. A dream about T-shirts. And I love how God can work out the silliest of dreams and bless some marriages along the way…
Here’s the story: Ever since I wrote THE HUSBAND PROJECT, I’ve wanted to have a T-shirt that says, “My Husband is a Hottie”. It seems like a simple enough dream, right?
Oy Vey.
I spent a lot of time getting in my own way, not feeling like I knew enough about T-Shirts, printing, etc. I was like that person who always says, “I want to write a book,” but never writes anything down.
Fast forward a couple of years and I innocently order a very cute sweatshirt from a company called and waited for my adorable sweatshirt to arrive. Instead, I got a call from the owner of the company, Jackie Fairleigh, double checking the size of the sweatshirt I wanted.
And that’s when I said, “Hey, while I have you on the line…”
Jackie, as an experienced T-shirt, sweatshirt retailer, gave me the low down on how to buy shirts, what to look for in a printer, what sizes to order, and even sent me samples of her own T-shirts so I could do this right. With the support of my ever-patient husband Roger, we went to a T-shirt printer, put down a lot of money,and now we have…
Isn’t that the cutest thing you have ever seen? (Modeled by my adorable, but reluctant, assistant, Sunnie…)
I love the shirts, they look great, they feel great, and the reactions from the husbands is OFF THE HOOK. (BTW – the secret is to not tell him about the shirt, just wear it one day and let the blushing begin…) And they are a hit. I just got them on the 11th of this month and we’ve already placed a reorder!
If you are interested in ordering a shirt (they run just a little on the generous size, so if you are between sizes, go for the smaller one…) you can go to my store to get your very own shirt. The are high-quality Hanes Pre-shrunk T-shirts that are soft and wonderful and designed for women. We have them in sizes from Small -2x Large.
Next week, we are going to be starting a 5-Day ME PROJECT Challenge. The challenge is to get started, just started, on a dream you have.
My dream was T-Shirts. That dream has come true. Now I’m on to the next dream.
What is one of the many dreams that you have? Share it here – it could be as simple as learning how to decorate a cupcake (which, upon further thought, might be really, really, hard. I wouldn’t know. I don’t know much about cupcakes except I like frosting…) or it might be as complicated as opening a bakery.
Next week, we are going to take some first steps.
So tell me. What’s your dream?
by kathilipp | Jan 27, 2011 | Shameless Self-Promotion |
OK. One of you won more than the others…
Heidi Jacobi says: January 23, 2011 at 9:55 pm
is the randomly drawn name from all of our WONDERFUL entries for the first every Dory Contest. (I’m so glad that the winner was not picked by who was trying the hardest. I would have had to buy a couple dozen Dorys…)
However, I want to make sure that all of you stay encouraged, so…
I just got my spiffy new bookmarks for my new book, THE ME PROJECT with the super spiffy Eleanor Roosevelt quote.

If you were one of the people who sent in a Dory submission this week, go ahead and email my assistant, Sunnie at with your mailing address, and we will get one in the mail to you.
And if you didn’t? Leave a comment below about how you just keep swimming this week – even when things get hard – and email Sunnie – we will get one in the mail to you, too.
by kathilipp | Jan 9, 2011 | Shameless Self-Promotion |
OK – I don’t even know what to say. I am so overwhelmed.
Until someone reads your book it’s like putting a message in a bottle and throwing it out on the waves – will anyone else understand? Do we speak the same language?
Adelle is the first person outside of my family and the people I’m working with in publishing, to read the book.
And she gets me – she really gets me.
This is the first review of The Me Project, and Adelle was able to say things that an author just can’t say about her own book.
But really, she gets it.
So if you were wondering what this really self-centered sounding book is about, do me a favor and head over to Adelle’s blog.
by kathilipp | Jan 6, 2011 | Shameless Self-Promotion |
Harvest House Publishers is doing a giveaway of my book, The Me Project. To enter, go to the Harvest House Publishers facebook page and comment on one of their posts about the giveaway. They will randomly select 15 winners on Friday, January 14th!
Way to blow sales Harvest.
They will be unleashing it on the public soon, but I wanted my peeps to hear about it first.
by kathilipp | Jan 4, 2011 | frontpage, Shameless Self-Promotion, Uncategorized, Writerly Wednesday |
OK so 400 posts may not seem like a big deal, but for me doing anything 400 times that doesn’t involve Starbucks
is an accomplishment.
The other big milestone around these parts is that my 3rd book, The Me Project, is being released in just a few weeks and I couldn’t be more excited.
If you would like your very own copy, (and since this is my favorite book ever, I hope you will…) you can get it – at a discounted price! – and see more about the book, here. (the book will be discounted until the end of the month.)
And, if your group is interested in finding out more about doing The ME Project, we have a whole leaders kit for you to use. (And of course, I would love to come speak to your group – I promise you we will laugh…)
We will be going through parts of the book on the blog. So if you’ve created a list of goals for the New Year, you’ve already taken the first step in the book. (Doesn’t it feel good to be ahead of the game…)
Thanks for helping me celebrate – and for all your contributions to the book. You are a blessing to me.