#590 Thrifting with Purpose: Tips and Strategies for Finding Gems and Reducing Clutter – Part 2

#590 Thrifting with Purpose: Tips and Strategies for Finding Gems and Reducing Clutter – Part 2

590 – Thrifting with Purpose: Tips and Strategies for Finding Gems and Reducing Clutter – Part 2

You might have heard of the Circle of Life but how about the Circle of Thrift?

In this part 2 episode, Kathi interviews full-time Pinterest employee and thrifting enthusiast Erin Handley. Erin and Kathi both have a love for a great thrift find and share personal stories about how thrifting has been a real benefit to them and their families through the years. Listen in as she and Kathi laugh and discuss some tips and tricks they have learned about thrifting, such as:

  • There are times of year when people donate certain items. Kathi and Erin share when those times are!
  • How to develop your personal style while thrifting.
  • What is the Circle of Thrift?

Bonus: Erin shares her super secret thrifting tip of where, when, and how to find those special items you’re looking for!

Haven’t listened to 589 Thrifting with Purpose: Tips and Strategies for Finding Gems and Reducing Clutter – Part 1? Click here.

Join the free Clutter Free Academy group on Facebook

Be sure to sign up here and be notified when the next episode is released.



The Accidental Homesteader: What I’ve Learned About Chickens, Compost, and Creating Home

Homesteading [hohm-sted-ing]
1. an act or instance of establishing a homestead.
2. the act of loving where you live so much that you actively ignore the fact that your house is trying to kill you on a regular basis.

For Kathi Lipp and her husband, Roger, buying a house in one of the most remote parts of Northern California was never part of the plan; many of life’s biggest, most rewarding adventures rarely are.

Kathi shares the hard-won wisdom she’s gained on her homestead journey to help you accomplish more at home, gain fresh perspective, and give yourself grace in the process. Here’s a handful of the lessons Kathi shares:

  • Prepare before the need arises
  • Everything is always in process, including us
  • Your best household solution is time and patience
  • You don’t have to do everything the hard way
  • Be open to new and better ways of doing things
  • A lot of small changes make a huge difference.
    Highly practical, humorous, and inspirational, The Accidental Homesteader will encourage you to live with more peace, joy, and contentment.

Order your copy of The Accidental Homesteader: What I’ve Learned About Chickens, Compost, and Creating Home here.

How do feel about thrifting? Share your answer in the comments!

Let’s stay connected

To share your thoughts:

  • Leave a note in the comment section below.
  • Leave an honest review on iTunes. Your ratings and reviews really help and I read each one.

Subscribe on iTunes or subscribe to our newsletter now.

Meet Our Guest 


Erin Handley

Erin Handley is a passionate member of the Lead Bold Team and is fortunate to be their podcast coordinator! When she isn’t serving alongside awesome women ministry leaders, she works full-time at Pinterest and has been in Talent Acquisition and HR for over 10 years. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area and can be found most weekends with her husband and pup at a thrift store, flea market, antique mall and more – no garage sale is safe. Visit her at leadingboldpodcast.org.


More Posts 

#654 Declutter Your Life: 100 Spaces, 15 Minutes Each

#654 Declutter Your Life: 100 Spaces, 15 Minutes Each

Hey there, friend! In this episode of Clutter-Free Academy, Kathi Lipp and Tonya Kubo help listeners kick off 2025 with a practical plan for a clutter-free home. Kathi shares her personal goal of decluttering 100 spaces in her house this year and how she’s breaking it...

#653 Say Goodbye to Insomnia: How Decluttering Can Reboot Your Rest

#653 Say Goodbye to Insomnia: How Decluttering Can Reboot Your Rest

Hey there, friend! In this eye opening episode of Clutter-Free Academy, join Kathi Lipp as she speaks with Dr. Vicki Kasper to explore the powerful and surprising link between clutter and sleep. They discuss the science behind rest, how a clutter-free environment...

#589 Thrifting with Purpose: Tips and Strategies for Finding Gems and Reducing Clutter – Part 1

#589 Thrifting with Purpose: Tips and Strategies for Finding Gems and Reducing Clutter – Part 1

589 – Thrifting with Purpose: Tips and Strategies for Finding Gems and Reducing Clutter – Part 1

Can thrifting and staying clutter-free go hand in hand?

Kathi Lipp and our podcast guest today say YES, IT CAN!

Meet Erin Handley: San Francisco Bay Area resident, full-time Pinterest employee, and long-time thrifting enthusiast. Kathi and Erin discuss how thrifting is not acquiring a bunch of items you don’t need. Thrifting gives us a chance to give something a new life or at least a second look.

Join them as they dive into the trade secrets of thrifting with a purpose:

Listen in for:

  • Three questions to ask yourself before you buy a treasure
  • The one house rule that will keep your house decluttered
  • What not to do when thrifting

Join the free Clutter Free Academy group on Facebook

Be sure to sign up here and be notified when the next episode is released.



The Accidental Homesteader: What I’ve Learned About Chickens, Compost, and Creating Home

Homesteading [hohm-sted-ing]
1. an act or instance of establishing a homestead.
2. the act of loving where you live so much that you actively ignore the fact that your house is trying to kill you on a regular basis.

For Kathi Lipp and her husband, Roger, buying a house in one of the most remote parts of Northern California was never part of the plan; many of life’s biggest, most rewarding adventures rarely are.

Kathi shares the hard-won wisdom she’s gained on her homestead journey to help you accomplish more at home, gain fresh perspective, and give yourself grace in the process. Here’s a handful of the lessons Kathi shares:

  • Prepare before the need arises
  • Everything is always in process, including us
  • Your best household solution is time and patience
  • You don’t have to do everything the hard way
  • Be open to new and better ways of doing things
  • A lot of small changes make a huge difference.
    Highly practical, humorous, and inspirational, The Accidental Homesteader will encourage you to live with more peace, joy, and contentment.

Order your copy of The Accidental Homesteader: What I’ve Learned About Chickens, Compost, and Creating Home here.

How do feel about thrifting? Share your answer in the comments!

Let’s stay connected

To share your thoughts:

  • Leave a note in the comment section below.
  • Leave an honest review on iTunes. Your ratings and reviews really help and I read each one.

Subscribe on iTunes or subscribe to our newsletter now.

Meet Our Guest 


Erin Handley

Erin Handley is a passionate member of the Lead Bold Team and is fortunate to be their podcast coordinator! When she isn’t serving alongside awesome women ministry leaders, she works full-time at Pinterest and has been in Talent Acquisition and HR for over 10 years. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area and can be found most weekends with her husband and pup at a thrift store, flea market, antique mall and more – no garage sale is safe. Visit her at leadingboldpodcast.org.


More Posts 

#654 Declutter Your Life: 100 Spaces, 15 Minutes Each

#654 Declutter Your Life: 100 Spaces, 15 Minutes Each

Hey there, friend! In this episode of Clutter-Free Academy, Kathi Lipp and Tonya Kubo help listeners kick off 2025 with a practical plan for a clutter-free home. Kathi shares her personal goal of decluttering 100 spaces in her house this year and how she’s breaking it...

#653 Say Goodbye to Insomnia: How Decluttering Can Reboot Your Rest

#653 Say Goodbye to Insomnia: How Decluttering Can Reboot Your Rest

Hey there, friend! In this eye opening episode of Clutter-Free Academy, join Kathi Lipp as she speaks with Dr. Vicki Kasper to explore the powerful and surprising link between clutter and sleep. They discuss the science behind rest, how a clutter-free environment...

#588 How to Eliminate 1000 Clutter Pieces in 30 Days: The Clutter Free Academy Method

#588 How to Eliminate 1000 Clutter Pieces in 30 Days: The Clutter Free Academy Method

588 – How to Eliminate 1000 Clutter Pieces in 30 Days: The Clutter Free Academy Method

What is Kathi’s favorite thing in Clutter Free Academy? The 30 Day 1K! What is the 30 Day 1K, you may ask? It is a challenge to eliminate 1000 pieces of clutter over 30 days. If this sounds daunting, listen in as Clutter Free Academy queen Tonya Kubo answers common objections to the 30 Day 1K. 

Do any of these resonate with you?

  • There’s no way I have 1000 things in my house to get rid of.
  • I have so much clutter that 1000 things won’t even make a dent!
  • I don’t have time to declutter 1000 things.
  • November is so busy. I can’t possibly tackle this challenge then.

Tonya also shares her secret to making the 30 Day 1K work in her home.

How do you join the challenge? Easy – join the free Clutter Free Academy group in Facebook! In November, group members will receive a printed action plan for the month with simple tasks, weekly live coaching workshops, and the encouragement of nonjudgmental friends. This is going to be a life changing 30 days, and we hope you will join us as we get control of our stuff together!

Be sure to sign up here and be notified when the next episode is released.



The Accidental Homesteader: What I’ve Learned About Chickens, Compost, and Creating Home

Homesteading [hohm-sted-ing]
1. an act or instance of establishing a homestead.
2. the act of loving where you live so much that you actively ignore the fact that your house is trying to kill you on a regular basis.

For Kathi Lipp and her husband, Roger, buying a house in one of the most remote parts of Northern California was never part of the plan; many of life’s biggest, most rewarding adventures rarely are.

Kathi shares the hard-won wisdom she’s gained on her homestead journey to help you accomplish more at home, gain fresh perspective, and give yourself grace in the process. Here’s a handful of the lessons Kathi shares:

  • Prepare before the need arises
  • Everything is always in process, including us
  • Your best household solution is time and patience
  • You don’t have to do everything the hard way
  • Be open to new and better ways of doing things
  • A lot of small changes make a huge difference.
    Highly practical, humorous, and inspirational, The Accidental Homesteader will encourage you to live with more peace, joy, and contentment.

Order your copy of The Accidental Homesteader: What I’ve Learned About Chickens, Compost, and Creating Home here.

Is there an area of your house that you are going to really be concentrating on during this challenge? Share your answer in the comments!

Let’s stay connected

To share your thoughts:

  • Leave a note in the comment section below.
  • Leave an honest review on iTunes. Your ratings and reviews really help and I read each one.

Subscribe on iTunes or subscribe to our newsletter now.

Meet Our Guest 


Tonya Kubo

Tonya Kubo is the illustrious and fearless leader of Kathi Lipp’s Clutter Free Academy Facebook group and the Clutter Free for Life membership program. A speaker and writer, Tonya makes her home in the heart of California with her husband, Brian, their two spirited daughters, and one very tolerant cat. Visit her at www.tonyakubo.com.


More Posts 

#654 Declutter Your Life: 100 Spaces, 15 Minutes Each

#654 Declutter Your Life: 100 Spaces, 15 Minutes Each

Hey there, friend! In this episode of Clutter-Free Academy, Kathi Lipp and Tonya Kubo help listeners kick off 2025 with a practical plan for a clutter-free home. Kathi shares her personal goal of decluttering 100 spaces in her house this year and how she’s breaking it...

#653 Say Goodbye to Insomnia: How Decluttering Can Reboot Your Rest

#653 Say Goodbye to Insomnia: How Decluttering Can Reboot Your Rest

Hey there, friend! In this eye opening episode of Clutter-Free Academy, join Kathi Lipp as she speaks with Dr. Vicki Kasper to explore the powerful and surprising link between clutter and sleep. They discuss the science behind rest, how a clutter-free environment...

#569 Urge to Splurge? How to Manage Your Impulsive Shopping – Part 1

#569 Urge to Splurge? How to Manage Your Impulsive Shopping – Part 1

569: Urge to Splurge? How to Manage Your Impulsive Shopping – Part 1

Have you ever struggled with impulsive spending or another “urge to splurge” mind set? You are not alone, friend. Kathi and spending coach Paige Pritchard are digging into the root cause of our impulsive shopping and how to change those behaviors. Today they discuss the first of Paige’s five tips to managing your impulsive shopping, plus answer questions like:

  • Why are you shopping?
  • What is a de-influencer?
  • What is an Urge Jar?

As promised in the episode, here’s a link to Paige Pritchard’s Free Masterclass Why You Impulse Shop & How To Stop.

Join Kathi and friends for No Buy July! Click here to join her free Facebook community Clutter Free Academy, and get ready to participate in this No Buy challenge that can change your home and your life.

Sign up here for the Clutter Free Academy newsletter and be notified when future episodes are released.

Overwhelmed: How to Quiet the Chaos and Restore Your Sanity


Feeling overwhelmed? Wondering if it’s possible to move from “out of my mind” to “in control” when you’ve got too many projects on your plate and too much mess in your relationships?

Kathi and Cheri want to show you five surprising reasons why you become stressed, why social media solutions don’t often work, and how you can finally create a plan that works for you. As you identify your underlying hurts, uncover hope, and embrace practical healing, you’ll become equipped to:

  • trade the to-do list that controls you for a calendar that allows space in your life
  • decide whose feedback to forget and whose input to invite
  • replace fear of the future with peace in the present

You can simplify and savor your life—guilt-free! Clutter, tasks, and relationships may overwhelm you now, but God can help you overcome with grace.

Kathi and Cheri Gregory, co-author of Overwhelmed, get together for this episode for a little discussion regarding the concepts of being overwhelmed and being clutter-free. So often we find that our clutter overwhelms us and that being overwhelmed contributes to our clutter. It can be a vicious cycle.

Kathi and Cheri discuss five steps to keep from getting overwhelmed as you declutter your home, your heart, and your life. Order your copy of Overwhelmed here.

Links Mentioned:

Paige’s Free Masterclass Why You Impulse Shop & How To Stop

What to work with Paige directly? Overcoming Overspending Group Program

Paige Pritchard

Giveaway: Paige Pritchard has a FREE Masterclass for you! It’s an hour long pre recorded class you can watch at your convenience. Once you sign up, you only have access for a limited time so carve out that hour and start on a path to curbing your urge to splurge.

Here’s the link: Why You Impulse Shop & How To Stop with Paige Pritchard

Let’s stay connected

To share your thoughts:

Leave an honest review on iTunes. Your ratings and reviews really help and I read each one.

Subscribe on iTunes or subscribe to our newsletter now.

Meet Our Guest 


Paige Pritchard

Paige Pritchard is a spending coach who helps women stop impulse shopping and overspending.

Paige discovered her passion for helping women develop healthier spending habits through her own personal struggles with impulse shopping when at age 22 she blew through her $60,000 salary after graduating from college.

By uncovering the root cause of her shopping and making a commitment to develop healthier spending habits she was able to turn her financial situation around in her twenties by paying off her $40,000 of student loan debt, cash flowing her MBA, becoming a homeowner and building a multiple six-figure investment portfolio by age 29.

In 2020 Paige became a certified life coach through The Life Coach School and since then has coached thousands of women to become better spenders and reach their full financial potential through her social channels, her podcast called The Money Love Podcast, and group coaching program, Overcoming Overspending.

Paige’s work has been featured in publications like NBC News, The Washington Post, The Daily Mail, BuzzFeed, The Guardian, and the Dr. Phil Show.

You can connect with Paige on Instagram @overcoming_overspending, Tik Tok @overcoming_overspending, YouTube Overcoming Overspending with Paige Pritchard, her Apple Podcast The Money Love Podcast, and at www.paigepritchard.com.



More Posts 

#654 Declutter Your Life: 100 Spaces, 15 Minutes Each

#654 Declutter Your Life: 100 Spaces, 15 Minutes Each

Hey there, friend! In this episode of Clutter-Free Academy, Kathi Lipp and Tonya Kubo help listeners kick off 2025 with a practical plan for a clutter-free home. Kathi shares her personal goal of decluttering 100 spaces in her house this year and how she’s breaking it...

#653 Say Goodbye to Insomnia: How Decluttering Can Reboot Your Rest

#653 Say Goodbye to Insomnia: How Decluttering Can Reboot Your Rest

Hey there, friend! In this eye opening episode of Clutter-Free Academy, join Kathi Lipp as she speaks with Dr. Vicki Kasper to explore the powerful and surprising link between clutter and sleep. They discuss the science behind rest, how a clutter-free environment...

#566 How to Reclaim a Space In Your Home – Part 2

#566 How to Reclaim a Space In Your Home – Part 2

566: How to Reclaim a Space In Your Home – Part 2

Have you ever dreamed of creating a space just for YOU? This is your episode! Today Kathi Lipp is joined by fellow book lover Amy Betters-Midtvedt. On the daily, Amy uses humor to share her expertise in all things home and parenting but today, they talk about decluttering to create a sacred space. For Amy, it’s for her beloved books. Listen in as Kathi and Amy discuss:

  • Managing the push and pull of deciding what stays and what goes
  • The benefit of having a reward at the end of your project
  • Knowing when to call a trusted professional

Have you listened to Part 1 of this series with Amy Betters-Midtvedt? Click here to listen to episode 565 How to Reclaim a Space In Your Home – Part 1.

Here’s a photo of Amy Betters-Midtvedt’s fabulous Book Room that she and Kathi talked about in this episode.

Also, if you haven’t listened to  Kathi and Amy laugh through episode 547 Why I Don’t Eat Green Bananas Anymore, put that one in your queue!

The Clutter-Free Home: Making Room for Your Life


Longing for a place of peace from which you can love others well? The Clutter-Free Home is your room-by-room guide to decluttering, reclaiming, and celebrating every space of your home.

Let author Kathi Lipp (who once lived a life buried in clutter) walk you through each room of your house to create organizational zones that are not only functional and practical but create places of peace that reflect your personality. Kathi will help you tackle the four-step process of dedicate, decide, declutter and “do-your-thing” to reveal the home you’ve always dreamed of, and then transform it into a haven that reflects who you truly are meant to be.

If you’re also feeling overwhelmed by the care and upkeep of all the stuff under your feet or sense that your home is running you, instead of the other way around, come discover how to create a space that doesn’t have to be showroom perfect to be perfect for you and the people you love. life. Order your copy of The Clutter Free Home here.



In this episode, Kathi and Amy discuss creating a space does not have to be craeting a whole room.

It could be a shelf or a wall.


Look around your home. Is there a nook that could be repurposed?


Let’s stay connected

To share your thoughts:

Leave an honest review on iTunes. Your ratings and reviews really help and I read each one.

Subscribe on iTunes or subscribe to our newsletter now.

Meet Our Guest 


Amy Betters-Midtvedt

Amy Betters-Midtvedt is a writer, educator and mom of 5. Her passions include piling on the couch with her family to binge watch the Office, buying all the books she possibly can, trying to finish a conversation with her husband without being interrupted and writing to help people find the joy in their everyday lives.

You can connect with Amy at amybettersmidtvedt.com. 


More Posts 

#654 Declutter Your Life: 100 Spaces, 15 Minutes Each

#654 Declutter Your Life: 100 Spaces, 15 Minutes Each

Hey there, friend! In this episode of Clutter-Free Academy, Kathi Lipp and Tonya Kubo help listeners kick off 2025 with a practical plan for a clutter-free home. Kathi shares her personal goal of decluttering 100 spaces in her house this year and how she’s breaking it...

#653 Say Goodbye to Insomnia: How Decluttering Can Reboot Your Rest

#653 Say Goodbye to Insomnia: How Decluttering Can Reboot Your Rest

Hey there, friend! In this eye opening episode of Clutter-Free Academy, join Kathi Lipp as she speaks with Dr. Vicki Kasper to explore the powerful and surprising link between clutter and sleep. They discuss the science behind rest, how a clutter-free environment...

#563 How to Declutter A Lot – FAST – Part 3

#563 How to Declutter A Lot – FAST – Part 3

563: How to Declutter A Lot – FAST – Part 3

Do you feel life circumstances change so quickly that it’s a struggle to keep your spaces clutter free? Kathi and her husband, declutter buddy, and cohost Roger Lipp are with us today sharing the last three tips in their Top 10 Ways of Getting Clutter Free podcast series. If you haven’t listened to Parts 1 (listen here) and 2 (listen here) of this series, put those in your queue!
In today’s Part 3 they discuss:

  • How to curate your items (“Curate” is Kathi’s new favorite word! )
  • Organizing activity supplies into separate tubs
  • Using a spreadsheet to keep an inventory

In this episode, Kathi mentions her tub for Art Activities. Below are some photos of the finished project. So adorable!


Did you know: Roger is a collector of certain Disney shirts. Disney memorabilia is officially called Disneyana.

The Clutter Free Home: Making Room for Your Life

Longing for a place of peace from which you can love others well? The Clutter-Free Home is your room-by-room guide to decluttering, reclaiming, and celebrating every space of your home.

Let author Kathi Lipp (who once lived a life buried in clutter) walk you through each room of your house to create organizational zones that are not only functional and practical but create places of peace that reflect your personality. Kathi will help you tackle the four-step process of dedicate, decide, declutter and “do-your-thing” to reveal the home you’ve always dreamed of, and then transform it into a haven that reflects who you truly are meant to be.

Order your copy of The Clutter-Free Home  here.



Do you have a favorite activity or project you have organized?

Tell us in the comments below! 

Let’s stay connected

To share your thoughts:

Leave an honest review on iTunes. Your ratings and reviews really help and I read each one.

Subscribe on iTunes or subscribe to our newsletter now. 

Meet Our Guest 


Roger Lipp

Roger is a productivity and quality engineer for a Fortune 50 company.

Roger helps teams reach their full productivity potential by teaching them the practical and simple steps to reach their goals. Roger and his wife, author Kathi Lipp, teach communicators how to share their message through social media and email marketing.

He and Kathi coauthored Happy Habits for Every Couple: 21 Days to a Better Relationship.


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#654 Declutter Your Life: 100 Spaces, 15 Minutes Each

#654 Declutter Your Life: 100 Spaces, 15 Minutes Each

Hey there, friend! In this episode of Clutter-Free Academy, Kathi Lipp and Tonya Kubo help listeners kick off 2025 with a practical plan for a clutter-free home. Kathi shares her personal goal of decluttering 100 spaces in her house this year and how she’s breaking it...

#653 Say Goodbye to Insomnia: How Decluttering Can Reboot Your Rest

#653 Say Goodbye to Insomnia: How Decluttering Can Reboot Your Rest

Hey there, friend! In this eye opening episode of Clutter-Free Academy, join Kathi Lipp as she speaks with Dr. Vicki Kasper to explore the powerful and surprising link between clutter and sleep. They discuss the science behind rest, how a clutter-free environment...