What is Kathi’s favorite thing in Clutter Free Academy? The 30 Day 1K! What is the 30 Day 1K, you may ask? It is a challenge to eliminate 1000 pieces of clutter over 30 days. If this sounds daunting, listen in as Clutter Free Academy queen Tonya Kubo answers common objections to the 30 Day 1K.
Do any of these resonate with you?
- There’s no way I have 1000 things in my house to get rid of.
- I have so much clutter that 1000 things won’t even make a dent!
- I don’t have time to declutter 1000 things.
- November is so busy. I can’t possibly tackle this challenge then.
Tonya also shares her secret to making the 30 Day 1K work in her home.
How do you join the challenge? Easy – join the free Clutter Free Academy group in Facebook! In November, group members will receive a printed action plan for the month with simple tasks, weekly live coaching workshops, and the encouragement of nonjudgmental friends. This is going to be a life changing 30 days, and we hope you will join us as we get control of our stuff together!
Be sure to sign up here and be notified when the next episode is released.

The Accidental Homesteader: What I’ve Learned About Chickens, Compost, and Creating Home
Homesteading [hohm-sted-ing]
1. an act or instance of establishing a homestead.
2. the act of loving where you live so much that you actively ignore the fact that your house is trying to kill you on a regular basis.
For Kathi Lipp and her husband, Roger, buying a house in one of the most remote parts of Northern California was never part of the plan; many of life’s biggest, most rewarding adventures rarely are.
Kathi shares the hard-won wisdom she’s gained on her homestead journey to help you accomplish more at home, gain fresh perspective, and give yourself grace in the process. Here’s a handful of the lessons Kathi shares:
- Prepare before the need arises
- Everything is always in process, including us
- Your best household solution is time and patience
- You don’t have to do everything the hard way
- Be open to new and better ways of doing things
- A lot of small changes make a huge difference.
Highly practical, humorous, and inspirational, The Accidental Homesteader will encourage you to live with more peace, joy, and contentment.
Order your copy of The Accidental Homesteader: What I’ve Learned About Chickens, Compost, and Creating Home here.
Links Mentioned:
Kathi’s Favorites:
Learn more about Clutter Free for Life
Is there an area of your house that you are going to really be concentrating on during this challenge? Share your answer in the comments!
Meet Our Guest
Tonya Kubo
Tonya Kubo is the illustrious and fearless leader of Kathi Lipp’s Clutter Free Academy Facebook group and the Clutter Free for Life membership program. A speaker and writer, Tonya makes her home in the heart of California with her husband, Brian, their two spirited daughters, and one very tolerant cat. Visit her at www.tonyakubo.com.
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