by kathilipp | Dec 8, 2015 | Blog, Christmas, Clutter Free |

This one is up to you! What is something you have always wanted to do this time of year but just never had the time? Today is the day to do that thing whether it’s a craft you want to make, a tradition you want to start, or time you want to spend with certain people.
If you can’t think of something, there are some great ideas in the book to give you a jump start. Because these projects have gotten you organized and totally prepared this Christmas, consider this a gift to yourself for all of your hard work. Enjoy!
Assignment: Do That One Extra Special Thing
Think of your own special task that you have wanted to do for years but have never had time for. Today is your day to do that thing.
Not sure what to do for your special project, how about having a party or get-together. Choose your least favorite Christmas job and make it a party with friends. Invite your friends over through a Clutter Free inspired invite from Evite.

Doesn’t it feel great to have everything done, ready, finished so you can really enjoy those last few days of the holiday season with your family?
Merry Christmas!
For More Details: Get Yourself Organized For Christmas – Page 110
by kathilipp | Dec 7, 2015 | Blog, Christmas, Clutter Free, Home |

When was the last time you served a beautiful Christmas dinner on a nicely decorated table with your favorite poinsettia table runner, nice silverware and glasses, pine cones to decorate each place setting, and Thomas the Tank Engine napkins?? (huh?!? Uumm yep it happened). Check out the full story in the book under Project 20 Tablecloths, Napkins and Foof, Oh My!
For More Details: Get Yourself Organized For Christmas – Page 106
Well my friend, today we are not going to let that happen to you, no sir-y we are simply finding all of our table decorations and linens and getting them ready all in one spot.
Assignment and Supplies: Find your napkins (the ones you intend to use), tablecloths (wash it if there are spots), runners, napkin rings, plates, silverware and stemware or glasses.
**Note** if you are striving for simplicity this year and are going the shabby-chic method of paper or plastic, make a list of the things you need to purchase and where. (There is some real cute stuff out there these days that make a table look great. Don’t feel bad about it, remember your goal of simplicity). Embrace it!
Did you know that Evite has a blog section all about planning for parties? They can help you get ready so you too, don’t serve Christmas dinner with themed birthday party napkins! Check it out here.
Share Your Thoughts
Share with us! When did you have your party all set only to discover the teeny tiny thing of having no ______ ? What did you do?? This year, join us in our vow to be prepared! Plan today what you will need for tomorrow.
by kathilipp | Dec 6, 2015 | Blog, Christmas, Clutter Free |

Take some time today to meal plan every day up until Christmas as well as Christmas dinner (I promise you will thank me later). Spend time in the kitchen today taking stock of what you have, what you need, and what meals you will make your family each night for dinner. Be sure to look at your calendar for any nights you have plans. If you need to take a dish to an event, mark that on the meal plan, so you know how to prep and shop.
If you have dinner at another home or event, revel in a night off! Either way, it goes on the meal plan. Make life easier by utilizing LOOP (Leftovers On Purpose) meals and frozen meals whether they are yours or store bought. Once you are all planned out, make a list of ingredients you need to buy as well as perishable items you will need to buy last minute.
Another great idea to make your life even easier is to have a frozen meal swap with friends. You can do this one of two ways: One way is to invite (with Evite of course) your friends to your home. Everyone brings ingredients to make a meal of their choice that is freezer friendly (enough to share with however many friends are joining in on the fun). Then you all help with the cooking, family portions are placed into gallon zip lock bags ready to freeze, and everyone goes home with a variety of meals to freeze and enjoy throughout the month.
Another way is for everyone to make something at home (enough to share family portions with anyone participating), freeze them, and swap them with friends. This way, you might have made a huge batch of soup, but you might end up with soup, enchiladas, lasagna, and a chicken casserole.
Assignment: Spend some Time in the Kitchen
- Create your meal plan for the rest of the month.
- Plan your baking list so you know what you need to bake and when you’re going to do it.
- Plan out your Christmas dinner.
- Make a shopping list of all necessary ingredients. Divide list into non-perishables and perishables.
- Shop for non-perishables and the next few days’ meals.
- Make a list of things you will need to buy at the last minute.
Plan on making at least two LOOP meals a week. Cook twice, at four times.
Planning a party over the holidays? Be sure to include grocery items you might need. Need some party ideas, check out the possibilities over at Evite.
For More Details: Get Yourself Organized For Christmas – Page 102
Supplies: 1) Calendar 2) Meal Plan 3) Paper for Lists
Share Your Thoughts:
How did you feel about planning out all the meals? Did this make shopping easier? Any great LOOP recipes to share?
Having a party and want to add party supplies to this week’s shopping list? Check out this list from Evite to make sure you haven’t forgotten anything. You’ve got this!
by kathilipp | Dec 5, 2015 | Blog, Christmas, Clutter Free |

Today my friends, is a fun day! You have permission to go surfing online to finish up your last minute shopping. You have the chance to sip coffee in your pj’s and shop for your loved ones all at the same time! No standing in long lines, feeling all hot and bothered with bag imprints going up your poor arms, no whining kids begging to go home already, no eye-rolling husbands waiting on you and no sore feet! No this is a day to celebrate, for we have this great invention called Amazon! YES!
Here’s your objective-find a great place to shop with great deals and shop away! (Don’t forget about places with free returns, free shipping or discounted shipping costs). This is going to be the best Clutter Free Christmas yet!
Here are some favorites:
*Amazon Prime
*Amazon Gift cards (printable, in e-form)
Need some more ideas? Evite has Instant Gifts you can purchase and send right from your computer.
For More Details: Get Yourself Organized For Christmas – Page 99
Share Your Thoughts:
Where do you like to go to get great deals? Are you one of those infamous Cyber Monday shoppers? Share with us your favorite places to online shop. Where do you find the best deals with the lowest costs on shipping and handling? Share with us on our page!
by kathilipp | Dec 4, 2015 | Blog, Christmas, Clutter Free |

Today is shipping day! Grab your packages, grab yourself a Starbucks, and brave the post office (the lines won’t be nearly as long this early in the game).
To make this day painless, take some time earlier in the week to familiarize yourself with, print out labels, and pack everything up so it is ready to go for pick up (you can still enjoy a Starbucks if you like)! If you have never used before, this may just be the most magical part of your Christmas this year.
Assignment: Ship Your Boxes.
- Learn how to ship using
- Use Priority Mail Boxes
Priority mail can be picked up at your house the next day.
Check out Kathi’s Quick Tips in the book for ideas for packaging and sending.
If you realize after the fact you missed someone, check out the gifts over at Evite. They can be ordered and shipped directly to someone.
For More Details: Get Yourself Organized For Christmas – Page 96
Supplies: 1) Gifts 2) Priority Mail boxes 3) Mailing labels
Share Your Thoughts:
Did you have any gifts to send? Did you mail them or order online? Do you have any quick tips to share pertaining to packing and mailing gifts?
Speaking of gifts, here’s a question I get asked quite a bit every year and Evite has the proper etiquette down. “Should I bring a hostess gift to that party?”