#606 The Container Principle
606 - The Container PrincipleWe all have stuff we want to keep, whether for daily use or for posterity. The question is, do we have room for it? How much is too much? Don't let your abundance take over your abode. Tune in to hear Kathi and Roger as they discuss: How...
#605 Why Your Perfectionism is Keeping You Stuck in Clutter (and What You Can Do About it) Part 2
605 - Why Your Perfectionism is Keeping You Stuck in Clutter (and What You Can Do About it) Part 2When you bring a new item into your space, do you struggle with where to put it? Have you ever uttered a sentence like this to yourself? “Why don’t I know where this...
#604 Why Your Perfectionism is Keeping You Stuck in Clutter (and What You Can Do About it) Part 1
604 - Why Your Perfectionism is Keeping You Stuck in Clutter (and What You Can Do About it) Part 1Do you hesitate to start a decluttering project because you feel like you don’t have the time or resources to finish it? You might be struggling with an underlying cause...
#603 The Great Freezer Cleanout
#602 How to Sort Through a Loved One’s Belongings After They’re Gone Part 2
602 - How to Sort Through a Loved One's Belongings After They're Gone Part 2Have you ever had a loved one pass and had to navigate the delicate and nuanced situation of going through the items left behind? Sweet friend, you are not alone. Listen to How to Sort Through...
#601 How to Sort Through a Loved One’s Belongings After They’re Gone Part 1
601 - How to Sort Through a Loved One's Belongings After They're Gone Part 1The loss of a loved one is a complicated road to travel. There are many layers to the grief. One of those layers is what to do with the belongings of that loved one once they are gone. In...
#600 Unpacking Money and Clutter: Exploring the Deep Connection Part 2 with Coach Stefania Mariaa
600 - Unpacking Money and Clutter: Exploring the Deep Connection Part 2 with Coach Stefania MariaaWe all have a limited amount of our three greatest resources: time, energy, and money. Do you feel like you could be doing a better job making decisions about how to use...
#599 Between Scarcity to Abundance: Understanding the Spectrum of Financial and Clutter Mindsets with Coach Stefania Mariaa Part 1
599 - Between Scarcity to Abundance: Understanding the Spectrum of Financial and Clutter Mindsets with Coach Stefania Mariaa Part 1 We all have a common struggle with clutter and how it makes us feel – but did you know those same emotions apply to our...
#598 7 Ways to Buy Less in 2024
598 - 7 Ways to Buy Less in 2024Are you ready to start the year with less clutter? This is the episode for you, my friend. As you put away the holiday decorations and look around, you may feel like it’s time to start fresh with some decluttering for the new year....