by kathilipp | Dec 30, 2016 | Blog, Overwhelmed |

24 hours.
That’s how long the marketing experts told us to offer the special pre-order bonuses for Overwhelmed, our new book that officially releases on January 1.
“You have to create a sense of urgency! Otherwise, nobody will buy.”
We almost did what the experts said. We almost ran a high-pressure, TODAY ONLY, Cyber-Monday special.
But at the last minute, we changed our minds.
Well, for one thing, we knew that the last thing our readers needed was us pushing a our “sense of urgency” on them. (If there’s anything overwhelmed women already live with 24/7, it’s a sense of urgency!)
But more than anything, we had a feeling that our readers are just the kind of women to prove the experts wrong.
So, we said “no” to 24 hours of pressure tactics and “yes” to two full weeks of sharing the love, instead.
Your response?
You proved the experts wrong!
We’ve been totally blown away, in the best possible way.
A Gentle Reminder
In just over 24 hours, the December pre-order bonuses will expire. For each and every copy of Overwhelmed you pre-order, you get:
- The “Get Out from Overwhelmed Planner: Do Great Things, Be Less Cranky” + 7 short coaching videos by Kathi
- FIVE of our most popular book titles in ebook format from Book Shout
Getting your freebies is as easy as 1, 2, 3!
1 — Order Overwhelmed from your favorite retailer. (Out of stock right now with your favorite retailer? You can still order now and enjoy your free bonuses while you wait for your book to arrive.)
2 — Fill out this form to receive your bonuses.
3 — Check your email for your bonuses. (Be sure to check those promo or spam folders in case it gets misdirected.)
About Overwhelmed
Feeling overwhelmed? Wondering if it’s possible to move from “out of my mind” to “in control” when you’ve got too many projects on your plate and too much mess in your relationships?
Kathi and Cheri want to show you five surprising reasons why you become stressed, why social media solutions don’t often work, and how you can finally create a plan that works for you. As you identify your underlying hurts, uncover hope, and embrace practical healing, you’ll understand how to…
- trade the to-do list that controls you for a calendar that allows space in your life
- decide whose feedback to forget and whose input to invite
- replace fear of the future with peace in the present
You can simplify and savor your life—guilt free! Clutter, tasks, and relationships may overwhelm you now, but God can help you overcome with grace.
by kathilipp | Dec 27, 2016 | Overwhelmed, Podcast |

Time for a Fresh Start
Overwhelmed co-author, Cheri Gregory joins Kathi to discuss creating a “Fresh Start.” Kathi loves the idea of a “Fresh Start.” As a self-described New Year’s resolution nerd, she has made dozens of resolutions and kept none of them. Kathi and Cheri talk about how resolutions can sometimes set you up for failure. Perhaps a “Fresh Start” might be a better option. You can start it anytime and you can start over whenever needed.
Personal Manifesto
A “Fresh Start” includes a personal manifesto that helps you live out your values. When you know what your values are you can make decisions based on values and not the emotion of the moment or the whims of others. Your personal manifesto is based on who you are and who you aspire to be. It acts as a guide to determine actions and decisions. A manifesto is NOT a resolution. It is who you are and who you are going to become. It is an integrity builder. Kathi and Cheri invite you create your own manifesto. There are tools to help you and you can review their manifestos and many others, check out the download links below.
Some Things to Remember About Creating a Manifesto
- Should be written in the present but is who you aspire to be. Include some of your current positive attributes.
- It is allowed to be changed. It is not forever, it can be updated as you change and grow.
- A manifesto can be as short or long as you need it to be. If you can only think of three things, start there.
Join us again next week as we talk about how to start living out your own personal manifesto. Remember every day is a new opportunity to have a “Fresh Start” and discover who you are and who you want to become.

Creating your personal manifesto is an amazing way to pre-decide how you are going to handle certain people or situations. Check out Kathi and Cheri’s and even a few of our favorites from those that sent them in that have already read Overwhelmed.
Click here to download.
Cheri Gregory is a teacher, speaker, author, and Certified Personality Trainer. Her passion is helping women break free from destructive expectations. She writes and speaks from the conviction that “how to” works best in partnership with “heart, too.”
Cheri is the co-author, with Kathi Lipp, of The Cure for the “Perfect” Life and the upcoming Overwhelmed.
Cheri has been “wife of my youth” to Daniel, her opposite personality, for twenty-eight years and is “Mom” to Annemarie (25) and Jonathon (23), also opposite personalities.
Cheri blogs about perfectionism, people-pleasing, highly sensitive people, and hope at
by kathilipp | Dec 20, 2016 | Christmas, Hard Stuff, Overwhelmed, Podcast, Relationships |

People Plan Options
In this podcast, they talk about three options that can help you when it comes to pre-deciding how you will behave:
- Personal Manifesto – Creating a “personal manifesto” sets up a code of ethics that helps you pre-decide what you need and want and how to ask for it. (Kathi and Cheri’s manifesto can be viewed here)
- Acknowledgment – Acknowledge a pattern and discuss it. Perhaps the person is willing to change or you can change your reaction to their actions.
- Leave – Don’t subject yourself to disrespectful behavior.
Kathi and Cheri run through multiple scenarios to help you pre-plan your responses and help you deal with the overwhelm.
Overwhelmed: How to Quiet the Chaos and Restore Your Sanity
Our new book is NOW AVAILABLE! And only until midnight on December 31, we are offering some amazing freebies. Check out all the details here.
Have you endured the Christmas Party where someone just pushes your buttons and you want to scream? Or the family dinner where Aunt Myrtle points out all the things wrong? We all have challenging people in our lives. Sometimes we can be the challenge. This is when a people plan can help. Pre-deciding how we will behave when we are in those challenging situations helps us be the best person we can be. Kathi and Overwhelmed co-author, Cheri Gregory, discuss various situations where a “people plan” can turn challenging events into less overwhelming situations.
Free Download

Creating your personal manifesto is an amazing way to pre-decide how you are going to handle certain people or situations. Check out Kathi and Cheri’s and even a few of our favorites from those that sent them in that have already read Overwhelmed.
Cheri Gregory is a teacher, speaker, author, and Certified Personality Trainer. Her passion is helping women break free from destructive expectations. She writes and speaks from the conviction that “how to” works best in partnership with “heart, too.”
Cheri is the co-author, with Kathi Lipp, of The Cure for the “Perfect” Life and the upcoming Overwhelmed.
Cheri has been “wife of my youth” to Daniel, her opposite personality, for twenty-eight years and is “Mom” to Annemarie (25) and Jonathon (23), also opposite personalities.
Cheri blogs about perfectionism, people-pleasing, highly sensitive people, and hope at
by kathilipp | Dec 15, 2016 | Blog, Overwhelmed |

HURRY! For this moment ONLY, you can get in on this DEAL OF THE DECADE!! But you must act QUICKLY! No time to think about it! This offer will GO AWAY any nanosecond! Just click, swipe, share and re-tweet RIGHT NOW with 500 of your closest friends! NO ONE WANTS TO MISS OUT!!! If you buy one product you get only one product, but if you buy 27 products you get 2 baby unicorns! ABSOLUTELY FREE! And if you buy 127 products we will give you something so amazing that legally we are not allowed to divulge, but it’s pretty darn fabulous and you WON’T BELIEVE IT’S AWSOMENESS! But only if you act NOW! If you take your next breath it may be TOO LATE!!!! Supplies are LIMITED!!! YOU MUST ACT NOW!!!
Does this seem Overwhelming to you? It does to us as well. So we’re not going to go that route. You have enough people screaming at you. But we do have something to share with you that we are pretty excited about it! There’s no big hurry though. In fact, why don’t you get a cup of your favorite beverage, put your feet up, and we’ll tell you all about it. Go ahead. Don’t worry you won’t miss anything. We will be here when you return.
Got that cup? Good! Take a sip. Relax…
We know how this time of year can be crazy, busy and overwhelming. Though feeling overwhelmed is not strictly reserved for the holidays, that’s for sure! So that makes us very excited about the birth our newest book, Overwhelmed: How to Quiet the Chaos and Restore your Sanity by Kathi Lipp and Cheri Gregory coming in January.
But we want to help you ease into the season with a little more balance and organization, so we’ve bundled some gifts for you early birds! And we chose these intentionally to help you implement your less overwhelmed life now. With your order of Overwhelmed we want to give you:
– A downloadable Overwhelmed calendar/planner (Can we just tell you how awesome this planner is? We have tested many of them and this could be very well be the last planner we will ever need! It’s customizable to fit your personal needs, you print out the pages as you need them, and it incorporates the systems you will learn in Overwhelmed. This planner will get you where you need to go faster! Also included are 5 FREE teaching videos tailored to get your planner up and running and perfect for you!)
– FIVE FREE ebooks (this offer ended 12/31/16) geared to refocus your priorities to live the life you crave. People, this is $80 worth of books for F-R-E-E (and some of Kathi’s favorites handpicked for you!)
– Get Yourself Organized for Christmas
-The What’s for Dinner Solution
-The Cure for the Perfect Life
-The Get Yourself Organized Project
-The Me Project
With these tools, you will feel more on top of this season than ever before. With more peace and joy too! We bet right now you are thinking of a few friends who would love to receive these free gifts, and we want them to as well! We hate for people to miss out because an offer was for one day only, so we want to give you ample time to share with your friends and decide for yourself.
For these next two weeks, December 15-31, we will keep this offer open to you and your friends. Wow! Christmas presents after Christmas even! That’s fun! No pressure. No gimmicks. No limitations. Just a heartfelt thank you for journeying with us on the road to simplifying and savoring life!
Order your copy of Overwhelmed here. Then jump over to to submit your receipt and get your bonuses!
Share with your friends here.
by kathilipp | Dec 13, 2016 | Overwhelmed, Podcast |

Tips for Surviving Survival Mode
No micro-managing! It doesn’t matter if you use pink or purple napkins, you don’t have time to worry about the little things.
It is not going to look pretty. We can’t control everything. Sometimes having things done is better than perfect or the way you would have done it.
We choose to take care of ourselves. Just like on an airplane, put your lifesaving oxygen mask on first so you can help others. If you don’t take care of yourself, you won’t be able to be there for others.
We ask others for help and trust them to get the job done. Let others help you. Just let it go and trust it will be taken care of.
When it’s all just too much, and things still have to get done, you have to just get in the boat! This is not a daily way to live but we all have these times of crisis where we go into survival mode.
Kathi and Overwhelmed co-author, Cheri Gregory discuss tips to help you get through when you have no choice but to kick into survival mode. When you have to narrow your focus and just “Get on the boat” you need permission, strategy and care for yourself! Take the time to listen in and be ready to tackle that next survival mode moment.
From the ends of the earth, I cry to you for help when my heart is overwhelmed. Lead me to the towering rock of safety, for you are my safe refuge, a fortress where my enemies cannot reach me. Psalms 61:2-3 NLT
by kathilipp | Dec 6, 2016 | Overwhelmed, Podcast |

Building a team can be a game changer. Whether it is a family team, a volunteer team, a job team or your own business, learning how to lead and manage a team makes a huge difference. Building a team sets you free to work on the things that only YOU can do. We all need help and building a team provides the help you need in an organized fashion that builds up everyone involved in the team.
Kathi and Overwhelm co-author, Cheri Gregory discuss 4 way to build your team.
- Reciprocal Help – What is overwhelming to you is not overwhelm for someone else. When you trade your talents, everyone uses their talents.
- Interns – Offering training and other perks in return for work is a win/win for all involved if you have the right person in the position. Your kids can be considered interns. You are training them to not need you! You want them to be able to take care of themselves.
- Paid Help – Everyone says they can’t afford paid help but it can actually save you money. It frees you up to work on the most important things. Paid help can be a babysitter, housecleaner, virtual assistant or groundskeeper, etc.
- Cooperative Help – Divide the work. It can be divided between family members, partners, etc.
Listen in and learn how building a team has helped Kathi and Cheri overcome the overwhelm of running a business.
Cheri Gregory is a teacher, speaker, author, and Certified Personality Trainer. Her passion is helping women break free from destructive expectations. She writes and speaks from the conviction that “how to” works best in partnership with “heart, too.”
Cheri is the co-author, with Kathi Lipp, of The Cure for the “Perfect” Life and the upcoming Overwhelmed.
Cheri has been “wife of my youth” to Daniel, her opposite personality, for twenty-eight years and is “Mom” to Annemarie (25) and Jonathon (23), also opposite personalities.
Cheri blogs about perfectionism, people-pleasing, highly sensitive people, and hope at