494: An Abundant Place Celebration and How to Have an At-Home Retreat

494: An Abundant Place Celebration and How to Have an At-Home Retreat

494: An Abundant Place Celebration and How to Have an at Home Retreat for the Woman Who Can’t Get Away


Kathi Lipp is here with friend and co-author, Cheri Gregory, to celebrate the release of their new book of devotionals: An Abundant Place. If you have found yourself overcommitted, overstressed, and in need of a mental getaway, Kathi and Cheri have written this book for you. In this special episode, the pair share their favorite ways to declutter their mental space, prepare for their time with God, and gather their favorite quiet time essentials including:

  • Favorite Beverage
  • Cozy Blanket
  • Furry Friend

Once you have all the things necessary for your retreat with God, sign up for the An Abundant Place Book Club here.

An Abundant Place: Daily Retreats for the Woman Who Can’t Get Away

Have you reached the point where one more thing on your to-do list is one too many? Do you find yourself praying, “Lord, I don’t think I can handle any more stuff?”

Kathi Lipp and Cheri Gregory have been there. They want to encourage you, but even more important, they offer helpful solutions to make your everyday life easier. Get good advice on how to plan ahead, set boundaries with others and yourself, and be more intentional about self-care without the guilt.

Let Kathi and Cheri help you find a place of more joy and abundance, one devotion at a time.

AND if you order your copy of An Abundant Place today, you are still eligible for pre-order bonuses including the An Abundant Place journal and the special podcast series “Devos for Dropouts.”

GIVE-A-WAY ALERT! Kathi and Cheri want you to have the key ingredients to a successful stay-at-home retreat! Leave a comment telling us what stay-at-home retreat item you would adore most, and we will draw two people to win a copy of An Abundant Place, the (In)courage Devotional Bible, as well as all of Kathi’s must-have items for a cozy at-home retreat!

Let’s stay connected

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Meet Our Guest 


Cheri Gregory

Cheri Gregory delights in helping women draw closer to Jesus: the Strength of every tender heart.

Cheri is the co-author of four books, co-host of the Grit ‘n’ Grace podcast, co-leader of the Sensitive and Strong Community Café, and founder of Write Beside You communicator coaching.

Cheri and her college sweetheart, Daniel, have been married for 32 years and live in California near their two adult children.

You can connect with Cheri at CheriGregory.com, SensitiveAndStrong.com, GritNGraceThePodcast.com, and WriteBesideYou.com


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