Have you struggled to keep decluttering right side up while the world turned upside down this year? You are not alone, friend. Kathi and coauthor Cheri Gregory are with us today discussing the common emotions when it comes to clutter, why it’s hard to declutter in a crisis, and how to keep going when it’s hard. Listen in to find out:
- What you can do practically
- How to respond in a healthy manner
- How to dispel the fear
How to Quiet the Chaos and Restore Your Sanity 
Feeling overwhelmed? Wondering if it’s possible to move from “out of my mind” to “in control” when you’ve got too many projects on your plate and too much mess in your relationships?
Kathi and Cheri want to show you five surprising reasons why you become stressed, why social media solutions don’t often work, and how you can finally create a plan that works for you. As you identify your underlying hurts, uncover hope, and embrace practical healing, you’ll become equipped to:
- trade the to-do list that controls you for a calendar that allows space in your life
- decide whose feedback to forget and whose input to invite
- replace fear of the future with peace in the present
You can simplify and savor your life—guilt-free! Clutter, tasks, and relationships may overwhelm you now, but God can help you overcome with grace.
Kathi and Cheri Gregory, co-author of Overwhelmed, get together for this episode for a little discussion regarding the concepts of being overwhelmed and being clutter-free. So often we find that our clutter overwhelms us and that being overwhelmed contributes to our clutter. It can be a vicious cycle.
Kathi and Cheri discuss five steps to keep from getting overwhelmed as you declutter your home, your heart, and your life. Order your copy of Overwhelmed here.
Learn more about Clutter Free for Life.
Giveaway: For a chance to win a copy of both Overwhelmed and The Clutter-Free Home, answer this question in the comments below: What is something you’ve gotten rid of that you never thought you could OR something that you are contemplating getting rid of that’s hard?
We would love to stay connected.
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Meet Our Guest

Cheri Gregory
Cheri Gregory delights in helping women draw closer to Jesus: the Strength of every tender heart.
Cheri is the co-author of four books, co-host of the Grit ‘n’ Grace podcast, co-leader of the Sensitive and Strong Community Café, and founder of Write Beside You communicator coaching.
Cheri and her college sweetheart, Daniel, have been married for 32 years and live in California near their two adult children.
You can connect with Cheri at CheriGregory.com, SensitiveAndStrong.com, GritNGraceThePodcast.com, and WriteBesideYou.com
- #655 Finding Grace in Your Imperfect Space: A Conversation with Hilary Bernstein - February 4, 2025
- #653 Say Goodbye to Insomnia: How Decluttering Can Reboot Your Rest - January 21, 2025
- #652 The Clutter Free Lifestyle: 10 Habits That Actually Work - January 14, 2025
I have a difficult time letting go of things because of feeling guilty about wasting money or the memory behind it. I have two young children, so our house is full of toys and toy pieces. I keep holding on to the pieces knowing the rest of it is somewhere around the house, and if I can find everything, they will play with it or it would be worth something to someone else. I listened to this podcast and decided no more. While it could be worth something altogether or make someone else happy, it keeps my house a mess which means not only am I not happy the rest of the family isn’t either. So, I threw pieces away. I’m so thankful to have found you during this pandemic!
Hi Linda,
Thank you so much for sharing how Clutter Free Academy has helped you. You are the winner for this episode’s giveaway of a copy of Clutter Free and Overwhelmed! Please fill out this form and we will get it to you asap: https://form.jotform.com/200663868431155
Samantha, KL Giveaway Team
I got rid of lots of decorative items and picture frames(some that I inherited from my mom) to a charity. May have been able to use one day since our family is very artistic but we can look for second hand when we actually need it!
Something I’m contemplating getting rid of that is hard is baby clothes and baby toys. I am incredibly sentimental and giving away things feels like giving away memories. I understand the concept of keeping pictures instead od physical items but in this day of digital photos when we no longer have photo albums to flip thru the physical items have much more meaning than they used to. Not that I want albums of clothes and toys to flip thru but we don’t even have albums of special memories.
We just got rid of several boxes of old clothes/shoes/books/decorations that we were “saving” in our shed for nine years!
I am re-homing a wind up clock from my grandmother’s home. As a child, I listened to the ticking and hourly chimes when I stayed with her.
I recently got rid of my sons’ trophies. My son’s are all over 30-years old! It tugged at my heart, but I did it!!
On day one of the kickstart to clutter free challenge, I went through my file cabinet from when I started my teaching career 20 years ago and parted with so many lessons and activity ideas that I’ve been holding onto for many years. Guilt of the paper waste had been holding me back from getting rid of much of it, but realizing most could be found and stored online helped motivate me to clean-out those files. I look forward to using the space to hold more relevant work and items that need to be in hard-copy. (Sewing patterns)
I got rid of a blanket that my grandma made. It is hard to clean and couldn’t have been used until it was cleaned after one of my kids accidentally spilled something on it. I have other things that belonged to her, but for some reason this meant more to me because I remember seeing it in her house. But I realized it was unlikely I would be able to find someone that would make it usable again and let it go.