Author/Speaker Marketing Boot Camp Saturday August 21st in San Jose, CA

A couple of times a year I get the very fun task of teaching the Author Speaker Marketing Boot Camp for CLASS. (Christian Leaders Authors and Speaker Services.)  This seminar is held all over the country, and now, it’s in my hometown.

If you want to be a author, you have to be a speaker (and the other way around). Every publishing house is looking for an author with a platform and want someone who knows how to market their own book. (The days of multi-city book tours and over-paid publicists are a thing of the past.)

If you want a better chance of getting a book published, learning how to market the book, your message, and yourself are critical.

Plus, this workshop is a whole lotta fun.

So if you want to hang out for the day, learn the business side of being an author and speaker, and meet a whole bunch of great writers who are actually doing the whole publishing thing, this is the place to be.

For more info, check out CLASS for the details.