The Mom Project

The not-so-perfect mom's stress free guide to connecting with your kids
Being a mom can be a daunting task. Our kids are each unique in their talents and their challenges. As moms, we want to make a lasting connection with our kids so that they know we’re their person, their safe place to land when the rest of the world seems scary. The Mom Project gives you 21 ways to connect with your kids no matter their ages.
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You’re a Better Parent than You Think You Are

God gave the right parent to the right kid. There are days when this statement couldn’t feel further from the truth. You feel ill-equipped to meet your child’s physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. Because, for the most part, you are. God wants you to rely on him and the people he’s surrounded you with. You are not designed to do this parenting thing alone, even if you are a single parent. There are no gold stars for parents who never ask for help.

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You’ll Learn

How to Replace To-dos with
Meaningful Traditions
How to Identify and Feed
Your Kids’ Passions
Meaningful ways to Connect to Your Kids at Any Age

Praise for
The Mom Project

What real people are saying about the Book and the impact it’s had on their families.
A Great Book for All Parents!

I am always looking for way to connect with my children, especially my oldest who is the type of person that needs that additional time with mom and dad. Sometimes I come up blank on creative ideas for this time, but this book provided me with so many new and creative ideas! I loved the flow of the book and how the author is pushing families and parents to share this additional time together, as it is SO important. This is the type of book that parents can read together, discuss and easily implement, which is most important! All-in-all, this is the type of book that will leave you fulfilled and wanting to jump right into implementing the changes into your own life (or at least I know that I was)!

– Dad of Divas, Top 1000 Amazon Reviewer

Soooooo Connected!

I often find myself trying to connect with my child in ways I enjoy. Really helped learning his personality; expressive, and amiable. When I focused outings and crafts with those traits in mind Noah was more tuned in. My son loves Harry Potter. We made homemade costumes and did our own mini play. Hours of fun! We already love to cook together. Last year we made a pizza garden. I am hoping to refer back when the teen years arrive.

The book is easy to read and funny. Most of all gives you a, “I can do this!”, mentality. Some books of similar nature make feel like a failure or give suggestions that work in the movies not real life. Thanks Kathi for sharing your personal stories.

– Fishermanswife

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