Episode #205-Shaunti Feldhahn and The Ultimate Resource Guide for (trying to be) Awesome Wives

Episode #205-Shaunti Feldhahn and The Ultimate Resource Guide for (trying to be) Awesome Wives


Do you realize the power you have as a wife to change the way your husband walks through this world? How much care and confidence you can give him?

Intimacy is much more than a physical act in your relationship with your husband. For him, it is also emotional.

As we prepare for Proverbs 31 Ministries Online Bible Study of The Husband Project, Erin and I talk with the author of Through a Man’s Eyes: Helping Women Understand the Visual Nature of Men, Shaunti Feldhahn, in order to better understand how men’s brains are wired for intimacy. When we know what is important to men and why, it helps us to better understand how we can best help them to make a stronger marriage.

The Husband Project Online Bible Study starts today, June 20th. Sign up HERE.



Do you want to enjoy a fantastic relationship with your spouse or significant other? Maybe you’ve sincerely tried, but there’s still too much conflict or confusion. Or maybe you have a good relationship, and want it to be great.

Relationships can be transformed when we suddenly “get” something we just didn’t realize before! Below is a sampling of some key “aha moments” about men, women and marriage from Shaunti Feldhahn’s 10 years of research with 10,000 men and women. There are always exceptions, though, so the key is to learn your partner. (Note: this simple overview doesn’t address deep systemic problems such as abuse or addiction.)

Click to download this free resource today! 


Meet Our Guest

Shaunti Feldhahn

Shaunti Feldhahn

Shaunti received her graduate degree from Harvard University and was an analyst on Wall Street before unexpectedly becoming a social researcher and best-selling author.

Today, she applies her analytical skills to investigating eye-opening, life-changing truths about relationships, both at home and in the workplace. Her groundbreaking research-based books, such as For Women Only, have sold more than 2 million copies in 22 languages and are widely read in homes, counseling centers and corporations worldwide.

Where the “Only” series revealed the often-unseen needs of men and women, her multi-year research project, published in The Surprising Secrets of Highly Happy Marriages, investigates the process of what makes great relationships.

Personalize The Husband Project With This Personality Quiz

Personalize The Husband Project With This Personality Quiz

Personalize Husband Project

Friends, we are only a few days away from launching The Husband Project with Proverbs 31 Online Bible Studies. Each relationship and individuals are unique creations, so the Husband Project will look a little bit different from relationship to relationship. We have a fun way for you to personalize the projects in The Husband Project! The projects within the book are flexible enough for you to personalize for your man! Learning more about your guy can knock this experience out of the park for you both.

Download this personality quiz (without telling him why you are doing it, of course!) to find out a little more about your guy so you can make each project a special, intimate experience for you both. You’ll probably learn something new about your man, and maybe even yourself, no matter how long you have been together!


Join us!

If you haven’t signed up yet, please join us for this Online Bible Study! Find out more @ http://proverbs31.org/online-bible-studies/.






Episode #205-Shaunti Feldhahn and The Ultimate Resource Guide for (trying to be) Awesome Wives

Episode #204-REPLAY-Kicking Off The Husband Project with Melissa Taylor at Proverbs 31 Ministries


Are your ready to get intentional about your marriage? In case you missed it! This episode introduces you to how The Husband Project became Proverbs 31 Ministries latest Online Bible Study.

We are so excited to team up with Proverbs 31 Ministries as they feature our very own The Husband Project for their Online Bible Study June 20-July 22.

In this episode I introduce you to Melissa Taylor, Director of Online Bible Studies at Proverbs 31 Ministries. We discuss the upcoming study and the God story that led P31 to Kathi. See how God surprises us with how his plans come together. By being faithful even in times of heartache and closing doors, God has used Melissa to impact the lives of thousands. Hear her story and get ready for The Husband Project Online Bible Study with P31 OBS

Be Sure to sign up for the Online Bible Study HERE!




Get your copy of The Husband Project so you’re ready for the Online Bible Study!

Click here to Purchase

Meet Our Guest

Melissa Taylor, Director of Online Bible Studies at Proverbs 31 Ministries

Melissa Taylor, Director of Online Bible Studies at Proverbs 31 Ministries

Melissa is wife to Jeff & mom to 4 amazing, practically grown kids! She has the best job in the world as the Director of Proverbs 31 Online Bible Studies!

Episode #205-Shaunti Feldhahn and The Ultimate Resource Guide for (trying to be) Awesome Wives

Episode #203-The Husband Project from a Husband’s Point of View


What will your husband think of the The Husband Project? Will he even notice? Will it make a difference?

I interview an expert on being on the receiving end of The Husband Project, my husband Roger Lipp!!!

Since we are taking part in Proverbs 31 Ministries Online Bible Study and our husbands aren’t supposed to know we are doing these small projects, I am asking someone in the know to help us see the project from a husband’s point of view. Roger shares what projects meant the most to him and why as well as some reasons it may seem like your husband isn’t noticing (even though he probably is). 

It’s time for a Giveaway!!!

Back and Front<<<Giveaway Closed>>>

Have you gotten your book yet for the upcoming Online Bible study? If not (or if you want to give one to a friend) enter to win one today! Comment below on what you are most looking forward to or you are most hesitant about in the upcoming weeks. We’ll choose one winner to win a copy of The Husband Project this week!


Episode #205-Shaunti Feldhahn and The Ultimate Resource Guide for (trying to be) Awesome Wives

Episode #202-The Reluctant Wife and the Husband Project with Cheri Gregory

Episode 202-The-Reluctant-Wife-&-The-Husband-Project

Still haven’t signed up for The Husband Project Online Bible Study with Proverbs 31 Ministries?

Too tired? Tired of working on your marriage and not seeing a difference?

 You are not alone…… but before giving up on the idea of joining us on The Husband Project, listen to my conversation with Cheri Gregory. We cover everything from the Chewbacca Mom video to real objections Cheri had about joining Online Bible Study. You’ll laugh, you’ll nod your head, and you’ll leave with at least a little bit of hope. I promise.

Mentioned in the podcast:

The Highly Sensitive Person book

Sensitive: the Untold Story documentary

“HSP—Who, Me?!?” free downloadable assessment

“You’re NOT Too Sensitive: the Strength of a Tender Heart” 10-Day Email series for HSPs

Cheri’s Facebook page for HSP wives doing The Husband Project via Proverbs 31 OBS


Meet Our Guest

Cheri Gregory

Cheri Gregory

Cheri Gregory is a teacher, speaker, author, and Certified Personality Trainer. Her passion is helping women break free from destructive expectations. She writes and speaks from the conviction that “how to” works best in partnership with “heart, too.”

Cheri is the co-author, with Kathi Lipp, of The Cure for the “Perfect” Life and the upcoming Overwhelmed.

Cheri has been “wife of my youth” to Daniel, her opposite personality, for twenty-eight years and is “Mom” to Annemarie (25) and Jonathon (23), also opposite personalities.

Cheri blogs about perfectionism, people-pleasing, highly sensitive people, and hope at www.cherigregory.com.

Episode #205-Shaunti Feldhahn and The Ultimate Resource Guide for (trying to be) Awesome Wives

Episode #201-Kicking Off The Husband Project with Melissa Taylor at Proverbs 31 Ministries


Are your ready to get intentional about your marriage?

We are so excited to team up with Proverbs 31 Ministries as they feature our very own The Husband Project for their Online Bible Study June 20-July 22.

In this episode I introduce you to Melissa Taylor, Director of Online Bible Studies at Proverbs 31 Ministries. We discuss the upcoming study and the God story that led P31 to Kathi. See how God surprises us with how his plans come together. By being faithful even in times of heartache and closing doors, God has used Melissa to impact the lives of thousands. Hear her story and get ready for The Husband Project Online Bible Study with P31 OBS

Be Sure to sign up for the Online Bible Study HERE!


Get your copy of The Husband Project so you’re ready for the Online Bible Study!

Click here to Purchase

Meet Our Guest

Melissa Taylor, Director of Online Bible Studies at Proverbs 31 Ministries

Melissa Taylor, Director of Online Bible Studies at Proverbs 31 Ministries

Melissa is wife to Jeff & mom to 4 amazing, practically grown kids! She has the best job in the world as the Director of Proverbs 31 Online Bible Studies!