
What will your husband think of the The Husband Project? Will he even notice? Will it make a difference?

I interview an expert on being on the receiving end of The Husband Project, my husband Roger Lipp!!!

Since we are taking part in Proverbs 31 Ministries Online Bible Study and our husbands aren’t supposed to know we are doing these small projects, I am asking someone in the know to help us see the project from a husband’s point of view. Roger shares what projects meant the most to him and why as well as some reasons it may seem like your husband isn’t noticing (even though he probably is). 

It’s time for a Giveaway!!!

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Have you gotten your book yet for the upcoming Online Bible study? If not (or if you want to give one to a friend) enter to win one today! Comment below on what you are most looking forward to or you are most hesitant about in the upcoming weeks. We’ll choose one winner to win a copy of The Husband Project this week!