Episode #295: The Top 5 Ways to Declutter Your Kitchen

Decluttering your kitchen could be the hardest area of the house because it is constantly being used. Tonya Kubo is back with Kathi Lipp as they break down their top 5 favorite tips to keep the kitchen free from clutter. How do you organize the real estate on your counter tops? And what about the refrigerator, pantry, cupboards and drawers… so much or so little space that can save you time, money and frustration.
Stop the madness and get in on this freedom we call a clutter free kitchen with the simple, doable tips Kathi and Tonya divulge in this entertaining and revealing episode.
For more great tips, join us on the private Facebook group all about living the clutter free life.
Meet Our Guest

Tonya Kubo
Tonya Kubo is the illustrious, fearless leader of Kathi Lipp’s Clutter-Free Academy Facebook group. She and her husband, Brian, are raising two spirited girls in the agricultural heart of California. She writes about fighting the demons of comparison, clutter and compulsion on www.tonyakubo.com.