by kathilipp | Jun 17, 2016 | Blog, Friday Favorites |

Proverbs 31 Online Bible Study

At Proverbs 31 Online Bible Studies, each of the leaders provide their own insights to most recent bible study. Because they are all different each of the posts are from a completely different perspective and I love their honesty! Since I know many of you are going to be doing The Husband Project Online bible study with me, this is a blog you should definitely be following in the coming weeks! – Recommended by Kathi Lipp
Jennifer Dukes Lee

Jennifer Dukes Lee’s blog offers a great place to watch for God at work in a messy life. She reminds me that I am already loved and pre-approved by God. – Recommended by Mary Lou Caskey
Allison Vesterfelt

Allison Vesterfelt’s blog walks me through how to de-clutter erroneous beliefs and unhealthy emotions. – Recommended by Cheri Gregory
Mary DeMuth

There is a lot in the press right now about sexual assault, abuse, human trafficking. Lots of questions are stirring without a lot of answers. Mary has been dealing with this topic since she was a young girl as a victim of abuse herself. She is real, honest and has some very applicable how to’s surrounding this ever growing issue. She is also incredibly insightful on other topics such as joblessness, hurt at the hand’s of other Christians and raising a family in this crazy world we live in.
Shaunti Feldhahn

From marriage, to raising teens, to being a woman in the workplace, Shaunti gives practical advice from a social science perspective. Shaunti is a researcher with the goal of helping both men and women alike understand their partners and people around them better in order to live in better relationships. – Recommended by Kathi Lipp

The Husband Project- The Online Bible Study with Proverbs 31
Just a few more days to sign up for The Husband Project Proverbs 31 Online Bible Study! If you do not have your book yet, do not worry! Sign up with Proverbs 31 and they’ll send you the first three chapters to hold you over until you get your books.
Sign up>>>
Purchase a book>>>
by kathilipp | Jun 10, 2016 | Blog, Friday Favorites |

Western Cedar Grilling Planks
Roger has been using cedar planks to BBQ our salmon for the past couple of years, and it makes the best salmon I’ve ever tasted. – Recommended by Kathi Lipp

Maranda Enterprises Double Ladderball Game
To make your backyard more enjoyable, get a Ladder Ball that people can enjoy! Multiple players throw attached rubber balls onto bars to rack up points. Fun for all ages and skill levels! – Recommended by Emily Nelson

Trademark Innovations Bean Bag Toss Corn Hole Game Set
Make teams and toss the bean bags into the hole to score big. A bit challenging but exciting to try to get your bag to stay on the board or get in the hole. Even those observing will enjoy the show this creates! – Recommended by Emily Nelson

KanJam Ultimate Disc Game
This is a fun outdoor game for all ages. Gets your family active with healthy fun. Rolls up for easy storage. – Recommended by Robin O’Neal Smith

Mosquito Bits
Tired of picnics being ruined by mosquitoes? Keep the mosquitoes and gnats away without sprays or harmful chemicals. – Recommended by Robin O’Neal Smith

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by kathilipp | Jun 3, 2016 | Blog, Friday Favorites |

Flash: The Homeless Donkey Who Taught Me about Life, Faith, and Second Chances (Adventures of Flash the Donkey) by Rachel Anne Ridge

Roger says my favorite genre of books is “Chicken Lit.” Put a barn animal in between two book covers and I’m a sucker for it. I loved this story of a woman’s life turned upside down by a stubborn donkey and all that she learned from Flash who just wanted to run with the stallions. Delightful and deep. – Recommended by Kathi Lipp
Amazon Link

The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership: Follow Them and People Will Follow You by John C. Maxwell and Steven R. Covey

Leadership guru, author, speaker, and former pastor, John C. Maxwell identifies that which make great leaders great. It is a practical guide for leaders and those who want to be effective ones. – Recommended by Amberly Neese
Amazon Link

Fight Back With Joy: Celebrate More. Regret Less. Stare Down Your Greatest Fears by Margaret Feinberg

Margaret shows how to use joy as a weapon even in the midst of cancer! She demonstrates through personal story in a way that is so encouraging. – Recommended by Mary Lou Caskey
Amazon Link

Will It Fly? How to Test Your Next Business Idea so You Don’t Waste Your Time and Money by Pat Flynn

This book is a series of tests on how to figure out if your idea is sound and will fly with your followers. It has tests that I never thought of and also lots of ideas for newbies. – Recommended by Robin O’Neal Smith
Amazon Link

Armor of God by Priscilla Shirer
I enjoyed daily digging into the study. I was challenged, encouraged and changed. I am grateful. – Recommended by Mary Lou Caskey
Amazon Link

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The Husband Project
What books are you loving right now? In honor of the upcoming Proverbs 31 Online Bible Study, I am giving away a signed copy of my book The Husband Project! Just leave a comment below about what you are loving to read right now and why, OR what you are most looking forward to about the online study. Either way, you’ll be entered to win!
by kathilipp | May 27, 2016 | Blog, Friday Favorites |

Podcasts are one of my favorite things. You can find a podcast on pretty much any topic you want- self-improvement, faith, health, comedy, current affairs, and even the Gilmore Girls. Here are 5 of my and my teams’ favorites right now. What are some of yours? I love finding new gems to listen to so give us your recommendations so we can all join in on the fun!

It’s two guys talking about Gilmore girls. It’s hilarious!
Recommended by Kathi Lipp
Mud Stories is dedicated to bringing you inspiration in your muddiest moments, hope to make it through your mud, and encouragement for you to know that you are not alone. It was an honor to be interviewed by Jacque Watkins!
Recommended by Mary Lou Caskey

I love to listen to Jamie chat with her friends. I feel inspired, encouraged and connected with so many authentic women.
Recommended by Mary Lou Caskey

Michael Hyatt helps you to live with more passion, work with greater focus, and lead with extraordinary influence.
Recommended by Mary Lou Caskey
Dennis Rainey and Bob Lepine interview such interesting guests about faith and family. I appreciate their commitment to help us develop godly marriages and families who change the world one home at a time.
Recommended by Mary Lou Caskey
by kathilipp | May 20, 2016 | Blog, Friday Favorites |

Ask Anna

Anna’s tremendous! I learned how to clean between the glass on my stove. She’s got so many DIY, “figure it out,” etc. If there’s something that you don’t know how to clean, she’ll figure out how to do it. It’s really good! Recommended by Kathi Lipp
Raising Boys and Girls

This is, by far, my favorite parenting blog. Written by Christian child/youth psychologists, Raising Boys and Girls is a practical resource for parents raising kids in today’s world with today’s challenges. They tackle gender-specific issues, basic parenting challenges, and technology with practical tips on how to raise great kids in a difficult world. Recommended by Jessica Fall
The MOB Society

As a mother of two boys (and no girls), this blog is a regular read for me. MOB stands for Mothers of Boys. These gals just capture the joys and challenges specific to raising boys in a way that encourages me to press into the hard work, celebrate all the “boyness” in my house, and stand firm in raising boys who love the Lord. Recommended by Jessica Fall
Steve Wiens

Steve is a fresh, grace-filled voice in Christendom. Not “kitchsy” but real. His desire is for us to become who we were created to be. To find that God is for us, is delighted in us. Often he includes thought-provoking questions and exercises to help us know ourselves better and grow into all that God designed us to be. Recommended by Emily Nelson
Michael Hyatt

How to succeed at work and win at life. Michael provides wonderful uplifting content that helps you be more productive. Recommended by Robin Smith.
Bonus Blog!!
You should follow Proverbs 31!
While you’re there, sign up for the next Online Bible Study, my book, The Husband Project!

by kathilipp | May 13, 2016 | Blog, Friday Favorites |

This mashes potatoes like nothing I have ever used before. It’s spring-loaded. It’s FUN! I look forward to mashing potatoes!
When you need to get a little aggression out, this is the potato masher.
Recommended by Kathi Lipp
Link to purchase

I’ve always had a blender and a food processor, and I hardly ever used either of them. The food processor was so heavy it was a pain to lug and the blender was a pain to clean. The mega kitchen system has one base, a great processor bowl, and great blender/blade combo, and individual cups for blending a single-size smoothie to go.
Recommended by Jessica Fall
Link to Purchase

I love that I can toss frozen chicken breasts into the InstantPot (with salsa to make chicken for taco salad or with chicken broth to make soup) and have dinner ready in about 30 minutes. It has saved me numerous times when I’ve forgotten to plan ahead or plans have changed last minute.
Recommended by Brooke Martinez
Link to Purchase

I cannot live without my cast iron skillet. Reasons include:
1) Cooks beautifully
2) It goes from the stove top to the oven seamlessly
3) It is non-stick
4) No toxic fumes that go along with most non-stick cookware.
Recommended by Amberly Neese
Link to Purchase

I’m a runner and this is an absolute must for my post-run shakes and smoothies. I’ve tried a regular blender and the Ninja and none perform like this one. Absolutely a must for my kitchen.
Recommended by Edith Pont
Link to purchase
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