5 Blogs We Are Loving


Proverbs 31 Online Bible Study

5 Blogs We Are Loving


At Proverbs 31 Online Bible Studies, each of the leaders provide their own insights to most recent bible study. Because they are all different each of the posts are from a completely different perspective and I love their honesty! Since I know many of you are going to be doing The Husband Project Online bible study with me, this is a blog you should definitely be following in the coming weeks! http://proverbs31.org/online-bible-studies/current-study/ – Recommended by Kathi Lipp

Jennifer Dukes Lee

5 Blogs We Are Loving




Jennifer Dukes Lee’s blog offers a great place to watch for God at work in a messy life. She reminds me that I am already loved and pre-approved by God. http://jenniferdukeslee.com – Recommended by Mary Lou Caskey 

Allison Vesterfelt

5 Blogs We Are Loving



Allison Vesterfelt’s blog walks me through how to de-clutter erroneous beliefs and unhealthy emotions. http://allisonfallon.com/Recommended by Cheri Gregory 

Mary DeMuth
5 Blogs We Are Loving



There is a lot in the press right now about sexual assault, abuse, human trafficking. Lots of questions are stirring without a lot of answers. Mary has been dealing with this topic since she was a young girl as a victim of abuse herself. She is real, honest and has some very applicable how to’s surrounding this ever growing issue. She is also incredibly insightful on other topics such as joblessness, hurt at the hand’s of other Christians and raising a family in this crazy world we live in. http://www.marydemuth.com/blog/

Shaunti Feldhahn

5 Blogs We Are Loving



From marriage, to raising teens, to being a woman in the workplace, Shaunti gives practical advice from a social science perspective. Shaunti is a researcher with the goal of helping both men and women alike understand their partners and people around them better in order to live in better relationships. http://www.shaunti.com/blog – Recommended by Kathi Lipp

5 Blogs We Are Loving
The Husband Project- The Online Bible Study with Proverbs 31

Just a few more days to sign up for The Husband Project Proverbs 31 Online Bible Study! If you do not have your book yet, do not worry! Sign up with Proverbs 31 and they’ll send you the first three chapters to hold you over until you get your books.

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