#652 The Clutter Free Lifestyle: 10 Habits That Actually Work

#652 The Clutter Free Lifestyle: 10 Habits That Actually Work

#652 The Clutter Free Lifestyle: 10 Habits That Actually Work

Hey there, friend!

In this encouraging episode of Clutter Free Academy, hosts Kathi Lipp and Tonya Kubo reveal the top 10 habits they’ve developed since embracing a clutter-free lifestyle. This candid conversation offers listeners practical insights into how living clutter-free transforms daily routines and decision-making. 

Listen in as Kathi and Tonya share how to make shopping lists that actually prevent clutter, why online grocery shopping can be a game-changer for staying organized, the mental health benefits of simple habits like making your bed, smart strategies for family dinner organization, how to approach sales and bulk purchases without accumulating clutter, a systematic approach to home organization that reduces decision fatigue and more! 

Join the conversation and get ready to implement life-changing habits that will help you live every day with less clutter and more life.

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Sabbath Soup: Weekly Menus and Rhythms to Make Space for a Day of Rest

Kathi Lipp gives readers an easy-to-follow process for meal planning and prep, so that they can enjoy a full day each week of real rest and refreshment.

Could you use a break from cooking (and everything else) once a week? Not only is rest vital for your mind and body, it’s good for your soul too. God designed us to enter into Sabbath rest one day per week, but as you know, meals still need to be made. Your family still needs to be fed.

Sabbath Soup includes convenient, seasonal meal plans that take the guesswork out of shopping and cooking. More than just a collection of delicious recipes—including main dishes, breads, breakfasts, desserts, salads, sides, and yes, soups—this is your guide to establishing a weekly rhythm and routine of meal planning and prep that allows you to have a true day off.

Do something good for your soul and experience the peace that comes with a full day dedicated to spending time with God, family, and friends. Savor your Sabbath as you proudly proclaim, “Soup’s on!”

Order your copy of Sabbath Soup: Weekly Menus and Rhythms to Make Space for a Day of Rest here.

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Meet Our Guest 


Tonya Kubo

Tonya Kubo is the illustrious and fearless leader of Kathi Lipp’s Clutter Free Academy Facebook group and the Clutter Free for Life membership program. A speaker and writer, Tonya makes her home in the heart of California with her husband, Brian, their two spirited daughters, and one very tolerant cat. Visit her at www.tonyakubo.com.


Tonya Kubo Picture

Kathi Lipp (00:10)
Well, hey friends, welcome to Clutter-Free Academy, where our goal is to help you take small, doable steps to live every day with less clutter and more life. And I am here with the Clutter-Free queen. It is Tonya Kubo. Hey, Tonya. Okay, we don’t often do top 10 lists, but we’re doing a top 10 list today. I, so this is a two-parter. The first part is 10 things I don’t do now that I live clutter-free.

Tonya Kubo (00:24)
Hey Kathi

Kathi Lipp (00:40)
And next week, we’re going to talk about 10 things I do now that I live clutter free. And so I want to talk to you about how your life has changed, the things that you have stopped. And I just realized I told you we were going to do exactly the opposite podcast, but you know what? We’re we’re just fine. We’re just rolling with it. You know, we’re going to live in the moment here. And so I’m going to get us kicked off because I I think

Tonya Kubo (00:53)


Kathi Lipp (01:10)
People would not recognize my life From before clutter free now clutter free has not always I did not say hey I’m gonna start something called clutter free and now I’m gonna change my life like I changed my life and Then I thought I’m not the only one like this I wrote a book called clutter free and then I met my friend Tonya Kubo who seemed like the most put-together human being on the planet, but told me no

Tonya Kubo (01:21)


Kathi Lipp (01:39)
her life was a mess too, and we started to figure all this stuff out together. And what a gift that was because as much as the book helped people, I know that our Clutter-Free Academy, Clutter-Free for Life and this podcast have helped just exponentially more people. I really, people don’t believe that I was cluttery at one point. And I’m like, no, I’m still cluttery at some points, but.

Tonya Kubo (01:57)



still cluttering. Yeah.

Kathi Lipp (02:09)
I’m not afraid

to invite you into my house. So I wanted to talk about what are some key things that look different now than they did when I was clutter free. number one, I don’t save up decluttering for the weekends. And this has been a huge shift for me because I would always think as I’ve…

Tonya Kubo (02:12)


Kathi Lipp (02:32)
pretty much always been a Monday through Friday, nine to five kind of person and who actually works nine to five. Let’s be clear, it’s eight to six. But I’ve pretty much been that person my whole life and I was just so busy during the week that I’m like, I’m just gonna save all this up for the weekends. And I don’t live like that anymore. Like as I am leaving a room, I’m like, are there things I can grab to throw away, to put away, to declutter?

Tonya Kubo (02:39)

Kathi Lipp (03:00)
Is that similar for you?

Tonya Kubo (03:03)
Yeah, I mean, I still think, you know, because my kids are younger, right? Like our house is always in some state of shambles, but you know, little things that I used to on Fridays clean off my desk, for instance. And now it’s just at the end of the day, right? It just is so much easier to take like a handful of stuff at the end of each day than to have to make multiple trips every Friday.

Kathi Lipp (03:06)



It makes such a difference, right? Because I don’t know, there’s just something about like, I’ve saved this up for an entire week. You know, instead of just saying, okay, a little bit of time, a little bit of time, my brain has shifted into small amounts of decluttering instead of huge mountains of decluttering. Okay, so that’s number one. Tonya, we’re going back and forth. Tonya, what’s number two?

Tonya Kubo (03:33)



Kathi Lipp (03:54)
something that you don’t do now that you live clutter-free.

Tonya Kubo (03:57)
Okay, so this might seem silly, but I genuinely used to think unloading the dishwasher took 30 minutes and now I realize it takes about three and a half. So I don’t put off unloading the dishwasher till the weekend. Like seriously, I made it into such a big job in my head and I don’t need more.

Kathi Lipp (04:11)

Yeah, yes,

I feel like doing the dishes could take a half hour if you’ve got a lot of dishes piled up if you have things that need to be soaked like, you know, deep, deep scrub. Right.

Tonya Kubo (04:24)
Right, but I didn’t say doing the dishes, Kathi. I just

said unload the dishwasher.

Kathi Lipp (04:30)
just thinking maybe that’s why your brain was playing tricks on you and here’s what I know is when you when you unload the dishes here’s the magical thing it’s easier to load the dishes I know that seems like it should be obvious but our cluttery people will get that

Tonya Kubo (04:42)

Yeah, no, exactly, exactly.

Kathi Lipp (04:49)
Yeah, okay. Number three, I don’t stand next to the gas pump while it’s filling up. I, okay, so I think a lot of our cluttering friends will get this. I went, those small moments, like just like you were talking about with the microwave, I unload the dishwasher in the two and a half minutes that my, or I at least get it started in the two and a half minutes that my oatmeal is cooking.

Tonya Kubo (05:01)



Kathi Lipp (05:18)

so now I am married to somebody who does quiet contemplation while his coffee is warming up. And I’m like, you know what, we just live different lives. while I’m pumping my gas, I clean out the car. I just grab a few things. I throw them into the garbage. I feel like that’s free garbage. Garbage is such a big deal up here.

Tonya Kubo (05:24)





it is free garbage. I am right there with you.

Kathi Lipp (05:45)
It makes me so happy. I can’t even stand it. Yeah, I’m never somebody who would bring garbage from my house to throw away. I’ve heard of people doing that. I know. But if I’ve got a McDonald’s cup, that that’s going in the garbage while I’m pumping. It is I’m doing all the things and even like our truck takes a long time to fill up. I have been known to we have a like a hand vac in the truck.

Tonya Kubo (05:53)
Right. Mm-hmm.




Kathi Lipp (06:14)
and I’ve been known to like vacuum things out while I’m doing, yeah, it makes me so happy I can’t even stand it. Okay, but I’m doing, what the core concept behind that is it just takes a moment to make a small difference. And like you just said with the unloading dishwasher and even with the, I don’t save up decluttering for the weekends. If I can do a little bit each day, man, the weekends can be for.

Tonya Kubo (06:17)

Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Kathi Lipp (06:42)
fun or bigger projects or things like that. Okay, number four, Tonya, what’s something that you don’t do now that you’re living clutter free?

Tonya Kubo (06:44)

I don’t go shopping when I’m tired, hungry, or frustrated.

Kathi Lipp (06:56)
That’s my favorite time to go shopping. Okay, tell me more. Right.

Tonya Kubo (06:58)
It’s everybody’s favorite time to go shopping.

Right. But I mean, something that I learned early on in my clutter free journey is that when I’m tired, I’m hungry or I’m frustrated, my tolerance, like my my impulse control is lower and my desire to soothe is higher. And so I feel like everything I see at the store is going to make me feel better. And it is not.

Kathi Lipp (07:16)

Mmm, good.


Tonya Kubo (07:26)
to make me feel better. I am still going to leave the store tired, hungry, and frustrated so I may as well just solve those problems before I go.

Kathi Lipp (07:33)
Okay, can I tell you how I’m even worse at this and it’s something I need to correct in my own life. So I go to the store, which is a chore, right? That is an errand. Right. And I feel like because I have done that, even when I was living in San Jose and things were like five minutes, like, look at me checking things off of my list. I deserve a little treat, a little treaty treat. Can we just say that shopping and Target

Tonya Kubo (07:42)
Yeah, it’s a jaunt for you. It’s a jaunt.


Kathi Lipp (08:02)
It’s so much better when you have Starbucks. And so like this is the thinking I have to unpack all the time in my cluttery journey. it just, makes a difference. It makes a difference when you say, and I just, but I try not to go, I pack snacks now in our car so that we are not so tempted.

Tonya Kubo (08:05)
I’m sure it is, I’m sure it is.




Kathi Lipp (08:32)
Like it’s okay every once in a while to go to Starbucks, but you don’t get Starbucks every time you leave the house. Yes, okay. And so tired, hungry, frustrated will lead you to, and here’s the other part of that that I think is you’re so wise because I’ll just throw things in my cart and I’ll say I’ll return them later if I’m frustrated. Like, you know, don’t go shopping for jeans when you’re tired, frustrated or hungry. That’s just the meanest thing you could do to yourself.

Tonya Kubo (08:32)



Kathi Lipp (09:00)
but then I’ll buy all the jeans and then I’m like, now I have to take them back. And then like, I already have a return right now of a shirt and it’s, we’re recording this around Christmas time. And I’m like, the last thing I want to do on earth is go into a store and return a shirt. Like I can’t think of anything I want to do less. Okay. Number five, I don’t leave a room without scanning the room. So.

Tonya Kubo (09:04)



Kathi Lipp (09:27)
What that means is I don’t, I don’t just walk into another room. I will walk into another room, but I will grab the dish that’s on my desk. I will grab the shirt that needs to be returned. Can you tell I’m going through stuff? I will grab the jacket that needs to be hung downstairs. And here’s why I think that this matters. Even if I’m just going into Roger’s office, which is still on the top of the floor.

I’ll move those things to the top of the stairs so that I used to think if I’m gonna do something, I need to do it all the way. And no, I just need to push it forward. I need to push that chore forward. And that makes a huge difference. It’s like, even if I can’t unload the entire dishwasher while my oatmeal is cooking, I’m pushing it forward enough and I’m yelling up to Roger,

Tonya Kubo (10:00)




Kathi Lipp (10:26)
The dishes are clean, I’m just not done yet. And so he knows not to put dirty dishes in there. But if you can push it forward, then the next time you’re reheating your coffee, you can push it forward another minute and you might get it done. And so scanning a room, seeing what can I push into place? Because here’s what I know, if I leave it all until I have time, then I’m gonna spend half a day going up and down the stairs. And that sounds like my worst nightmare, I hate that stuff.

Tonya Kubo (10:29)


Kathi Lipp (10:56)
Yeah, okay. So we have gone through our top five. We’re gonna take a quick break, pay some bills. We’re gonna come back and Tonya is gonna talk about how she doesn’t apologize. I can’t wait to hear about how you do this. Teach me, Obi-Wan. We’ll be right back. Okay, guys, we are back with 10 things I don’t do now that I live clutter free. So Tonya, you say you don’t apologize. For what?

Tonya Kubo (11:23)

apologize for the condition of my house.

Kathi Lipp (11:26)
So tell me more. Tell me how I can get brave and be really like, just come on in.

Tonya Kubo (11:33)
well, just stop doing it. I mean, that’s how I did it, right? It was like a cold turkey. Like, I think there was a bit of a transition of where I would say, I probably should apologize for the state of my house, but I won’t. But I just don’t. And, you know, some people come in and say stuff and some people don’t, and I don’t really care. Because what I realize is we all have a different standard. You know, I used to apologize. And I realized that a lot of people

Kathi Lipp (11:37)



Tonya Kubo (12:03)
Like, first of all, I would apologize after spending hours doing a crisis clean because I knew other people would come in and like, and feel like my house was in complete disarray. And I was like, why am I acting like I didn’t just kill myself to make this house look nicer? And then I got to where, you know what? What do I care? mean, people come in, sometimes people are like, wow, you must be really busy. I am. That’s not untrue. I am really busy.

Kathi Lipp (12:13)

Right, right.

It’s a great friend test, right? Can we hang? Can we hang? Yeah.

Tonya Kubo (12:33)
Mm-hmm. Yeah, but I’m just

like, there’s nothing they could say that’s probably not true to some degree. And I’ve had like repair guys come in, it’s funny, is because the repair guys will come in and our front room doesn’t have flooring. We tore up the flooring and then building costs went up so we have not replaced the flooring. And they’ll go to put the booties on them like, yeah, that’s cute. You don’t have to do that here. And they’ll look around and they’re like, okay.

Kathi Lipp (12:49)
All right. Yeah.

Tonya Kubo (13:01)
Every now and then they’ll say, are you sure? Like, yeah, no, we’re good here.

Kathi Lipp (13:06)

Well, it’s so true. Our lives are all in transition, right? And when you have kids, the amount of day-to-day clutter goes up exponentially. Or maybe you’re in the midst of a big project. You know, I’ll never forget during the launch of Clutter Free, book, the state my house was in. It was like, we can’t take any pictures. And just recently,

Tonya Kubo (13:12)



Kathi Lipp (13:35)
Tenneil who manages our social media said, Kathi, can we get a video of you pushing in a chair? And right now we’re in Christmas crazies. I’m like, it would take me 45 minutes to get to a place to push in a chair. Right, it’s, yeah, because there’s all the fudge making supplies right there, yeah. So are you really, are you using marshmallow fluff in it?

Tonya Kubo (13:45)
No. To push in the chair. You’re like, “‘Cause I can’t get to the chair to push it in.”

Yes, I’m making fudge this weekend too. Anyway, I am.

I am using marshmallow fluff in it. I took a whole class on how to make fudge using marshmallow fluff. It was fun.

Kathi Lipp (14:05)
I saw that I saw that well,

I saw the fudge class. I didn’t know that there was the marshmallow fluff. Yeah, I’m very excited I’m just using a recipe off the internet But as you know, we live next to not next to you know half I don’t know 20 minutes away from a gourmet chocolate shop, which is the only Yeah, they’re a whiner They ship they’re so good but also let’s just say their fudge has gourmet prices and I’m like

Tonya Kubo (14:16)

Little John’s, they ship. Little John’s, you should order from Little John’s.


Kathi Lipp (14:35)
How much would it cost for me to do this? And Roger’s like, we can buy their other stuff. We never have to buy fudge again. And I was like, I’m an indentured fudge servant now. Got it. Okay. Okay. You know what? It’s good. Hey, speaking of fudge, number seven, I don’t buy all the gear for hobbies unless I have a pattern of doing the hobby. Because here’s what I’ve discovered, Tonya. You know what my hobby is? Buying the stuff for hobbies.

Tonya Kubo (14:44)
Yes, I am too.



was gonna say preparing to have a hobby.

Kathi Lipp (15:07)
So here’s what I said, know, like one of the recipes that I am preparing right now called for a candy thermometer. And I’m like, ugh.

Tonya Kubo (15:17)
I need that for the fudge recipe with the marshmallow fluff. You need a candy thermometer.

Kathi Lipp (15:20)
Okay, so here’s what I told

myself if I prepare three recipes right now that don’t require the the thermometer if I if I prepare these three Christmas gift II things then I am allowed to buy a Candy thermometer and I got one by the way Michaels has 30 % off coupons for a while now. So go check that out I got the I think it’s the Wilson one but

Tonya Kubo (15:34)


Kathi Lipp (15:49)
I cannot tell you how many hobbies I’ve invested in and had to keep that stuff because I invest I told myself I’ve invested so heavily I need to keep all this stuff. It just it doesn’t make sense and it’s not the right thing. So I no longer I need to have a pattern of Can I start this hobby with stuff I have or can I start this hobby for less than ten dollars? And if I find that I really enjoy it

Tonya Kubo (15:54)



Kathi Lipp (16:19)
Then I will keep going but I am NOT going to go I’ll just say my history is buying at a professional level and performing at an amateur level like it’s not good

Tonya Kubo (16:30)

know that feeling though. If I have the same paints and brushes that Bob Ross has, I will make the same pictures that Bob Ross made.

Kathi Lipp (16:37)

Right, right.

And you know, our friend Cheri Gregory, friend of the podcast, Cheri Gregory calls it buying to become and I have done that for years and years. Okay, Tonya, number eight.

Tonya Kubo (16:49)

Okay, I kind of stole from you because you said that you scan a room before you leave. Before I go to bed, I make a round through the house specifically for dirty dishes. And here’s my, if I made a round through my house for decluttering, I would never make it to bed. But I can make a pass through my teeny tiny house just for dirty dishes in about 25 minutes. And it makes my life so much easier that

Kathi Lipp (16:58)
Yeah. Yeah.

so smart.

No, of course not.


Tonya Kubo (17:24)
Like, know, because all run into bulls, where are all the bulls? The bulls are in the kids’ room underneath the bed. Why are they underneath the bed? I actually can’t answer that question, but that is where I find them.

Kathi Lipp (17:33)
Okay, Tonya, we are missing a bowl right now. There are just two of us. There are just two of us. This giant glass bowl, we cannot find. Is it under Lily’s bed? That’s my question now.

Tonya Kubo (17:36)
Maybe it’s under my bed!

It’s probably under Lily’s bed, and this is the worst of it, right? Is the way that Abby’s bed works, it sits lower to the ground. So Abby shoves stuff underneath Lily’s bed too. It’s not even all Lily’s fault.

Kathi Lipp (17:52)

Poor Lily. I’m sorry Lily. I did not mean to throw you under the bus bus or the bed Okay, so you do so what 25 minutes that seems like a long time so break that down for me Really okay

Tonya Kubo (18:13)
It’s a lot of dishes in my kid’s room and a lot of

dishes by Mr. Kubo’s desk. So it’s two trips. Two to three trips from the girl’s room, two trips from Brian’s desk and then

Kathi Lipp (18:20)
Got it. So you’re having to make multiple trips. Got it. Okay. And then

And and you’re

loading you’re soaking all that. Okay, that makes more sense. Okay Okay, that makes total sense. And I think doing doing a round of dishes I really feel like when everything else in your life falls apart the two things that you need to stay on top of are dishes and laundry because Mm-hmm. Yeah

Tonya Kubo (18:49)
Yes and I will say just really quickly that 25 minutes

does include a good five minute temper tantrum of my gosh what is growing in this thing.

Kathi Lipp (19:00)
I love it. Yeah, the the the Dishes and laundry if you stay on top of those like I don’t care how crunchy your kitchen floor gets I don’t care, you know at the I would say the third thing but this doesn’t have to be done as Much is staying on top of bills. Those are the important things that if you fall behind on them It’s going to be super painful to recover from them

Tonya Kubo (19:01)
That’s in there too.


Mm-hmm. yeah.


Kathi Lipp (19:25)
But if you can stay on top of those three things, it takes almost the same amount of energy to mop the floor when it’s been a week or five weeks. Like, I don’t want you to have to go five weeks, but if you need to in a crisis, you can. And yeah, and also stay on top of your garbage and recycling. number nine. This is my last thing of things I don’t do now that I live clutter free.

Tonya Kubo (19:37)

Kathi Lipp (19:55)
Okay, I try not to I’m still working through this but I’m much better than I used to be I don’t compare my stuff to my friends stuff so Or stuff on social media. There is always a new thing That would make my life two percent easier or two percent better Not not my entire life if something made my entire life two percent better you bet I’m going to invest in that but like

Tonya Kubo (20:04)

Kathi Lipp (20:25)
Let’s say, know, my, my robot vacuum, there are now robot vacuums that you can control remotely. Like I could be at my mom’s house and now I could get that doesn’t make my life better enough to upgrade my robot. Like my robots fine. We get along. We, she does what she needs to do. I’m sorry. It’s normally a he. I don’t know why I said she, cause I like for all my domestic labor to be he’s.

Tonya Kubo (20:34)

Kathi Lipp (20:55)
Because I just think that’s fair But I Just because somebody else has something that has made their life Infamates Lee better. It doesn’t mean that I need to upgrade it. I I try when I see you wearing a cute sweater I’m not going to say you know what? need that cute sweater. I’m gonna I’m one of things I’m trying to do is go into my own closet

Tonya Kubo (21:09)


Kathi Lipp (21:22)
and see

my own cute sweaters and the things that make me happy. So I’m trying really hard to reframe what my friends have. And also that can be a form of jealousy. I can just say, you know what? I’m really happy that Tonya has that sweater. I think she looks great in it. She’s having fun with it. And it makes me happy to see her in it. And it doesn’t have to be, I don’t have to own it for it to bring me happiness. So trying to stay out of that comparison trap.

Tonya Kubo (21:33)



Kathi Lipp (21:52)
And I’m sure when you go into people’s houses that have floors, that can be hard.

Tonya Kubo (21:57)
I do have floor envy right now, I’m not gonna lie. If you’ve got luxury vinyl plank, I’m eyeballing your floors, let me tell ya.

Kathi Lipp (21:59)
I you do.

And I do have that upstairs and I wrestled over that decision for about two years And I’m so glad we pulled the trigger It’s so painful to get flooring done just because of all the moving and shifting and all that kind of stuff Okay, Tonya round out our list. Give us number ten. All right

Tonya Kubo (22:09)
Yeah, no.

It is.

My cluttery peeps will get this. I no longer gain comfort or security from having full shelves, full drawers, etc.

Kathi Lipp (22:33)
yeah, space scares us, doesn’t it? Yeah.

Tonya Kubo (22:37)
Space is scary because space is scarcity and lack and my gosh what

if I don’t have enough. But if things are full even if they’re full of stuff that you haven’t worn in 22 years you believe you have enough clothes if for some reason they stopped making all clothing.

Kathi Lipp (22:48)


Okay, so Tonya, this is so interesting. A number of people on TikTok and other apps are doing a no buy 2025, right? And the conventional wisdom is declutter your closet so you can see what you have. And then, so you know what you have, because it is, it’s easier to see what you have when you have less stuff in your closet.

Tonya Kubo (23:04)




Kathi Lipp (23:22)
But I heard one woman, I thought this was so interesting. And I’m just gonna throw this out there for your reaction. She goes, I am not decluttering before my 2025. Because when I declutter, I feel like there is empty space. And I feel this urge to fill that space with shopping, with thrifting, with all these other things. So what she is doing is she is.

Tonya Kubo (23:39)

Kathi Lipp (23:50)
putting some of her clothes into another closet, including clothes she likes, so that she will, she remember, I’ve got more stuff. I don’t know, how does that hit you? I thought it was really interesting. Really.

Tonya Kubo (23:53)
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.


I have a friend who does that actually. she has,

yeah, so she boxes up all of her extra stuff, even if it’s in the current season. And she has it all in like the rafters of her garage. But whenever she’s like, I wanna go shopping, she just goes and she takes a box down and she trades out pieces.

Kathi Lipp (24:10)


You know, I think it’s really interesting. And so I’m not saying one way is better than the other. I’m going to try the other closet boxing because yeah, when I pull out all my winter stuff, I’m so happy. I’m like, I never need to go shopping again. And then after about two weeks, I’m like, you know, people are really into these green grandpa sweaters and like, okay, Kathi, stop, stop, stop, stop.

Tonya Kubo (24:50)

see, and I’m the person, I want all of my clothing to be able to fit in this much of my closet. Like, I don’t wanna ever change anything out. I don’t wanna work that hard. I’m just so, like, I don’t wanna say lazy, but really it’s just like, that is just something that takes such a high level of perceived energy for me that I’m like, I’m good.

Kathi Lipp (24:56)
Yes, you.


Okay, see, even within our Cluttery community, we all have our own little quirks. And that’s why it’s okay for you to forge your own path, but think about the wisdom that will get you to the next space in your Clutter-free journey. I hope one of these has inspired you today. Tonya, thanks so much for hanging out with me.

Tonya Kubo (25:18)
We do.

Thanks for having me.

Kathi Lipp (25:37)
And friends, thank you for being here. You’ve been listening to Clutter-Free Academy. I’m Kathi Lipp. Now, go create the clutter-free life you always wanted to live.


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#658 The All or Nothing Trap: Why Good Enough is Good Enough

#658 The All or Nothing Trap: Why Good Enough is Good Enough

In this episode of Clutter Free Academy, host Kathi Lipp is joined by her clutter buddy, Tonya Kubo, to tackle the all-too-common mindset of "if you can't do it right, don't do it at all". Together, they explore how this thinking impacts our homes and hearts, and...

#657 Rediscover Peace: The Psychological Benefits of Decluttering

#657 Rediscover Peace: The Psychological Benefits of Decluttering

In this episode of Clutter Free Academy, host Kathi Lipp is joined by Tonya Kubo to delve into the hidden costs of clutter and how it impacts our lives beyond the physical. They explore the emotional, spiritual, and financial toll that clutter can take and discuss...

#652 The Clutter Free Lifestyle: 10 Habits That Actually Work

#651 10 Surprising Things I No Longer Do as a Clutter-Free Mom

#651 10 Surprising Things I No Longer Do as a Clutter-Free Mom

Hey there, friend!

In this compelling episode of Clutter-Free Academy, hosts Kathi Lipp and Tonya Kubo explore the significant and often surprising habits they’ve relinquished to maintain a clutter-free lifestyle. Listeners will discover insights and practical advice tailored for anyone feeling overwhelmed by household clutter. Whether you’re tired of decluttering only to find the mess back a week later or looking to simplify your daily routine, this episode is for you. 

Listen in as Kathi and Tonya share their journey of transformation, including ditching weekend decluttering marathons and learning to tackle small tasks daily. They emphasize the importance of mindfulness in everyday actions, providing the tools you need to reclaim your living space. 

Join the conversation and get ready to implement life-changing habits that will help you live every day with less clutter and more life.

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    Sabbath Soup: Weekly Menus and Rhythms to Make Space for a Day of Rest

    Kathi Lipp gives readers an easy-to-follow process for meal planning and prep, so that they can enjoy a full day each week of real rest and refreshment.

    Could you use a break from cooking (and everything else) once a week? Not only is rest vital for your mind and body, it’s good for your soul too. God designed us to enter into Sabbath rest one day per week, but as you know, meals still need to be made. Your family still needs to be fed.

    Sabbath Soup includes convenient, seasonal meal plans that take the guesswork out of shopping and cooking. More than just a collection of delicious recipes—including main dishes, breads, breakfasts, desserts, salads, sides, and yes, soups—this is your guide to establishing a weekly rhythm and routine of meal planning and prep that allows you to have a true day off.

    Do something good for your soul and experience the peace that comes with a full day dedicated to spending time with God, family, and friends. Savor your Sabbath as you proudly proclaim, “Soup’s on!”

    Order your copy of Sabbath Soup: Weekly Menus and Rhythms to Make Space for a Day of Rest here.

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    Meet Our Guest 


    Tonya Kubo

    Tonya Kubo is the illustrious and fearless leader of Kathi Lipp’s Clutter Free Academy Facebook group and the Clutter Free for Life membership program. A speaker and writer, Tonya makes her home in the heart of California with her husband, Brian, their two spirited daughters, and one very tolerant cat. Visit her at www.tonyakubo.com.


    Tonya Kubo Picture

    Kathi Lipp (00:10)
    Well, hey friends, welcome to Clutter-Free Academy, where our goal is to help you take small, doable steps to live every day with less clutter and more life. And I am here with the Clutter-Free queen. It is Tonya Kubo. Hey, Tonya. Okay, we don’t often do top 10 lists, but we’re doing a top 10 list today. I, so this is a two-parter. The first part is 10 things I don’t do now that I live clutter-free.

    Tonya Kubo (00:24)
    Hey Kathi

    Kathi Lipp (00:40)
    And next week, we’re going to talk about 10 things I do now that I live clutter free. And so I want to talk to you about how your life has changed, the things that you have stopped. And I just realized I told you we were going to do exactly the opposite podcast, but you know what? We’re we’re just fine. We’re just rolling with it. You know, we’re going to live in the moment here. And so I’m going to get us kicked off because I I think

    Tonya Kubo (00:53)


    Kathi Lipp (01:10)
    People would not recognize my life From before clutter free now clutter free has not always I did not say hey I’m gonna start something called clutter free and now I’m gonna change my life like I changed my life and Then I thought I’m not the only one like this I wrote a book called clutter free and then I met my friend Tonya Kubo who seemed like the most put-together human being on the planet, but told me no

    Tonya Kubo (01:21)


    Kathi Lipp (01:39)
    her life was a mess too, and we started to figure all this stuff out together. And what a gift that was because as much as the book helped people, I know that our Clutter-Free Academy, Clutter-Free for Life and this podcast have helped just exponentially more people. I really, people don’t believe that I was cluttery at one point. And I’m like, no, I’m still cluttery at some points, but.

    Tonya Kubo (01:57)



    still cluttering. Yeah.

    Kathi Lipp (02:09)
    I’m not afraid

    to invite you into my house. So I wanted to talk about what are some key things that look different now than they did when I was clutter free. number one, I don’t save up decluttering for the weekends. And this has been a huge shift for me because I would always think as I’ve…

    Tonya Kubo (02:12)


    Kathi Lipp (02:32)
    pretty much always been a Monday through Friday, nine to five kind of person and who actually works nine to five. Let’s be clear, it’s eight to six. But I’ve pretty much been that person my whole life and I was just so busy during the week that I’m like, I’m just gonna save all this up for the weekends. And I don’t live like that anymore. Like as I am leaving a room, I’m like, are there things I can grab to throw away, to put away, to declutter?

    Tonya Kubo (02:39)

    Kathi Lipp (03:00)
    Is that similar for you?

    Tonya Kubo (03:03)
    Yeah, I mean, I still think, you know, because my kids are younger, right? Like our house is always in some state of shambles, but you know, little things that I used to on Fridays clean off my desk, for instance. And now it’s just at the end of the day, right? It just is so much easier to take like a handful of stuff at the end of each day than to have to make multiple trips every Friday.

    Kathi Lipp (03:06)



    It makes such a difference, right? Because I don’t know, there’s just something about like, I’ve saved this up for an entire week. You know, instead of just saying, okay, a little bit of time, a little bit of time, my brain has shifted into small amounts of decluttering instead of huge mountains of decluttering. Okay, so that’s number one. Tonya, we’re going back and forth. Tonya, what’s number two?

    Tonya Kubo (03:33)



    Kathi Lipp (03:54)
    something that you don’t do now that you live clutter-free.

    Tonya Kubo (03:57)
    Okay, so this might seem silly, but I genuinely used to think unloading the dishwasher took 30 minutes and now I realize it takes about three and a half. So I don’t put off unloading the dishwasher till the weekend. Like seriously, I made it into such a big job in my head and I don’t need more.

    Kathi Lipp (04:11)

    Yeah, yes,

    I feel like doing the dishes could take a half hour if you’ve got a lot of dishes piled up if you have things that need to be soaked like, you know, deep, deep scrub. Right.

    Tonya Kubo (04:24)
    Right, but I didn’t say doing the dishes, Kathi. I just

    said unload the dishwasher.

    Kathi Lipp (04:30)
    just thinking maybe that’s why your brain was playing tricks on you and here’s what I know is when you when you unload the dishes here’s the magical thing it’s easier to load the dishes I know that seems like it should be obvious but our cluttery people will get that

    Tonya Kubo (04:42)

    Yeah, no, exactly, exactly.

    Kathi Lipp (04:49)
    Yeah, okay. Number three, I don’t stand next to the gas pump while it’s filling up. I, okay, so I think a lot of our cluttering friends will get this. I went, those small moments, like just like you were talking about with the microwave, I unload the dishwasher in the two and a half minutes that my, or I at least get it started in the two and a half minutes that my oatmeal is cooking.

    Tonya Kubo (05:01)



    Kathi Lipp (05:18)

    so now I am married to somebody who does quiet contemplation while his coffee is warming up. And I’m like, you know what, we just live different lives. while I’m pumping my gas, I clean out the car. I just grab a few things. I throw them into the garbage. I feel like that’s free garbage. Garbage is such a big deal up here.

    Tonya Kubo (05:24)





    it is free garbage. I am right there with you.

    Kathi Lipp (05:45)
    It makes me so happy. I can’t even stand it. Yeah, I’m never somebody who would bring garbage from my house to throw away. I’ve heard of people doing that. I know. But if I’ve got a McDonald’s cup, that that’s going in the garbage while I’m pumping. It is I’m doing all the things and even like our truck takes a long time to fill up. I have been known to we have a like a hand vac in the truck.

    Tonya Kubo (05:53)
    Right. Mm-hmm.




    Kathi Lipp (06:14)
    and I’ve been known to like vacuum things out while I’m doing, yeah, it makes me so happy I can’t even stand it. Okay, but I’m doing, what the core concept behind that is it just takes a moment to make a small difference. And like you just said with the unloading dishwasher and even with the, I don’t save up decluttering for the weekends. If I can do a little bit each day, man, the weekends can be for.

    Tonya Kubo (06:17)

    Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

    Kathi Lipp (06:42)
    fun or bigger projects or things like that. Okay, number four, Tonya, what’s something that you don’t do now that you’re living clutter free?

    Tonya Kubo (06:44)

    I don’t go shopping when I’m tired, hungry, or frustrated.

    Kathi Lipp (06:56)
    That’s my favorite time to go shopping. Okay, tell me more. Right.

    Tonya Kubo (06:58)
    It’s everybody’s favorite time to go shopping.

    Right. But I mean, something that I learned early on in my clutter free journey is that when I’m tired, I’m hungry or I’m frustrated, my tolerance, like my my impulse control is lower and my desire to soothe is higher. And so I feel like everything I see at the store is going to make me feel better. And it is not.

    Kathi Lipp (07:16)

    Mmm, good.


    Tonya Kubo (07:26)
    to make me feel better. I am still going to leave the store tired, hungry, and frustrated so I may as well just solve those problems before I go.

    Kathi Lipp (07:33)
    Okay, can I tell you how I’m even worse at this and it’s something I need to correct in my own life. So I go to the store, which is a chore, right? That is an errand. Right. And I feel like because I have done that, even when I was living in San Jose and things were like five minutes, like, look at me checking things off of my list. I deserve a little treat, a little treaty treat. Can we just say that shopping and Target

    Tonya Kubo (07:42)
    Yeah, it’s a jaunt for you. It’s a jaunt.


    Kathi Lipp (08:02)
    It’s so much better when you have Starbucks. And so like this is the thinking I have to unpack all the time in my cluttery journey. it just, makes a difference. It makes a difference when you say, and I just, but I try not to go, I pack snacks now in our car so that we are not so tempted.

    Tonya Kubo (08:05)
    I’m sure it is, I’m sure it is.




    Kathi Lipp (08:32)
    Like it’s okay every once in a while to go to Starbucks, but you don’t get Starbucks every time you leave the house. Yes, okay. And so tired, hungry, frustrated will lead you to, and here’s the other part of that that I think is you’re so wise because I’ll just throw things in my cart and I’ll say I’ll return them later if I’m frustrated. Like, you know, don’t go shopping for jeans when you’re tired, frustrated or hungry. That’s just the meanest thing you could do to yourself.

    Tonya Kubo (08:32)



    Kathi Lipp (09:00)
    but then I’ll buy all the jeans and then I’m like, now I have to take them back. And then like, I already have a return right now of a shirt and it’s, we’re recording this around Christmas time. And I’m like, the last thing I want to do on earth is go into a store and return a shirt. Like I can’t think of anything I want to do less. Okay. Number five, I don’t leave a room without scanning the room. So.

    Tonya Kubo (09:04)



    Kathi Lipp (09:27)
    What that means is I don’t, I don’t just walk into another room. I will walk into another room, but I will grab the dish that’s on my desk. I will grab the shirt that needs to be returned. Can you tell I’m going through stuff? I will grab the jacket that needs to be hung downstairs. And here’s why I think that this matters. Even if I’m just going into Roger’s office, which is still on the top of the floor.

    I’ll move those things to the top of the stairs so that I used to think if I’m gonna do something, I need to do it all the way. And no, I just need to push it forward. I need to push that chore forward. And that makes a huge difference. It’s like, even if I can’t unload the entire dishwasher while my oatmeal is cooking, I’m pushing it forward enough and I’m yelling up to Roger,

    Tonya Kubo (10:00)




    Kathi Lipp (10:26)
    The dishes are clean, I’m just not done yet. And so he knows not to put dirty dishes in there. But if you can push it forward, then the next time you’re reheating your coffee, you can push it forward another minute and you might get it done. And so scanning a room, seeing what can I push into place? Because here’s what I know, if I leave it all until I have time, then I’m gonna spend half a day going up and down the stairs. And that sounds like my worst nightmare, I hate that stuff.

    Tonya Kubo (10:29)


    Kathi Lipp (10:56)
    Yeah, okay. So we have gone through our top five. We’re gonna take a quick break, pay some bills. We’re gonna come back and Tonya is gonna talk about how she doesn’t apologize. I can’t wait to hear about how you do this. Teach me, Obi-Wan. We’ll be right back. Okay, guys, we are back with 10 things I don’t do now that I live clutter free. So Tonya, you say you don’t apologize. For what?

    Tonya Kubo (11:23)

    apologize for the condition of my house.

    Kathi Lipp (11:26)
    So tell me more. Tell me how I can get brave and be really like, just come on in.

    Tonya Kubo (11:33)
    well, just stop doing it. I mean, that’s how I did it, right? It was like a cold turkey. Like, I think there was a bit of a transition of where I would say, I probably should apologize for the state of my house, but I won’t. But I just don’t. And, you know, some people come in and say stuff and some people don’t, and I don’t really care. Because what I realize is we all have a different standard. You know, I used to apologize. And I realized that a lot of people

    Kathi Lipp (11:37)



    Tonya Kubo (12:03)
    Like, first of all, I would apologize after spending hours doing a crisis clean because I knew other people would come in and like, and feel like my house was in complete disarray. And I was like, why am I acting like I didn’t just kill myself to make this house look nicer? And then I got to where, you know what? What do I care? mean, people come in, sometimes people are like, wow, you must be really busy. I am. That’s not untrue. I am really busy.

    Kathi Lipp (12:13)

    Right, right.

    It’s a great friend test, right? Can we hang? Can we hang? Yeah.

    Tonya Kubo (12:33)
    Mm-hmm. Yeah, but I’m just

    like, there’s nothing they could say that’s probably not true to some degree. And I’ve had like repair guys come in, it’s funny, is because the repair guys will come in and our front room doesn’t have flooring. We tore up the flooring and then building costs went up so we have not replaced the flooring. And they’ll go to put the booties on them like, yeah, that’s cute. You don’t have to do that here. And they’ll look around and they’re like, okay.

    Kathi Lipp (12:49)
    All right. Yeah.

    Tonya Kubo (13:01)
    Every now and then they’ll say, are you sure? Like, yeah, no, we’re good here.

    Kathi Lipp (13:06)

    Well, it’s so true. Our lives are all in transition, right? And when you have kids, the amount of day-to-day clutter goes up exponentially. Or maybe you’re in the midst of a big project. You know, I’ll never forget during the launch of Clutter Free, book, the state my house was in. It was like, we can’t take any pictures. And just recently,

    Tonya Kubo (13:12)



    Kathi Lipp (13:35)
    Tenneil who manages our social media said, Kathi, can we get a video of you pushing in a chair? And right now we’re in Christmas crazies. I’m like, it would take me 45 minutes to get to a place to push in a chair. Right, it’s, yeah, because there’s all the fudge making supplies right there, yeah. So are you really, are you using marshmallow fluff in it?

    Tonya Kubo (13:45)
    No. To push in the chair. You’re like, “‘Cause I can’t get to the chair to push it in.”

    Yes, I’m making fudge this weekend too. Anyway, I am.

    I am using marshmallow fluff in it. I took a whole class on how to make fudge using marshmallow fluff. It was fun.

    Kathi Lipp (14:05)
    I saw that I saw that well,

    I saw the fudge class. I didn’t know that there was the marshmallow fluff. Yeah, I’m very excited I’m just using a recipe off the internet But as you know, we live next to not next to you know half I don’t know 20 minutes away from a gourmet chocolate shop, which is the only Yeah, they’re a whiner They ship they’re so good but also let’s just say their fudge has gourmet prices and I’m like

    Tonya Kubo (14:16)

    Little John’s, they ship. Little John’s, you should order from Little John’s.


    Kathi Lipp (14:35)
    How much would it cost for me to do this? And Roger’s like, we can buy their other stuff. We never have to buy fudge again. And I was like, I’m an indentured fudge servant now. Got it. Okay. Okay. You know what? It’s good. Hey, speaking of fudge, number seven, I don’t buy all the gear for hobbies unless I have a pattern of doing the hobby. Because here’s what I’ve discovered, Tonya. You know what my hobby is? Buying the stuff for hobbies.

    Tonya Kubo (14:44)
    Yes, I am too.



    was gonna say preparing to have a hobby.

    Kathi Lipp (15:07)
    So here’s what I said, know, like one of the recipes that I am preparing right now called for a candy thermometer. And I’m like, ugh.

    Tonya Kubo (15:17)
    I need that for the fudge recipe with the marshmallow fluff. You need a candy thermometer.

    Kathi Lipp (15:20)
    Okay, so here’s what I told

    myself if I prepare three recipes right now that don’t require the the thermometer if I if I prepare these three Christmas gift II things then I am allowed to buy a Candy thermometer and I got one by the way Michaels has 30 % off coupons for a while now. So go check that out I got the I think it’s the Wilson one but

    Tonya Kubo (15:34)


    Kathi Lipp (15:49)
    I cannot tell you how many hobbies I’ve invested in and had to keep that stuff because I invest I told myself I’ve invested so heavily I need to keep all this stuff. It just it doesn’t make sense and it’s not the right thing. So I no longer I need to have a pattern of Can I start this hobby with stuff I have or can I start this hobby for less than ten dollars? And if I find that I really enjoy it

    Tonya Kubo (15:54)



    Kathi Lipp (16:19)
    Then I will keep going but I am NOT going to go I’ll just say my history is buying at a professional level and performing at an amateur level like it’s not good

    Tonya Kubo (16:30)

    know that feeling though. If I have the same paints and brushes that Bob Ross has, I will make the same pictures that Bob Ross made.

    Kathi Lipp (16:37)

    Right, right.

    And you know, our friend Cheri Gregory, friend of the podcast, Cheri Gregory calls it buying to become and I have done that for years and years. Okay, Tonya, number eight.

    Tonya Kubo (16:49)

    Okay, I kind of stole from you because you said that you scan a room before you leave. Before I go to bed, I make a round through the house specifically for dirty dishes. And here’s my, if I made a round through my house for decluttering, I would never make it to bed. But I can make a pass through my teeny tiny house just for dirty dishes in about 25 minutes. And it makes my life so much easier that

    Kathi Lipp (16:58)
    Yeah. Yeah.

    so smart.

    No, of course not.


    Tonya Kubo (17:24)
    Like, know, because all run into bulls, where are all the bulls? The bulls are in the kids’ room underneath the bed. Why are they underneath the bed? I actually can’t answer that question, but that is where I find them.

    Kathi Lipp (17:33)
    Okay, Tonya, we are missing a bowl right now. There are just two of us. There are just two of us. This giant glass bowl, we cannot find. Is it under Lily’s bed? That’s my question now.

    Tonya Kubo (17:36)
    Maybe it’s under my bed!

    It’s probably under Lily’s bed, and this is the worst of it, right? Is the way that Abby’s bed works, it sits lower to the ground. So Abby shoves stuff underneath Lily’s bed too. It’s not even all Lily’s fault.

    Kathi Lipp (17:52)

    Poor Lily. I’m sorry Lily. I did not mean to throw you under the bus bus or the bed Okay, so you do so what 25 minutes that seems like a long time so break that down for me Really okay

    Tonya Kubo (18:13)
    It’s a lot of dishes in my kid’s room and a lot of

    dishes by Mr. Kubo’s desk. So it’s two trips. Two to three trips from the girl’s room, two trips from Brian’s desk and then

    Kathi Lipp (18:20)
    Got it. So you’re having to make multiple trips. Got it. Okay. And then

    And and you’re

    loading you’re soaking all that. Okay, that makes more sense. Okay Okay, that makes total sense. And I think doing doing a round of dishes I really feel like when everything else in your life falls apart the two things that you need to stay on top of are dishes and laundry because Mm-hmm. Yeah

    Tonya Kubo (18:49)
    Yes and I will say just really quickly that 25 minutes

    does include a good five minute temper tantrum of my gosh what is growing in this thing.

    Kathi Lipp (19:00)
    I love it. Yeah, the the the Dishes and laundry if you stay on top of those like I don’t care how crunchy your kitchen floor gets I don’t care, you know at the I would say the third thing but this doesn’t have to be done as Much is staying on top of bills. Those are the important things that if you fall behind on them It’s going to be super painful to recover from them

    Tonya Kubo (19:01)
    That’s in there too.


    Mm-hmm. yeah.


    Kathi Lipp (19:25)
    But if you can stay on top of those three things, it takes almost the same amount of energy to mop the floor when it’s been a week or five weeks. Like, I don’t want you to have to go five weeks, but if you need to in a crisis, you can. And yeah, and also stay on top of your garbage and recycling. number nine. This is my last thing of things I don’t do now that I live clutter free.

    Tonya Kubo (19:37)

    Kathi Lipp (19:55)
    Okay, I try not to I’m still working through this but I’m much better than I used to be I don’t compare my stuff to my friends stuff so Or stuff on social media. There is always a new thing That would make my life two percent easier or two percent better Not not my entire life if something made my entire life two percent better you bet I’m going to invest in that but like

    Tonya Kubo (20:04)

    Kathi Lipp (20:25)
    Let’s say, know, my, my robot vacuum, there are now robot vacuums that you can control remotely. Like I could be at my mom’s house and now I could get that doesn’t make my life better enough to upgrade my robot. Like my robots fine. We get along. We, she does what she needs to do. I’m sorry. It’s normally a he. I don’t know why I said she, cause I like for all my domestic labor to be he’s.

    Tonya Kubo (20:34)

    Kathi Lipp (20:55)
    Because I just think that’s fair But I Just because somebody else has something that has made their life Infamates Lee better. It doesn’t mean that I need to upgrade it. I I try when I see you wearing a cute sweater I’m not going to say you know what? need that cute sweater. I’m gonna I’m one of things I’m trying to do is go into my own closet

    Tonya Kubo (21:09)


    Kathi Lipp (21:22)
    and see

    my own cute sweaters and the things that make me happy. So I’m trying really hard to reframe what my friends have. And also that can be a form of jealousy. I can just say, you know what? I’m really happy that Tonya has that sweater. I think she looks great in it. She’s having fun with it. And it makes me happy to see her in it. And it doesn’t have to be, I don’t have to own it for it to bring me happiness. So trying to stay out of that comparison trap.

    Tonya Kubo (21:33)



    Kathi Lipp (21:52)
    And I’m sure when you go into people’s houses that have floors, that can be hard.

    Tonya Kubo (21:57)
    I do have floor envy right now, I’m not gonna lie. If you’ve got luxury vinyl plank, I’m eyeballing your floors, let me tell ya.

    Kathi Lipp (21:59)
    I you do.

    And I do have that upstairs and I wrestled over that decision for about two years And I’m so glad we pulled the trigger It’s so painful to get flooring done just because of all the moving and shifting and all that kind of stuff Okay, Tonya round out our list. Give us number ten. All right

    Tonya Kubo (22:09)
    Yeah, no.

    It is.

    My cluttery peeps will get this. I no longer gain comfort or security from having full shelves, full drawers, etc.

    Kathi Lipp (22:33)
    yeah, space scares us, doesn’t it? Yeah.

    Tonya Kubo (22:37)
    Space is scary because space is scarcity and lack and my gosh what

    if I don’t have enough. But if things are full even if they’re full of stuff that you haven’t worn in 22 years you believe you have enough clothes if for some reason they stopped making all clothing.

    Kathi Lipp (22:48)


    Okay, so Tonya, this is so interesting. A number of people on TikTok and other apps are doing a no buy 2025, right? And the conventional wisdom is declutter your closet so you can see what you have. And then, so you know what you have, because it is, it’s easier to see what you have when you have less stuff in your closet.

    Tonya Kubo (23:04)




    Kathi Lipp (23:22)
    But I heard one woman, I thought this was so interesting. And I’m just gonna throw this out there for your reaction. She goes, I am not decluttering before my 2025. Because when I declutter, I feel like there is empty space. And I feel this urge to fill that space with shopping, with thrifting, with all these other things. So what she is doing is she is.

    Tonya Kubo (23:39)

    Kathi Lipp (23:50)
    putting some of her clothes into another closet, including clothes she likes, so that she will, she remember, I’ve got more stuff. I don’t know, how does that hit you? I thought it was really interesting. Really.

    Tonya Kubo (23:53)
    Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.


    I have a friend who does that actually. she has,

    yeah, so she boxes up all of her extra stuff, even if it’s in the current season. And she has it all in like the rafters of her garage. But whenever she’s like, I wanna go shopping, she just goes and she takes a box down and she trades out pieces.

    Kathi Lipp (24:10)


    You know, I think it’s really interesting. And so I’m not saying one way is better than the other. I’m going to try the other closet boxing because yeah, when I pull out all my winter stuff, I’m so happy. I’m like, I never need to go shopping again. And then after about two weeks, I’m like, you know, people are really into these green grandpa sweaters and like, okay, Kathi, stop, stop, stop, stop.

    Tonya Kubo (24:50)

    see, and I’m the person, I want all of my clothing to be able to fit in this much of my closet. Like, I don’t wanna ever change anything out. I don’t wanna work that hard. I’m just so, like, I don’t wanna say lazy, but really it’s just like, that is just something that takes such a high level of perceived energy for me that I’m like, I’m good.

    Kathi Lipp (24:56)
    Yes, you.


    Okay, see, even within our Cluttery community, we all have our own little quirks. And that’s why it’s okay for you to forge your own path, but think about the wisdom that will get you to the next space in your Clutter-free journey. I hope one of these has inspired you today. Tonya, thanks so much for hanging out with me.

    Tonya Kubo (25:18)
    We do.

    Thanks for having me.

    Kathi Lipp (25:37)
    And friends, thank you for being here. You’ve been listening to Clutter-Free Academy. I’m Kathi Lipp. Now, go create the clutter-free life you always wanted to live.


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    • How to conduct a monthly subscription audit
    • The importance of creating a dedicated financial focus hour
    • Strategies for cutting unnecessary expenses

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    Links Mentioned:

    Profit First by Mike Michalowicz

    Mike Michalowicz website

    Clutter Free Resources:

    How did you first realize you needed to change your approach to finances?

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    Meet Our Guest 


    Tonya Kubo

    Tonya Kubo is the illustrious and fearless leader of Kathi Lipp’s Clutter Free Academy Facebook group and the Clutter Free for Life membership program. A speaker and writer, Tonya makes her home in the heart of California with her husband, Brian, their two spirited daughters, and one very tolerant cat. Visit her at www.tonyakubo.com.


    Tonya Kubo Picture

    Kathi Lipp (00:18.316)

    Well, hey friends, welcome to Clutter-Free Academy, where our goal is to help you take small, doable steps to live every day with less clutter and more life. Tonya, we’re gonna talk about money.

    This is an area that I still struggle but feel like I’m doing better every day. What are your feelings towards money?

    Tonya Kubo (00:45.396)

    Well, I would like to have more of it always. like, you know, money is just numbers. It doesn’t really bother me to talk about money. I just would like more of it all the time. Right. Because there’s always something to buy, Kathi. I mean, hello, we are in clutter free Academy here.

    Kathi Lipp (00:48.468)

    Yes, of course.

    Kathi Lipp (00:55.48)

    Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

    Yes. Right. Yes, yes. And I wonder, do you feel like cluttery people? You know, I always feel like I can’t remember what movie, you know, when will it be enough? Just a little bit more. I’m trying to remember. I can’t remember what movie it is, but, you know, when will it be enough? Just a little bit more. And I feel like I can feel that way about the stuff in my house.

    Tonya Kubo (01:14.896)


    Tonya Kubo (01:26.82)


    Kathi Lipp (01:27.064)

    course, I also want it to be less stuff in my house. I just want the right stuff, right? But also finances. you know, this year we’re kicking off, we’re talking about habits that we can develop in our lives in order to really approach the new year empowered. And I feel like especially with financial habits, that empowering is really, really important because we can feel like victims

    Tonya Kubo (01:31.919)


    Kathi Lipp (01:55.624)

    Our not enough or we can feel like no, I’m super clever I can figure this out we can make this work and Roger and I have a ginormous bill to pay off like like ginormous like life-altering amount of money and You know, we knew what we were doing when we did that it was to make improvements to the home and things like that and worse we don’t regret doing it but

    It does feel overwhelming and we’ve had to have a lot of financial discussions about how are we going to take those numbers and aim point, point those dollar bills in a powerful way. And so I wanted to talk about five things that I feel like have been very, very helpful for us and habits that we are getting into in order to gain some of that power back.

    Tonya Kubo (02:27.706)


    Tonya Kubo (02:36.772)


    Tonya Kubo (02:50.544)


    Kathi Lipp (02:50.924)

    And the first thing I’m going to talk about is something that you and I both love. We are passionate about it. It’s the book Profit First. this, yes. Okay. Let me just start off by saying this is a business financial book. So if you’re not a business financial person, you might be like, but why? But Tonya, can you talk a little bit about the principles around Profit First and how they can apply to a home?

    Tonya Kubo (02:54.842)


    Tonya Kubo (02:58.659)


    Tonya Kubo (03:18.788)

    Well, so for me, I mean, the biggest principle of Profit First that I think you can apply to a home is rather than taking what’s left for your family, take what you need for your family first and then alter the what’s left part. So for example, I think a lot of us are reactionary with our finances, right? Like, the power bill is twice what it was last month.

    Kathi Lipp (03:28.501)


    Kathi Lipp (03:34.04)


    Tonya Kubo (03:47.344)

    Okay, well, I guess I’m paying twice what it was. And then at the end, right, we say, I’ve got an extra $50 left over. I guess $50 goes in savings. Whereas, you know, with profit first, when you talk about, so you need to make sure that the very first cut you take is for yourself and then make sure everything else, all your expenses align. The first cut goes to savings because you’re never going to get off the financial hamster wheel.

    Kathi Lipp (03:47.629)


    Kathi Lipp (03:56.024)


    Kathi Lipp (04:04.642)


    Kathi Lipp (04:11.266)


    Tonya Kubo (04:14.672)

    if you don’t start to build that up. And I know, you there was a time in our life where all we could do was say five to $10 a month and that was a huge win. But, you know, at the end of a year, having 120 to $150 set aside was the difference between having to put something on a credit card and being able to pay cash for it.

    Kathi Lipp (04:14.7)


    Kathi Lipp (04:22.968)


    Kathi Lipp (04:38.028)

    Yeah, there were I when we first started this there were months where we put things into savings and later that month have to take it right out and It felt like okay. This is ridiculous. But you know what it made such a difference and Here’s the other thing. It’s so funny. We just did a podcast about hiding food from our family So that they didn’t plow through it. Can we take that same principle and talk about money with?

    Tonya Kubo (04:47.726)

    Right back out, yeah.

    Tonya Kubo (04:55.151)


    Tonya Kubo (05:03.408)


    Kathi Lipp (05:07.414)

    Miss Kathi Lipp because if I see that it’s available I feel like we that’s just my brain right and I don’t want to be the wee person but one of the things that we did as a family for our business was set up different accounts so that we never saw the money that the money wasn’t there because the money had been Allotted for something different and that’s what we had to do it

    Tonya Kubo (05:08.994)

    Tonya Kubo (05:15.408)


    Tonya Kubo (05:24.399)


    Tonya Kubo (05:34.916)


    Kathi Lipp (05:37.142)

    So you guys the book profit first is on sale right now for like 11 bucks I don’t know what it will be when we you know broadcast this but It’s not a huge investment. It’s very easy and some people are like, well, isn’t this kind of like the envelope method? It is like the envelope method But it’s you we we’ve set up a number of different accounts and we could do that for free in our with our bank

    Tonya Kubo (05:46.405)


    Kathi Lipp (06:04.96)

    And if we couldn’t, we might’ve switched banks. We’ve actually got some accounts that are at a totally different credit union, because that’s what makes sense for us. But you can absolutely transfer this. And guys, you’re recommending a finance book, Kathi. If finances are a struggle, I highly recommend this, because everybody I have recommended it to, they swear by it. They swear by it. It makes a lot of difference.

    Tonya Kubo (06:13.264)


    Tonya Kubo (06:27.738)


    Kathi Lipp (06:32.95)

    So yes, the savings first transfer. What are the other categories that you need to pay? Everybody has that weird category that other people don’t have, but you know, you can start to guess what your categories are gonna be. And Tonya, Roger and I, when we borrowed some money against our own house, I will say we were not as careful with that money as we needed to be.

    Tonya Kubo (06:50.032)


    Kathi Lipp (07:02.57)

    Electric bill was insane insane and we were always too busy to figure out what was going on and We knew you know after doing that for too long We sat down and we had to figure out what is going on here and we did some investigation and not only Not only did we figure out turning the heater on for moose is costing us. I’m not even joking

    Tonya Kubo (07:05.818)


    Tonya Kubo (07:11.472)


    Tonya Kubo (07:20.346)


    Kathi Lipp (07:31.266)

    hundreds of dollars a month. Like you guys, it was crazy. But also we found out that we qualified for a program through PG &E, our electric company, that drastically reduced our bill. And then we also qualified for another program where we’re going to get free Tesla backup batteries for our house because Roger’s on a CPAP.

    Tonya Kubo (07:32.56)


    Tonya Kubo (07:41.465)


    Tonya Kubo (07:55.13)


    Kathi Lipp (07:57.634)

    Like until you start investigating these things, you don’t know. And when you’re not paying attention to your budget, it’s very easy to just keep paying, paying, paying and never get ahead. And guys, we want you to get ahead. We want this to be something that we want you to win. And so we want you to feel the squeeze. And when you start to say, okay, if I reduce this bill, I have a little bit more money to play with over here and making savings a priority.

    Tonya Kubo (08:00.698)


    Tonya Kubo (08:06.672)


    Tonya Kubo (08:16.016)


    Kathi Lipp (08:27.552)

    Okay, number two, weekly budget check-in. Just are you somehow checking your budget to just see what is going on? Roger and I call this Monday Monies and Munchies, where we look forward to it because we’re gonna eat something amazing, but we also, know, money is a hard subject and…

    Tonya Kubo (08:44.985)


    Tonya Kubo (08:51.055)


    Kathi Lipp (08:56.386)

    You know, Roger and I don’t fight, but neither of us like dealing with the money. It’s not fun. So how do you check in on your budget, Tonya?

    Tonya Kubo (09:01.274)


    Tonya Kubo (09:05.74)

    Yeah, so I’m fully responsible for the finances in our house. So while I do try to sit down with Brian, because I think it’s important that he knows what we’re spending, how much we spend and what we spend it on, he has zero desire or interest in any of it. So I have to be really short, really to the point. I have a good friend though. She and her husband do a Costco date on Fridays.

    Kathi Lipp (09:09.729)


    Kathi Lipp (09:16.33)

    Mm-hmm. Right.

    Kathi Lipp (09:24.504)


    Tonya Kubo (09:32.176)

    They just, don’t go to Costco to shop. They just go to the Costco food court. They each get hot dogs or a slice of pizza. And that’s when they do their finances. And I think that is brilliant at Costco.

    Kathi Lipp (09:36.79)


    Okay. Okay.

    Kathi Lipp (09:44.472)

    At Costco. That’s wild. They bring their laptops? Or phones? Okay. Mm-hmm.

    Tonya Kubo (09:50.616)

    No, she does everything in a notebook. And so she’s in charge of the family finances. They’re a single income household. Her job is being a good steward of his paycheck. Like that’s how they do it. And so she sits down and the way she looks at it is just like if she was a CFO and she’s meeting with the CEO, like this is what I’m doing with the money and this is what I think we should do. And these are some questions I have and that’s what they do. And it works really well for them. And she says, she’s like, don’t like, he doesn’t.

    Kathi Lipp (10:01.282)

    Got it, okay.

    Kathi Lipp (10:08.782)


    Tonya Kubo (10:20.496)

    really care what I do with his paycheck, as long as there are certain things that are important to him that he gets. She’s like, I could stockpile it all the way for Christmas and he’s not going to care. But I think it’s important to check in. Yeah. So I think it’s fascinating.

    Kathi Lipp (10:25.421)


    Kathi Lipp (10:31.118)

    But he just wants, yeah. You know, as long as Roger has his favorite brand of salsa, we’re pretty much good to go, you know? But as soon as it dips below his favorite form of salsa, we’re gonna have a deep discussion, yeah. Okay.

    Tonya Kubo (10:39.748)

    Mm-hmm. Yeah.

    Tonya Kubo (10:50.328)

    Right, right. If you’ve got to go to off-brand salsa, you might have to dig deeper.

    Kathi Lipp (10:54.158)

    Times are desperate, right? Okay, guys, we’re gonna take a quick break and we’re gonna come back and we’re gonna talk about something that both Tonya and I are super passionate about when it comes to finances. So you’re not gonna wanna miss this. We’ll be right back.

    Okay guys, we are back. We’ve talked about two financial habits. Read Profit First or listen to it on audio. I listen to it on audio about, I would say every 18 months and it gets me excited about it again. Number two, weekly budget check-in. Make sure that you know where that money is going. Number three, we both love this. You know it. It’s Low Buy July.

    Tonya Kubo (11:23.152)


    Kathi Lipp (11:37.858)

    Tonya, talk a little bit about your passion behind Low by July.

    Tonya Kubo (11:42.778)

    Well, what I love about, I mean, for us, it started off like out of necessity, first of all, right? So I was going to, yeah. And I think what we can do is we can link a couple of episodes that are about Low Buy July in the show notes. But ultimately, the idea is to reduce your discretionary spending as much as possible. So we’re not talking about living in dark.

    Kathi Lipp (11:48.288)

    Right. Explain what it is. Explain what it… Okay. Okay, good. I want to make sure.

    Kathi Lipp (11:57.634)

    Yes. Right.

    Tonya Kubo (12:10.724)

    like and not turning on your lights because you’re not allowed to pay the power bill this month. We’re just talking about, can you minimize the impulse purchases? Can you spend an extra week before you go back to the grocery store? Can you fill up your tank one less time this month? you know, because you’re driving fewer places, that’s really what low by July is about. And what I, we initially started it out of necessity, like I said, because Brian didn’t used to get a paycheck in August.

    Kathi Lipp (12:11.437)


    Kathi Lipp (12:40.162)


    Tonya Kubo (12:40.3)

    And while I am an almost equal contributor to the household these days, there was a time where I was like, he was bringing in about three-fourths what I brought in, but we still needed his three-fourths a lot. So having that one check now come in was really tough. And so I needed to make July’s money stretch as long as possible. And that was how we did it. Now I like it cause it’s a reset because after Christmas,

    Kathi Lipp (12:54.09)

    Right? 100%. Yeah.

    Kathi Lipp (13:02.017)


    Kathi Lipp (13:07.021)


    Tonya Kubo (13:07.972)

    For us at least, Christmas feels like an excess. We are doing a ton of traveling. We’re very busy, so there’s a lot of eating out. And that carries over into January. We’ve got birthdays in January and then all the things. And then it’s usually around May where I’m like, whoa, whoa, whoa. Like there’s less going into savings than there used to be. Like all this stuff is happening. And so then in July, it’s an opportunity to reset. It’s an opportunity for us to go, okay, what do we really wanna be doing with our money?

    Kathi Lipp (13:25.804)


    Kathi Lipp (13:30.06)


    Tonya Kubo (13:37.804)

    It’s an opportunity to be looking at where the money’s going. You know, are we spending more here than we used to? If that’s the case, where can we take that from? And what should be our financial priorities moving forward? I feel like in our household, it is hard to proactively talk about financial priorities in a month where it feels like we’re doing a lot of spending. So Low Buy July for us is a great time for that. How about you?

    Kathi Lipp (14:00.268)


    And it may you know what I love is You know our budget has historically had enough a little bit of room that we don’t have to It we can’t we do but we don’t have to look at the sales flyers. We don’t have to plan our meals around what’s on sale and July resets that

    Tonya Kubo (14:22.01)


    Tonya Kubo (14:27.888)


    Kathi Lipp (14:31.384)

    for me, I get out of good habits. And you know, so in July, I take Amazon off my phone. take, you know, I’m trying to eat down what we have in our pantry, which is a really good time for us because we want to make sure that the things we stocked up on last year are not hanging around too long.

    Tonya Kubo (14:39.696)


    Tonya Kubo (14:57.741)


    Kathi Lipp (14:58.81)

    So, you know, that’s what we want to be able to do. And I notice that we start to save a lot more money in the fall because I’m out of that impulse habit. And again, with cluttery people, impulsivity is something that we know, it’s our best asset. It also can be our biggest struggle. And so, you know, Roger loves when I say

    Tonya Kubo (15:20.91)


    Kathi Lipp (15:24.344)

    Hey, let’s drive to town and get a Starbucks and I probably do that twice a year. So it’s fun to be impulsive, but also, you know, we need to tame that because that’s not a sustainable way of living. And at some point we’re going to retire. At some point, we’re not going to have the income that we do. And I want to be able to enjoy my life without regrets. Okay. Number four, monthly subscription audit. Okay, Tonya.

    Tonya Kubo (15:28.89)


    Tonya Kubo (15:48.026)


    Tonya Kubo (15:53.7)

    Mm-hmm. Okay.

    Kathi Lipp (15:53.742)

    I’m very proud of myself. have gone, well, okay, I should be ashamed of how many monthly subscriptions I have let sneak into our house, our household budget, but I’m not gonna go with the shame. I’m gonna go with the victory that I, over the past two months, I’ve been auditing, like as things come up and I’m like, okay, we’re not watching Brit Box. Okay, we don’t need.

    Tonya Kubo (16:04.688)


    Tonya Kubo (16:09.487)


    Tonya Kubo (16:16.89)


    Kathi Lipp (16:23.464)

    Apple we don’t need an Apple TV subscription year-round You know I ours so I have been canceling monthly subscriptions or yearly subscriptions But every month I’m doing an audit and seeing you know now a lot of companies are telling you hey this subscription is renewing in a week and So I’m being very proactive to go and cancel that I’m searching through

    Tonya Kubo (16:28.048)


    Tonya Kubo (16:46.608)


    Kathi Lipp (16:52.406)

    are Wells Fargo statements and saying, is there anything else? I’m looking in places like Google Play or PayPal and saying, what’s coming out that I don’t really need for it to come out anymore. And you know, I love when there are some subscriptions I have and I love and I use, and I’m great with that.

    But it’s the one that I’ve kind of fallen out of the habits on that is, it’s been great. And I just did a total. So I asked AI, here are all the subscriptions I have canceled. Tell me what my annual savings are. And for the subscriptions that I’ve canceled over the past several months, we are saving annually $670.

    Tonya Kubo (17:30.661)


    Tonya Kubo (17:47.982)


    Kathi Lipp (17:49.058)

    That’s not a small, it’s not an insignificant amount of money. It’s a huge amount of money. And so, like I have a Costco membership, I have a Sam’s membership. I will always pay for the, well, don’t know if I’ll always, but for now, I have no problem paying for those, because I use them enough, it makes sense. But these little things that can creep in, they make a difference when they’re all adding up. Tonya, how do you,

    Tonya Kubo (18:15.822)


    Kathi Lipp (18:17.579)

    Are you good about this stuff? Do you struggle? Do your kids have subscriptions?

    Tonya Kubo (18:21.136)

    Well, think, yeah, so I think for us, you know, as a household, like Brian is responsible for entertainment, right? So they’re like, oftentimes I’m just like, okay, so help me understand why we have Peacock and Apple and Hulu and blah, blah, blah, blah. You know, and he’ll say, well, know, Abby likes this show. It’s only on that channel. It’s only on that service, this service, that service.

    Kathi Lipp (18:33.486)


    Kathi Lipp (18:42.456)


    Tonya Kubo (18:48.868)

    But what I do find is the channels included with certain services change a lot. And so it’s worth always looking at that to say, hey, because I remember I cannot tell you what it is because it’s not a show I watch, but there was some show that we had a service and it was because that was the only way you could watch the show. But then that became available with like our cable subscription. And so we ended up knocking off like 30 bucks a month.

    Kathi Lipp (18:55.63)


    Kathi Lipp (19:13.911)


    Tonya Kubo (19:17.98)

    one year just by evaluating what services got access to which shows. And even if we decide, you know, we want to watch a show or pay to watch like a single show, it’s cheaper over the course of the year than it is to subscribe to these services. And I am, so I have to look quarterly because things sneak in. I’m like, I’m a big fan of,

    Kathi Lipp (19:35.565)


    Tonya Kubo (19:42.064)

    client or a friend launches some low cost thing and it’s nine dollars a month. And that’s all I’m like, yeah, I’ll support you. But, you know, nine dollars a month times five suddenly is a forty five dollar a month thing. So I have to do that. And then this year, I’ve really been looking at my business expenses and seeing where I can cut there, because the less business expenses I have, the more profit I can take that I then put into my family’s account.

    Kathi Lipp (19:52.961)

    It’s so true.

    Kathi Lipp (20:10.734)

    100 % and we have to keep on top of those things. So do that audit. Then number five, a financial focus hour. So this is something that Roger and I are doing. Now we’ve talked about body doubling that I am much more focused when I know Roger is focusing on something adjacent to what I’m focusing on. So one thing that we’re doing now,

    Tonya Kubo (20:15.62)


    Tonya Kubo (20:37.103)


    Kathi Lipp (20:40.366)

    is Roger is spending that hour looking at more of our high-level finances. Like, do we need to move something around? It makes it sound very, do we need to move money around? You know, we’re not that bougie, but would it make sense? He’s, you know, one of the things he’s doing this week is checking with a financial advisor through work to see what we should be doing. Well, I’m doing more of the low-level stuff, like,

    What’s a loss leader at Safeway this week? Yeah, but they’re both contributing to our financial future in our home. And so is there something that you could be doing? Now you say you are primarily responsible for finances in your house. How often do you check in on your finances?

    Tonya Kubo (21:11.792)


    Tonya Kubo (21:30.256)

    So I check in twice a month. So I do a budget check weekly and then I’m checking in on other deeper dives about twice a month. Because there’s things that Brian subscribes to that I don’t know about and I have to ask questions and it’s just easier to ask questions when there’s two versus when there’s five.

    Kathi Lipp (21:40.75)


    Kathi Lipp (21:44.692)

    Right. Yeah. Yes. Right. Absolutely. And now are when you are checking in on those things, is it because, you know, Brian gets paid twice a month or is it is there a reason behind it or it just works for you?

    Tonya Kubo (22:03.564)

    Yeah, so for us, so Brian only gets paid once a month. And I have to tell you, I miss my university days where we both got paid the same day. And then it was just a matter of making the money last. So part of why I check in is because it helps me understand how much I need to pay myself because I pay myself like every other week. That way that that’s like groceries and stuff like that. So it helps me go, OK, so, you know, where am I at? Because I do control

    Kathi Lipp (22:11.905)



    Kathi Lipp (22:21.955)


    Tonya Kubo (22:32.844)

    my own income so that I can save money so that I can offset lean times. But there’s sometimes, like for instance, we had a phone bill that was double what we usually spend. Actually, no, was three times what we usually spend. know, and Brian can’t just suddenly like make that up. That’s just not the nature of his line of work. So it was nice for me to be able to say, okay, well, I have that in my backup that I can then pull over.

    Kathi Lipp (22:34.904)


    Kathi Lipp (22:39.137)


    Kathi Lipp (22:46.85)


    Kathi Lipp (22:52.054)

    Right? Yeah.

    Tonya Kubo (23:00.068)

    But if I wasn’t checking, if I was only checking once a month, that would have, I would not have recognized that.

    Kathi Lipp (23:00.206)


    Kathi Lipp (23:06.668)

    Yeah. Okay, guys, we’re gonna go over these financial habits again. Don’t try to implement everything at once, but think about what could you easily put into your lifestyle? Put it on your calendar so that it comes up and helps you. I want your financial freedom to be at the forefront of your mind because this is something we all need to be paying attention to. And I’ll tell you,

    us cluttery people have a hard time with it. And I don’t want this to be a source of contention in your relationships or for you. I want you to take care of your future self. So number one, check out the book Profit First. We don’t earn commission from you doing this. We just want you to be financially healthy. Two, weekly budget check. This is to just check in, you know, do you…

    Check into your accounts. Make sure you know where your money is going. Number three, join us for Low Buy July. You can do this over at Clutterfree Academy, Kathi Lipp’s Clutterfree Academy on Facebook. We do it every year. We would love to have you over there. Four, monthly subscription audit. See what you’re actually paying for over and over on repeat. They make it very easy for you to not see that being on repeat. And we want you to make the…

    Tonya Kubo (24:25.232)


    Kathi Lipp (24:27.946)

    Invisible visible and it will help you take care of your finances and then finally Financial focus hour is is there somebody else you’re sharing finances with where you can each take a piece of it and do a deeper dive Because it’s gonna help you save money Tonya. This has been great and it’s been very unscary, which I really like Yay And friends, thank you for being here. You’ve been listening to Clutter Free Academy. I’m Kathi lip now

    Tonya Kubo (24:48.482)


    Kathi Lipp (24:57.708)

    Go create the clutter free life you’ve always wanted to live.

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    Do you look at your home and feel overwhelmed by the mess, but the thought of a full-day cleaning marathon makes you want to hide under the covers?

    Well, you’re not alone!

    In this episode of Clutter Free Academy, Kathi Lipp and Tonya Kubo dive deep into practical, achievable cleaning strategies that work for real people with real lives. They break down five key habits that can transform how you approach home maintenance, proving that keeping a clean home doesn’t have to be overwhelming or impossible.

    Listeners will discover:

    • The “patch cleaning” method: Cleaning small areas instead of waiting to do everything at once
    • How to implement a nightly kitchen reset
    • The room-by-room rotation cleaning approach
    • How to avoid the all-or-nothing cleaning mindset

    Listeners will come away with actionable strategies to maintain a cleaner home without feeling stressed or overwhelmed. The episode is a refreshing take on home maintenance that prioritizes realistic, achievable goals over perfection.

    Order your copy of Sabbath Soup here and sign up to receive your free ebook featuring four week’s worth of easy meal plans and delicious recipes.

    Click here to be notified when the next podcast episode is released!

    Also, stay up to date and sign up here to receive our newsletter.

    Sabbath Soup: Weekly Menus and Rhythms to Make Space for a Day of Rest

    Kathi Lipp gives readers an easy-to-follow process for meal planning and prep, so that they can enjoy a full day each week of real rest and refreshment.

    Could you use a break from cooking (and everything else) once a week? Not only is rest vital for your mind and body, it’s good for your soul too. God designed us to enter into Sabbath rest one day per week, but as you know, meals still need to be made. Your family still needs to be fed.

    Sabbath Soup includes convenient, seasonal meal plans that take the guesswork out of shopping and cooking. More than just a collection of delicious recipes—including main dishes, breads, breakfasts, desserts, salads, sides, and yes, soups—this is your guide to establishing a weekly rhythm and routine of meal planning and prep that allows you to have a true day off.

    Do something good for your soul and experience the peace that comes with a full day dedicated to spending time with God, family, and friends. Savor your Sabbath as you proudly proclaim, “Soup’s on!”

    Order your copy of Sabbath Soup: Weekly Menus and Rhythms to Make Space for a Day of Rest here.

    Clutter Free Resources:

    How do you balance cleaning with other life responsibilities?

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    Meet Our Guest 


    Tonya Kubo

    Tonya Kubo is the illustrious and fearless leader of Kathi Lipp’s Clutter Free Academy Facebook group and the Clutter Free for Life membership program. A speaker and writer, Tonya makes her home in the heart of California with her husband, Brian, their two spirited daughters, and one very tolerant cat. Visit her at www.tonyakubo.com.


    Tonya Kubo Picture
    Kathi Lipp (00:19.512)

    Well, hey friends, welcome to Clutter Free Academy where our goal is to help you take small doable steps to live every day with less clutter and more life. And I am back. We are with our five daily habits for 2025 and it’s with Tonya Kubo. Hey Tonya.

    Tonya Kubo (00:37.018)

    Hey there, Kathi.

    Kathi Lipp (00:38.638)

    I know you have a very, very, very businessy podcast. How does it feel to do a very business podcast? And then we’re talking about how to clean toilets and how to organize your sock drawer. Like, do you feel like you get whiplash between your podcasts?

    Tonya Kubo (00:56.859)

    especially since the recording days are the same usually. But yeah, it’s kind of fun. It’s kind of fun to have such a difference.

    Kathi Lipp (01:00.552)

    no, I didn’t know that.

    You get to use very, yeah, you get to use very different parts of your brain. Yeah. OK, well, we are back and we are talking about a subject that we don’t talk about very often, and that is cleaning. some people, people always tell me I have a cleaning podcast and I’m like, no, I do not have a cleaning podcast. That’s that’s not who I am. But I have a decluttering podcast and you have to get, you know.

    Tonya Kubo (01:10.714)

    That is true.

    Tonya Kubo (01:27.683)


    Tonya Kubo (01:32.057)


    Kathi Lipp (01:34.164)

    It’s it’s great to declutter before you clean. So you actually have something to clean but I will be honest with you One i’m much better about cleaning than I used to be and two I do have somebody who comes twice a month that does like all the floors all the the you know, the big scrubs, you know, she’s the one who is Down on her hands and knees for the bathtub like that. That just is not my favorite thing. And so i’ve

    Tonya Kubo (02:02.97)


    Kathi Lipp (02:04.072)

    I’ve decided to exchange a certain amount of money to not have to do that. And by the way, her name is Kelly and she is, she has become a wonderful friend and she loves to clean. Like she says, you know, every once in a while I just can’t sleep. So I get up and clean. I’m like, that has never ever happened to me. No, no. But here’s, here’s what I know. Two things. One.

    Tonya Kubo (02:22.566)

    Happened to me in my entire life, Kathi Lipp. Never.

    Kathi Lipp (02:32.942)

    Kelly is not here every day, which makes me very sad. I wish she was here every day. My life would be so much better if Kelly was here every day, but that is not our lives. Also, there are times when Kelly can’t come. We had a five month period this year where it was me and Roger, because she had some shoulder surgery, so it was up to us.

    Tonya Kubo (02:37.904)


    Kathi Lipp (03:00.972)

    For most of my life, it’s been up to me. And so I’ve had to learn some things and I know that one of the things that really gets me, don’t, tell me if you play these mental games. First of all, one of my mental games when it comes to cleaning is, well, it’s not really dirty. I’m gonna wait till it’s really dirty, cause I’ll feel so much satisfaction when it’s clean. Has that, that, right? my goodness. my goodness. Then I also think,

    Tonya Kubo (03:22.981)

    Instant gratification!

    Kathi Lipp (03:31.246)

    it’s so dirty. It’s going to take so long. I don’t have enough time. And so I can’t do it. I swing wildly between those two things and have for years and am just now coming to terms with how to deal with it. And I feel like I had a massive breakthrough today that I I’m going to share with us on number two, but no, yes, number two. Yes. But let me do number one first.

    Tonya Kubo (03:35.76)


    Tonya Kubo (03:44.326)


    Kathi Lipp (03:57.45)

    I feel like this is the secret tip that we hear everybody talk about, but it really has made the biggest difference in my life. And that is making my bed. I know, okay, what’s your face, Tonya?

    Tonya Kubo (04:12.518)

    no, I’m sorry. Yes, making your bed is not something we do here in the Kubo household. It is not, yeah.

    Kathi Lipp (04:19.712)

    Okay, that’s okay. Maybe it has a different psychological effect on different people. Here’s how I think about making my bed. One, I have just made at least a quarter of my room, like decluttered and clean in two minutes. So that makes me super happy. Two, Roger loves getting into a made bed. I like it. He loves it. And he is, I will say,

    Tonya Kubo (04:26.533)

    Ha ha ha.

    Tonya Kubo (04:44.282)


    Kathi Lipp (04:49.646)

    Probably 50 % of the time the bedmaker in our house and was not that way when we got married so and then Three it’s a surface that I can fold clothes on It is a surface that I can do projects on for some reason that helps me but that two-minute win Clicks off my day. Is there something like that? That is like, okay if I do this I feel better about the rest of my house

    Tonya Kubo (04:52.909)


    Tonya Kubo (05:02.714)


    Tonya Kubo (05:18.632)

    yeah, for me it’s cleaning off the kitchen table. Like, Brian will tell you hands down, the state of the kitchen table has a direct correlation to my mental health.

    Kathi Lipp (05:21.29)

    Okay, yeah.

    Kathi Lipp (05:29.926)

    Interesting. Okay. Okay. It is the opposite for me. Like it has no correlation to my mental health. So that is fascinating. That is fascinating. So you know, whatever that is for you, that cleaning habit that feels like it kicks off all the other things. Make that happen. Okay, number two, this is where I feel like I had my big aha moment today.

    Tonya Kubo (05:37.845)

    Yeah, no, for me it’s the kitchen table.

    Tonya Kubo (05:54.85)

    Okay, we want to hear it, Kathi. We want to hear it.

    Kathi Lipp (05:58.146)

    patch at a time and Let me explain what that means because it means nothing to you right now So you’ve been in my upstairs bathroom. We did a beautiful remodel on that bathroom It makes me so happy every time I go in there the one thing that maybe if I could change on that remodel Would be the floor. I don’t know if you remember the floor it is it’s like

    Tonya Kubo (06:02.47)


    Tonya Kubo (06:20.571)


    Tonya Kubo (06:24.76)

    I just know it heats up and I love that about it.

    Kathi Lipp (06:27.402)

    Okay, yes, I’m sorry. I’m saying the wrong thing. That floor I love. It’s the shower floor that Yeah, so it is like a pebbly thing and it gets these spots on them and so I bought a tool that is basically a scrubber. It’s a it’s a scrubber that swirls around and it’s electric

    Tonya Kubo (06:34.642)


    Kathi Lipp (06:57.046)

    So it’s almost like a mop, but it’s a scrubber. But I’m always telling myself I don’t have time to do the entire thing, right? So it just goes on with the spots and it just never looks exactly right. So this morning I’m like, I’m just gonna do six square inches. I’m just gonna do six square inches. And then tomorrow I can do another six square inches because I never seem to have a morning where it’s like,

    Tonya Kubo (06:59.546)


    Tonya Kubo (07:19.846)


    Kathi Lipp (07:26.54)

    wow, this is a morning where I have lots of time to clean. Like that morning has not materialized in my life. So I did the six square inches and I’m like, that was easier than I remember. So I did another six square inches and I did another and it took me about four whole minutes to clean the shower floor. But I was okay with just doing the six square inches today and then tomorrow doing another six square inches.

    Tonya Kubo (07:40.693)


    Tonya Kubo (07:55.183)


    Kathi Lipp (07:55.82)

    And we talked about this with decluttering on our last podcast that all or nothing feeling that all like I have to do the whole kitchen counter. Well, no, you don’t actually have to do the whole kitchen counter. You know, do you do you feel like you don’t clean because you feel like you have to do the kitchen sink, the kitchen counter, the stovetop? It all has to be done at once. And I have come more to a rotation theory like

    Tonya Kubo (08:01.84)


    Tonya Kubo (08:08.325)


    Tonya Kubo (08:18.896)


    Kathi Lipp (08:26.146)

    I can clean the sink after we do dishes at night and then that’ll be great. I can also do the counters after we do dishes, but maybe I’ll do the stovetop in the morning because I’ll have a little bit more time to do that. I think it’s okay. Not everything has to be clean all at the same time. You know, there are two days a year where that has to happen Christmas and Thanksgiving because you have people coming over. Everything else is optional.

    Tonya Kubo (08:39.354)


    Kathi Lipp (08:55.883)

    Is there anything that you do by patches? know you do your kitchen counter decluttering by patches anything else like in the cleaning realm?

    Tonya Kubo (09:01.584)


    Well, like my bathroom is always done in patches. Like I focus on one aspect of the bathroom every day. So, so like the bathroom sink only gets like cleaned once a week. You know, that’s like one example, like do I clear it off? Do I take a baby wipe and wipe it down sometimes? Sure. But there’s like one day a week where it’s like, okay, like yesterday was the day, which is why it’s fresh in my mind. I clean that.

    Kathi Lipp (09:07.512)


    Kathi Lipp (09:11.182)


    Kathi Lipp (09:17.97)

    Mmm, okay, yeah.

    Kathi Lipp (09:26.562)

    Yeah. Yeah.

    Kathi Lipp (09:32.3)


    Tonya Kubo (09:33.734)

    the bathtub about once a week, once every other week, because we don’t take a lot of baths. So over there, tends to be the dust. But it’s just every day I go, what needs to be done here?

    Kathi Lipp (09:38.179)


    Kathi Lipp (09:41.9)

    Yes, absolutely.

    Kathi Lipp (09:46.838)

    Right and you know, I hear these people online who talk about I just have my routine every day and I do the exact same thing So that my kitchen is always in perfect order that will never be me. It will never ever be me That is not the life I live And so i’m okay with that

    Tonya Kubo (09:53.318)

    Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

    Tonya Kubo (10:03.62)

    Yeah, I think it just, it just depends. Like it depends on a lot, right? Like I know people who genuinely cannot fall asleep at night if they know there’s a dirty dish in their sink. There are a lot of things, Kathi, that keep me up at night. Dirty dishes in my sink is just not one of them.

    Kathi Lipp (10:13.591)


    Kathi Lipp (10:17.878)

    Yes. Yes.

    Kathi Lipp (10:24.138)

    It’s not one of them. It is not one of them. so, and it’s okay if you’re that person like Kelly who cleans my house, that’s her. And she has skills that I do not have. I wish that I had been born with some of those skills. I just don’t have them. But you know, the reason you want to be clean, one is because yeah, we want it to look nice. We want it to feel nice. But two, we’re trying to keep people alive, you know? So like things that keep people alive.

    Tonya Kubo (10:29.53)


    Tonya Kubo (10:48.944)


    Kathi Lipp (10:52.014)

    You know, disinfecting the counters, disinfecting the sink. Like those things are important to me, but having a spotless refrigerator every day of the year is not as important to me. I do it on a, you know, at least once a month I’m going in there kind of cleaning things out. If there’s a spill, I’m cleaning it up. But I’m just trying to be realistic with the life I actually live and keeping on top of it. Okay. Number three.

    Tonya Kubo (10:58.0)


    Tonya Kubo (11:09.733)


    Kathi Lipp (11:19.754)

    A nightly kitchen reset. you know, we’ve talked about this before. Roger does the dishes. I, I clean the kitchen. And so I am just doing a spritz and swipe, you know, spritz, spritz, swipe it down spritz. It’s not like a deep cleaning on TikTok all the time. There are these videos of people going in with steam cleaners. like, what are you doing? Are you butchering in your kitchen? Like, why do you need that deep of a clean?

    Tonya Kubo (11:32.07)


    Tonya Kubo (11:36.229)


    Kathi Lipp (11:50.094)

    The other thing that I like to do is I am going back to number two patch at a time if there’s something on the floor I’m getting out the Swiffer mop and I’m just doing that spot and You know, it’s I’m not doing a full kitchen mop all the time. I we just don’t live that kind of life We did at one point, especially when we had two small kids in the golden retriever There was a lot of mopping going on. But now it’s more getting that

    Tonya Kubo (11:55.108)


    Tonya Kubo (12:02.223)


    Tonya Kubo (12:08.048)



    Tonya Kubo (12:14.703)


    Kathi Lipp (12:19.086)

    But the nightly kitchen reset is just putting things away It’s wiping things down and then maybe one extra thing like yesterday I noticed that the inside of the microwave was not great So it was wiping that down or maybe the front of the refrigerator. I don’t know I don’t know how it happens, but it’s usually after I’ve been cooking for a while I go to Open up the refrigerator. I’m like, why does that handle?

    Tonya Kubo (12:33.712)


    Kathi Lipp (12:48.61)

    Feel crumbly like that’s not a good feeling so i’m just gonna do that But i’m not gonna do usually all of that at the same time So there is a bit of a reset, but it’s not a full reset every night So for you, it’s the kitchen table Do you have in your perfect world? Is the kitchen table completely cleared off or is there something on it? It’s it’s a flat surface that makes you

    Tonya Kubo (12:50.406)


    Tonya Kubo (13:00.846)


    Tonya Kubo (13:05.007)


    Tonya Kubo (13:10.02)


    Tonya Kubo (13:13.59)

    It is naked! I want a naked kitchen table.

    Kathi Lipp (13:18.182)

    I love it so much. Okay, we’re gonna take a quick break. We’re gonna come back with our last two things like, is one of these a habit that you could pull out for 2025? Because even if you can incorporate one of these things into your routine, it’s gonna make your life so much better. Okay, we’ll be right back.

    Okay, we are back with our five habits for 2025. Okay, number four, a bathroom wipe down. So you said that you don’t like wipe down everything every night. I do tend to do that because we are dirty, filthy pigs, Tonya. I don’t know what it is, but the toothpaste, the grimy, I don’t know what it is. We’re just gross.

    Tonya Kubo (13:51.974)


    Tonya Kubo (14:03.47)

    Yeah, so here’s my problem, right, with wiping things down is I’m the first person who goes to bed. I go to bed a good two hours before anybody else in my house. So I used to have a routine where I would wipe everything down. You know, I’d wipe down the kitchen, wipe down, because I don’t wash the dishes either. Let’s be very honest about this. Like that’s a Brian thing. But you know, I’d go in, wipe down the kitchen, wipe down the bathroom. But what would happen is I will wake up and there will be toothpaste

    Kathi Lipp (14:13.527)


    Kathi Lipp (14:17.74)

    Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Mm-hmm.

    Tonya Kubo (14:32.376)

    like hanging off the edges of the sink because three people brushed their teeth after I went to bed and I got very grumpy waking up in the morning to a sink that did not look like it did when I went to bed that night.

    Kathi Lipp (14:34.888)


    Kathi Lipp (14:41.342)

    Right, right.

    Kathi Lipp (14:50.208)

    Right, right, right, right. We also have another issue that you have experienced. If I don’t wipe down that sink on a regular basis, it turns blue. And that’s not the color I want for my sink. We have copper and yeah, we’ve got something, I don’t know. It’s.

    Tonya Kubo (15:07.876)

    I was like, I would describe it as a teal, but let’s not have the blush versus bashful argument on the show. But it is, yeah, it’s kind of a pretty blue-green, but not really what you’re looking for with the house.

    Kathi Lipp (15:11.085)


    Kathi Lipp (15:14.9)

    Right, yeah, it’s not the color.

    It’s beautiful. Not what I’m looking for. Yes, absolutely. So I do tend to wipe those things down and yeah, I do like to wake up to a clean sink too. Now it’s harder for you because you have four people in your bathroom. I just have Roger and Roger’s neater than me. Let’s just be honest.

    Tonya Kubo (15:25.861)


    Tonya Kubo (15:34.882)

    Yes, four people, one bathroom.

    Tonya Kubo (15:39.662)

    And I will say one thing I do twice a day, right? Before I go to bed and then when I wake up in the morning is I pick up all the things that have been left on the floor in the bathroom and I put those in the dirty laundry. Cause most of it it’s like towels. Why can nobody put their pants and their underpants in the hamper? I don’t know, but I’m picking up everybody’s pants, putting them where they go.

    Kathi Lipp (15:49.056)

    Mm-hmm. Mm, yeah, smart.

    Kathi Lipp (16:07.027)

    bless their hearts, we love them. We love them so much.

    Tonya Kubo (16:08.677)

    We do love them. But, you know, I don’t want to trip over stuff.

    Kathi Lipp (16:14.063)

    Yep, I totally get it. Okay. Number five Is a room by room rotation So I don’t do this perfectly but I do it pretty much every day where i’m just going to go spend Five to 15 minutes cleaning something up now one thing I do have and some people might consider this a luxury. I consider it a necessity I have a set of cleaning supplies on each floor so

    Tonya Kubo (16:22.63)


    Tonya Kubo (16:41.762)


    Kathi Lipp (16:43.686)

    In upstairs, have all the toilet cleaner. Well, let’s be honest, in each bathroom, I have toilet bowl cleaner. I have the wipe down stuff. I have the shower cleaner. I also have on each floor of the house, my handy vac and a vacuum. And that makes a huge difference because if I had to take a vacuum up and down the stairs, nothing would ever happen. It would never happen. It just would not happen.

    Tonya Kubo (16:51.354)


    Tonya Kubo (17:07.568)


    Kathi Lipp (17:11.872)

    And so I have those supplies on each floor and I have supplies like we have a set of supplies in our bathroom and then in our other bathroom. And that makes a difference. But I just spend five to 15 minutes in a different room. Now we have a couple of rooms that we don’t use pretty regularly and I’ve closed those off. So I don’t really count those, but we have the kitchen, the living room, the dining room, our bedroom, my office, Roger’s office and all the bathrooms.

    Tonya Kubo (17:21.274)


    Kathi Lipp (17:41.71)

    You know every day I’ll just pick a room that’s like making me a little insane and just spend five to fifteen minutes like Roger’s Office bathroom I can clean that whole thing in about five minutes. It’s it’s the world’s smallest bathroom. It doesn’t have a shower or anything like that. But you know my bathroom that’s gonna take you know I’m not gonna spend a half hour 45 minutes on it

    Tonya Kubo (17:47.236)


    Tonya Kubo (17:56.238)

    Right. Yes. Yeah.

    Kathi Lipp (18:08.386)

    I’m just gonna do 15 minutes to get it back into fighting order. Now, if you’re cleaning your whole house and you have a huge house, you’re gonna need to dedicate more time to that. But Roger is very invested in the happy marriage and me and him, by the way, like every minute I’m cleaning, he would be cleaning too, because that’s just how our marriage works. And he doesn’t wanna spend all that time cleaning on Saturdays either.

    Tonya Kubo (18:12.367)


    Tonya Kubo (18:18.926)


    Tonya Kubo (18:28.368)


    Tonya Kubo (18:34.394)


    Kathi Lipp (18:34.478)

    That’s not what he wants to be doing either. And so we’ve decided this investment for us. And by the way, it’s a lot less expensive here than it is other parts of the country. I’m not going to lie. We’re very grateful. And we forced her to take raises because we’re like, you’re actually worth more than you’re charging. So Tonya, any cleaning things that are a habit for you that I, I should have mentioned, but I didn’t because I don’t know the secret life of Tonya Kubo.

    Tonya Kubo (18:44.218)


    Tonya Kubo (18:48.162)


    Tonya Kubo (19:01.99)

    Well, I think so for me a lot of it has to do with splitting up the labor, which I think we’ve covered but I would just like to Yeah Well because they’re splitting up the labor between people but also between sessions I think a lot of us claim the way that we were taught and some of us were never taught anything, right? So So it’s this hodgepodge of things, but you don’t actually

    Kathi Lipp (19:10.166)

    We can never talk about it enough. We can never talk about it enough.

    Kathi Lipp (19:22.688)

    Mmm. Right. Right.

    Tonya Kubo (19:30.874)

    have to mop right after you sweep. You could sweep before bed and mop first thing in the morning.

    Kathi Lipp (19:33.89)

    That’s true. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yes, yes. You just want to do it before the grime builds up.

    Tonya Kubo (19:42.902)

    Right. But I mean, that’s a possibility. There have been asked there have been times in my life because there’s been times in my life, like when I was in grad school and working full time and Abby was too, we had a housekeeper. But there have been times in my life where I could I had time to fill the mop bucket and I had time to like mop. But if I had to sweep before I did it, it wasn’t going to happen. So I have mopped a gross, dirty floor that has not been swept and just said, you know what?

    Kathi Lipp (19:44.696)


    Kathi Lipp (20:07.138)


    Yeah, right?

    Tonya Kubo (20:12.41)

    Whatever ends up in the mop water ends up in the mop water. I’ll dump it out. I’ll sweep afterward. Like, you know, you just have to decide what the priority is. There are days I would prefer personally that we clean the entire fridge, that we empty out the fridge, clean it, wipe down all the shelves prior to going grocery shopping. That would be my perfect scenario. Sometimes, however, all we have time to do is like clear out the leftover containers.

    Kathi Lipp (20:17.56)


    Kathi Lipp (20:31.214)


    Kathi Lipp (20:34.904)


    Kathi Lipp (20:42.316)

    Yeah, yeah.

    Tonya Kubo (20:43.398)

    And I only have time to wipe down the fridge maybe once a week, once a month, once every other month, who knows? So I think those are some things that we need to give ourselves grace to do what works for us right now. I know a lot of our Clutter Free for Life members, because we talk a little bit more about cleaning there, not because it’s a cleaning program, but just we just go deeper in that program. And I know a lot of members, hear like

    Kathi Lipp (21:06.979)


    Tonya Kubo (21:10.97)

    They hear a parent voice in their head scolding them for being lazy, for being a slob, know, all these ugly names. And so I just think we need to be kind to ourselves and understand that going back to the beginning, right, waiting until it gets super grimy and where we can feel that satisfaction, that actually isn’t kind to ourselves.

    Kathi Lipp (21:14.412)


    Kathi Lipp (21:22.179)


    Kathi Lipp (21:28.43)


    Kathi Lipp (21:33.834)

    It’s not. And you know what? You should listen to those voices if they’re coming over to your house to clean. If they’re showing up with their mop and bucket, go off clean. You can clean however you want. But also, this is why I don’t micromanage how Roger cleans, which is different than how I clean, because different things are important to him. I’m just grateful it’s getting done. I’m grateful. And he’s grateful it’s getting done when I do it. And that’s a beautiful thing.

    Tonya Kubo (21:40.006)


    Tonya Kubo (21:46.548)


    Tonya Kubo (21:53.232)


    Kathi Lipp (22:03.266)

    The last thing I’m going to say is when you are feeling really stressed and really behind the two things I would really encourage you to stay on top of if at all possible, it’s laundry and dishes. Like those are the things that are harder. They’re harder if you let them go. And so I, I want you to be able to come downstairs if you live upstairs, you know, and there is room to put dishes in your sink.

    Tonya Kubo (22:10.618)


    Tonya Kubo (22:16.261)


    Tonya Kubo (22:21.008)


    Tonya Kubo (22:28.208)


    Kathi Lipp (22:32.184)

    There is room to put dishes if you have a dishwasher. You don’t have to go hunting for clothes. So stay on top of those routines because a dirty floor takes kind of the same amount of time unless it’s really, really bad. But I just want you to be able to live in peace with the processes you have. Tonya, this has been so good. Thank you so much.

    Tonya Kubo (22:39.735)


    Tonya Kubo (22:56.934)

    Thanks for having this conversation. This is a good one.

    Kathi Lipp (23:00.074)

    Yeah, I needed to hear it today too. And friends, thank you for being here. And if you’re feeling behind on cleaning, just know that you are going to be okay. Start to put some little routines into your life that are going to take care of your future self, because that’s what we’re about. You’ve been listening to Clutter-Free Academy. I’m Kathi Lipp. Now, go create the clutter-free life you’ve always wanted to live.

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    Hey there, friends! Have you ever stared into your kitchen at 5 pm, wondering what on earth you’re going to make for dinner?

    In this eye-opening episode of Clutter Free Academy, Kathi Lipp and Tonya Kubo dive deep into the world of meal preparation, offering listeners a lifeline to more organized and stress-free cooking. Drawing from their own experiences of kitchen chaos, they share seven transformative habits that can turn even the most overwhelmed home cook into a meal prep master.

    Listener will discover:

    • Practical strategies for meal planning that actually work
    • Techniques to reduce dinnertime stress and save time and money
    • Insights for families with diverse dietary needs and preferences

    Whether you’re a busy parent, a working professional, or someone who dreads cooking, this episode offers practical, achievable strategies to transform your kitchen experience.

    Order your copy of Sabbath Soup here and sign up to receive your free ebook featuring four week’s worth of easy meal plans and delicious recipes.

    Click here to be notified when the next podcast episode is released!

    Also, stay up to date and sign up here to receive our newsletter.

    Sabbath Soup: Weekly Menus and Rhythms to Make Space for a Day of Rest

    Kathi Lipp gives readers an easy-to-follow process for meal planning and prep, so that they can enjoy a full day each week of real rest and refreshment.

    Could you use a break from cooking (and everything else) once a week? Not only is rest vital for your mind and body, it’s good for your soul too. God designed us to enter into Sabbath rest one day per week, but as you know, meals still need to be made. Your family still needs to be fed.

    Sabbath Soup includes convenient, seasonal meal plans that take the guesswork out of shopping and cooking. More than just a collection of delicious recipes—including main dishes, breads, breakfasts, desserts, salads, sides, and yes, soups—this is your guide to establishing a weekly rhythm and routine of meal planning and prep that allows you to have a true day off.

    Do something good for your soul and experience the peace that comes with a full day dedicated to spending time with God, family, and friends. Savor your Sabbath as you proudly proclaim, “Soup’s on!”

    Order your copy of Sabbath Soup: Weekly Menus and Rhythms to Make Space for a Day of Rest here.

    Links Mentioned:

    Garam Masala Spice

    Butter Chicken, and thanks to twosleevers.com for this recipe!

    Clutter Free Resources:

    Can you share a simple meal prep technique for someone just starting?

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    Meet Our Guest 


    Tonya Kubo

    Tonya Kubo is the illustrious and fearless leader of Kathi Lipp’s Clutter Free Academy Facebook group and the Clutter Free for Life membership program. A speaker and writer, Tonya makes her home in the heart of California with her husband, Brian, their two spirited daughters, and one very tolerant cat. Visit her at www.tonyakubo.com.


    Tonya Kubo Picture

    Kathi Lipp (00:29.174)

    Well, hey friends, welcome to Clutter Free Academy where our goal is to help you take small doable steps to live every day with less clutter and more life. And we are back today. We are trying to get some habits. And can I just say habits are hard for those of us on the cluttery spectrum, but we’re gonna try to do this gently and easily. And I am here with one of my best cluttery friends. It’s Tonya Kubo.

    Tonya, are you a habit kind of person? Would you consider yourself a habit kind of person?

    Tonya Kubo (01:03.981)

    So here’s what I always say, right? We cluttery folks deeply resist and resent the habits and routines we so desperately need, right? And I am right there. I am right there with you, Kathi. It is hard. It’s just hard. But I need them.

    Kathi Lipp (01:13.697)

    It’s so true, right?

    Kathi Lipp (01:20.234)

    Yeah, think, yeah, I think our brains crave excitement. Would they crave variety and interest? And I know you’re like me, I’m always trying to find a better way to do things. I’m always looking for a process improvement. The hitch on that is you have to have a process in order to have an improvement. And so

    Tonya Kubo (01:45.157)


    Kathi Lipp (01:47.358)

    Have been catches catch can for most of my life, but I’m trying to put habits into my life very gently not punishing myself not saying you’re a terrible person if you don’t do this on this day and Really trying to say okay Kathi you benefit so much if you can think ahead just a little bit if you can do a couple of things in advance you don’t have to do everything in advance, but when I I

    Tonya Kubo (01:55.044)


    Kathi Lipp (02:16.65)

    I also need to take the moment when I do do the habits to say, your life just got a little bit easier. It just got a little bit better. And so we’ve talked about decluttering and we’re talking about cleaning and things like that. But I also want to talk about meal prep habits. And this has really come to fruition for me with publishing Sabbath soup and recognizing, okay, I do have some habits.

    Tonya Kubo (02:24.187)


    Tonya Kubo (02:43.439)


    Kathi Lipp (02:43.648)

    Like they were never really laid out But I did some things to take care of my future self and that’s really all we’re talking about in this series about habits Is how to take care of our future self? So I know you don’t do things like I do Tonya you have another cook in the house Roger can cook it is not his love language He but you know like today he

    I made butter chicken over the weekend. By the way, I’m so mad at myself that I did not put that in Sabbath Soup because that is a, it’s easy and it’s a banging recipe. But absolutely, absolutely. You just have to have one ingredient that you might not have and I’ll never be able to say it. It’s the Marsala spice. How do you say the first word?

    Tonya Kubo (03:14.363)


    Tonya Kubo (03:19.908)


    Tonya Kubo (03:24.379)

    So you’re going to put that in the show notes, right, Kathi? Totally putting you on the spot.

    Tonya Kubo (03:38.593)

    it’s Garam Masala. There’s no R in the second word.

    Kathi Lipp (03:42.272)

    I knew Masala. Okay Marsala is like Italian Kathi. Okay, but I’ve never Yeah It’s And you know if you had said it to me I might have said I’ve never heard those words before but that’s like the only Unusual and everything else can will either be in your freezer or in your spice pantry. So

    Tonya Kubo (03:48.229)

    And I am sure somebody listening will say, that’s not how you say it, Tonya. And that’s okay, we wanna be corrected.

    Kathi Lipp (04:08.8)

    It’s a very easy recipe, you guys will like it. You do need heavy cream, but I have eaten it without the heavy cream and it’s still delicious. Okay, so I know we said five habits, but I’m gonna give you seven because I’ve done a few things recently that have kind of changed things for me and I wanna share about those too. Okay, so number one, weekly menu planning. So every Monday I make a meal plan. Now, let me tell you, there are points of entry.

    Tonya Kubo (04:26.629)


    Kathi Lipp (04:36.994)

    for the meal planning, okay? So if we are broke, the point of entering, and when I say broke, it’s like, okay, we’re just really trying to watch our funds and that’s our current top priority. So what I will do is I will get into the inventory. I’ll see what we have in our freezer. I’ll see what we have in our pantry. I’ll mostly see what might stand up and walk away in a week if we don’t use it. And I’ll plan around what we already have.

    If time is a big issue, then probably what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna make a meal plan based mostly on prepared foods. So what can I do with a Costco chicken or, you know, let’s just do the katsu from Costco because yum. Like those are the things I’ll do. So there’s time and money and then energy.

    If I know it’s going to be an especially stressful week or exhausting week, we’re going a lot of places, then it’s kind of the same thing as the time thing, but I will do things that have no prep needed. I don’t mind putting on like a pot of rice or throwing some baked potatoes, but I’m not doing anything like searing. If the recipe says chop an onion, it’s not happening on a low energy week.

    Tonya Kubo (06:00.827)


    Kathi Lipp (06:01.228)

    Like here’s a simple meal, first chop an onion. I’m out, I’m out, I’m out. Like I like to be able to just combine ingredients sometimes. And then the other thing for me is I know we talk about space, time, energy and money, but let’s instead of space, let’s talk about stress. Maybe you have some people in your family who are like, I only like buttered noodles. Like I’m going to live on butter noodles until I die.

    Tonya Kubo (06:05.883)


    Tonya Kubo (06:20.635)


    Tonya Kubo (06:27.675)


    Kathi Lipp (06:30.822)

    What what can you do if you know it’s going to be a particularly stressful week? Maybe you have in-laws coming in Maybe you’re a teacher and it’s parent teacher like you may just need to cook for comfort or buy for comfort and so whatever weekly menu plan Accomplishes that make that happen. How do you plan for meals in your family Tonya?

    Tonya Kubo (06:54.807)

    Yeah, so for me it has to, I mean there is a whole process. So we start with inventorying. My goal is to go to the store as little as humanly possible. And ideally, Brian’s is to go as often as possible. So my second goal is to keep Brian out of the store as much as possible. So for me, like my ideal situation is grocery pickup every two weeks. We’re not there yet. The most we can do is like every week and a half because

    Kathi Lipp (07:00.629)


    Kathi Lipp (07:04.222)

    Mm-hmm, and Brian’s is to go as much as possible.

    mm-hmm okay

    Kathi Lipp (07:19.927)

    Mm-hmm. Wow.


    Tonya Kubo (07:23.321)

    children as anybody listening can attest are fruit bats. That’s all they do. They like four pounds of strawberries, not enough strawberries to hold them through until tomorrow. It’s just how it is. So inventory first, then based on inventory is when I create my meal plan because I want to use up as much as I have. And then the shopping list comes last. It’s the staples that I need. So in our case, it’s a lot of fresh fruit and then it’s, you know, it’s fresh fruit. It’s milk usually.

    Kathi Lipp (07:27.488)


    Kathi Lipp (07:34.266)

    my goodness.

    Kathi Lipp (07:45.71)


    Kathi Lipp (07:49.187)


    Tonya Kubo (07:52.463)

    That’s our two staples and eggs. My people eat a lot of eggs. And then from there, it is, you know, then we do our shopping list and we go from there. I do the meal. If meals are going to be planned, I have to do them. Brian is somebody who wants to decide at five o’clock what he wants to eat at 530. And in many cases, what he wants to eat won’t be ready until 730.

    Kathi Lipp (07:52.93)



    Kathi Lipp (08:02.744)


    Kathi Lipp (08:06.606)


    Kathi Lipp (08:13.614)


    Kathi Lipp (08:17.77)

    Right, right.

    Tonya Kubo (08:18.787)

    So I try to do the planning ahead. Cause if I say, hey, tonight’s dinner is Korean beef, you need to start it at four o’clock. He will start the Korean Beef at four o’clock. But if I say tonight’s, yeah, but if I say tonight’s dinner is Korean Beef, he will not even think about starting it until he is too hungry.

    Kathi Lipp (08:28.654)

    Perfect. But you have to… Yeah.

    Kathi Lipp (08:39.286)

    Right, and can I just tell you, cooking while hungry, I want to be a nice person. I’m normally a nice person, I, yeah, or what I’ll do is I’ll snack the whole time that I’m cooking and then I couldn’t, yeah, yeah. Like right now, it’s not strawberries for us, but those big fatty blueberries right now, I could eat.

    Tonya Kubo (08:49.957)


    Tonya Kubo (08:56.261)

    That’s what he does, yeah.

    Tonya Kubo (09:04.877)

    Mmm, yeah, those are tasty.

    Kathi Lipp (09:06.79)

    whole tray of those by myself and then who who needs Butter Chicken no thank you yeah so I planning your meals will save you so much mental stress and also keep from you you from being a snack monster or and there’s nothing wrong with snacking it’s just you don’t want to cook a whole meal and like I know thank you okay so monday I do the planning Tuesday

    Tonya Kubo (09:12.762)


    Tonya Kubo (09:22.885)


    Kathi Lipp (09:36.23)

    This is number two is the inventory and shopping list now if we’re trying to save money I’m doing my inventory first. I usually know what’s in the fridge I usually can kind of figure that out, but I am Tuesday is the day where it’s like, okay What do we actually what did I think we had and what do we actually have? And you know, is it still good that kind of thing? So I tend to do Sam’s cart

    Tonya Kubo (09:45.423)


    Tonya Kubo (09:57.775)


    Kathi Lipp (10:04.27)

    I also tend to do like a grocery store run for smaller, especially perishable things that we’re not gonna eat quite as much of. What’s your shopping strategy, Tonya? You do the order too, right?

    Tonya Kubo (10:17.691)

    Well, yeah, so there is, I don’t have a lot of options for grocery pickups. So there is a store in like halfway in between where Abby goes to school and where we live in a different town. And so I’ll try to do grocery pickup there, but I can only do it on Wednesdays because Wednesdays is the only time when there’s enough of a difference between when she gets out of school and when Lily gets out of school to be able to hit that sweet spot.

    Kathi Lipp (10:28.642)


    Kathi Lipp (10:40.782)

    I love that strategy though. I love that. Yes.

    Tonya Kubo (10:45.145)

    Yeah. So it’s like pick up Abby from school, hit Walmart, pick up the groceries, go get Lily. And then I have two girls and groceries to put away.

    Kathi Lipp (10:55.182)

    But you know what? You know! You know, isn’t it nice that it’s been decided for you?

    Tonya Kubo (11:01.507)

    Right. And then if we need something, we have a grocery store that’s not even a quarter of a mile away. It’s just pricier, you know? And so that’s the trade off, right? It’s like, okay, we know what they have. We know we can run in and get something, but we also know we’ll leave like spending triple what we expected.

    Kathi Lipp (11:07.958)

    Right. Yes.

    Kathi Lipp (11:19.156)

    I love it. We shop on the same day. It’s, you know, I’ll be thinking of you next time. Okay. Thursday. This is number three. Have a prep day. So for me, this is the day where I prep wash and cut vegetables. Do I need to saute some meat? Do I need to get the meat off of a chicken? If I’m feeling extra saucy, do I need to spatchcock something?

    Tonya Kubo (11:24.335)


    Kathi Lipp (11:48.718)

    That is my day to prep the food because prep is to me is different than cooking Like and it may not be for everybody, but it’s so nice to go into cooking day where I’m like, okay I can just throw everything and I’ve I’m doing the lettuce for at least half the week You know if you get it nice and dry it could almost last an entire week. I’m washing the fruit for a week

    Tonya Kubo (11:48.795)


    Tonya Kubo (11:57.157)


    Kathi Lipp (12:16.931)

    I am chopping up veggies that I’m gonna throw into sautees and stuff for a week. Are you a prep and cook on the same night kind of person or what’s your deal?

    Tonya Kubo (12:28.013)

    Yeah, it just depends. So for me, if I’m going to do any prep, my only options for prep are Friday nights or Saturdays because my work week is so heavily scheduled. So I will do that. My family will not use prep prep stuff, though. That’s old to them. And because we have listeners, I’m just going to say big fat air quotes around old because we all know it’s not old. It’s perfectly fine. But they get to tell themselves whatever stories they want.

    Kathi Lipp (12:38.045)


    Kathi Lipp (12:45.115)


    Kathi Lipp (12:58.328)

    They really should not eat in restaurants. Because I have worked in a restaurant and prep is really, really important. Yeah, anyway, well, you know what? I don’t have to live with them. that’s just fine. That’s just fine. Okay, so we’ve got through our first three. So weekly menu planning, do an inventory and shopping list, and then a prep day.

    Tonya Kubo (13:01.25)

    I know.


    Tonya Kubo (13:08.709)


    Tonya Kubo (13:20.411)


    Kathi Lipp (13:26.198)

    We’re going to take a quick break break and we’re going to come back and we’re going to talk about a little more prep that you can do to make Another habit that you can do to make your life a little bit easier. Okay, we’re going to take this quick break and we’ll come right back

    Okay, we are back with number four, some meal prep habits to get you through your week. This is number four, breakfast prep. I now do something, and we’ll talk more about it. It’s, I call it my power hour, which, you know, I’m just trying to hype myself up. But every week I make a big pot of oatmeal that has whatever fruit is like,

    You know, it’s time to use it up. It’s not bad. It’s not moldy. It’s not gross, but like the bananas my you know, there is a certain threshold where Roger will eat a banana and then 20 seconds later that threshold has been crossed Never to be seen again. So we make a big pot of oatmeal with blueberries and bananas and apricots To kind of throw all that in there. I also my mom was she good. She’s like

    Tonya Kubo (14:20.667)


    Tonya Kubo (14:24.987)


    Tonya Kubo (14:35.387)


    Kathi Lipp (14:39.374)

    you know, once every couple of weeks, she likes to have a little treat and go to McDonald’s and get a sausage biscuit. And she said, Kathi, that sausage biscuit was almost $6. And I said, mom, and we’re going there tonight. I’ll wake up tomorrow. I’m going to make that woman a homemade sausage biscuit. Because yeah, because we all enjoy a sausage biscuit every once in a while. But there are certain things you could prep ahead of time.

    Tonya Kubo (14:56.037)


    Tonya Kubo (15:00.571)


    Kathi Lipp (15:04.524)

    You know, for your kids, it’s like packing a lunch, but maybe it’s packing a breakfast instead. And I know that when my kids were younger, we often did breakfast in the car just because we had no other, nobody was sitting down to eat a breakfast at our house when my kids were in elementary, junior high and high school. That just, that, that did not happen. What, what do you do? Do you do anything to get ahead on breakfast at your house?

    Tonya Kubo (15:13.648)


    Tonya Kubo (15:18.927)


    Tonya Kubo (15:28.759)

    Yeah, so what I found is I need to at least have an idea because it doesn’t matter what I have. I could have like five boxes of cold cereal. I could have bagels. I could have frozen waffles except for Lily and for Ryan. So that leaves Abby, I guess. Abby’s expectation is I’m going to tell her what to eat and I’m going to prepare it for her. And they are a lot alike. So.

    Kathi Lipp (15:33.707)


    Kathi Lipp (15:45.739)


    Kathi Lipp (15:50.862)

    Can I just tell you, Abby and Roger are so much alike.

    Tonya Kubo (15:57.197)

    You know, Lily likes to be self-sufficient, so she takes care of herself. Brian prefers these like Jimmy Dean frozen sandwiches, like McDonald’s frozen sandwiches, right? I used to make breakfast burritos that we froze that they could heat up. Nobody would eat them but me. I’ve tried the homemade biscuit things. Nobody eats those but me. So now what I say is before everybody goes to bed, say here are your three options for breakfast tomorrow. This is what you guys have.

    Kathi Lipp (16:05.592)

    Right, yeah, yeah.

    Kathi Lipp (16:15.288)


    Kathi Lipp (16:25.39)

    Mmm, nice!

    Tonya Kubo (16:26.971)

    So tomorrow, if I want them to eat cold cereal because I’ve got cold cereal to use or I have no other ideas, I put the cereal on the table. So they come in and it’s like, it’s a cinnamon toast crunch right in front of me. I should have that.

    Kathi Lipp (16:34.958)

    So smart.

    Kathi Lipp (16:41.484)

    Wait, hot sauce? Is that like, I’m excited?

    Tonya Kubo (16:44.675)

    No, sinuh- Huzzah.

    Kathi Lipp (16:46.924)

    Huzzah, I thought you said hot sauce. I’m like, is there some new slang I don’t know about? Got it. Okay.

    Tonya Kubo (16:49.147)

    I’m sorry. That’s all.

    Kathi Lipp (16:54.318)

    Huzzah, yes. Okay, yes, because if it, yes, Roger is the smartest man I know, helps around the house, but he would prefer that I just told him what to eat and then he pushes back a little bit on like, ooh, I need this little adjustment or I’d like the, really.

    Tonya Kubo (17:04.123)


    Tonya Kubo (17:09.453)


    Tonya Kubo (17:14.083)

    They are the same person. Abby wants you to tell her what to eat so that she can then suggest alternates. She likes veto power.

    Kathi Lipp (17:21.844)

    Right. Yes, we just did this thing where we were, I think I told you about it on one of our calls, we were doing a Roger wanted to watch football. I still don’t get it, but okay. But for Roger, an important part of football were are snacks that he thinks go with football. So we did a seven layer dip and he’s like, but I don’t, you know, I want you to do the seven layer dip, but I don’t really like the canned pinto beans.

    Tonya Kubo (17:33.499)


    Tonya Kubo (17:37.371)

    The snacks!

    Tonya Kubo (17:49.603)


    Kathi Lipp (17:49.814)

    And so I told you, I took some bacon grease and I, by the way guys, this guy would swim across shark infested waters to get me a glass of lemonade. So if the man wants warmed up pinto beans, I am happy to do it because trust me, I’m getting the better end of this deal. But yes, he needed to let me know his mods. Yeah, this is the modification I need. Okay, Tonya, I have a very important question for you.

    Tonya Kubo (18:04.731)


    Tonya Kubo (18:12.246)

    Mm-hmm, yeah.

    Kathi Lipp (18:19.628)

    Are you a food house or are you an ingredient house? Do you know what I mean by that?

    Tonya Kubo (18:24.407)

    I prefer, yes, I prefer to be an ingredient house, but I think the nature of how we are, Brian commutes, Abby goes to school a half hour away, we have activities all the time. I do need to make sure there are some foods that we can lean on, but it’s hard, because I just, that’s not how I wanna operate.

    Kathi Lipp (18:28.908)


    Kathi Lipp (18:36.376)


    Kathi Lipp (18:42.902)

    Yeah, it is hard. Well, and it’s so interesting. Okay, and if you don’t know what we’re talking about, you’re like food and ingredients are the same thing. Food is more grab and go, whereas ingredients have to be assembled, prepared, that kind of thing. And I think you have to have a balance of both. You know, for a snack, I don’t wanna like…

    Tonya Kubo (18:57.52)


    Kathi Lipp (19:08.366)

    cook the garbanzo beans and crush them into hummus. Like, no, I want the hummus there. Like, I’m not going to make a tortilla chip. You know, those are the kind of thing. But it’s been very interesting to me on social media recently, where I don’t think it’s the people who grew up in ingredient households. And I think ingredient households are usually people who are maybe,

    Tonya Kubo (19:12.165)


    Kathi Lipp (19:35.116)

    whose families growing up struggled more financially and or are maybe a different ethnic background than the color of my palm or are super crunchy, super, super crunchy households. But on TikTok, you see all these grocery hauls.

    Tonya Kubo (19:38.779)


    Tonya Kubo (19:52.837)


    Tonya Kubo (20:00.997)


    Kathi Lipp (20:01.304)

    where it’s like, it’s $450 for one week’s worth of food, but it’s chips, soda, frozen pizzas, tortino, know, pizza rolls, that kind of thing. And I’m like, and somebody finally came on and said, it’s not that groceries are expensive because groceries are expensive, but you don’t know how to cook. Like that’s the problem. You don’t know how to cook. So.

    Tonya Kubo (20:05.477)


    Tonya Kubo (20:09.061)


    Kathi Lipp (20:29.558)

    Like I buy a lot. I do buy some prepared food I would say probably 25 of what we buy is prepared foods, but I also know I have to portion those things out if I go grab a bag of things. I can mindlessly eat and i’m not doing this for diet. I’m just doing it because I want to feel okay I mean i’m not doing it because I want to lose weight. I am doing it because of a food diet but

    Tonya Kubo (20:41.541)


    Tonya Kubo (20:52.347)


    Kathi Lipp (20:59.47)

    Portioning those things out saying okay, you know what? I’m gonna buy the little cups of hummus, but that has to last me a month So I know I’m gonna eat about three of those a week because that makes me happy Portioning Some of our treats into smaller things and it means like I may buy the big bag of chips But I’m gonna portion those into little ziplocks

    Tonya Kubo (21:08.197)


    Kathi Lipp (21:27.756)

    Because to me that makes more sense than buying individual chips. You know what I mean? They’re mostly air. Yeah. Yeah. So do you do anything to portion out food or do you, do you buy portion to food? Like every answer is acceptable. I just, my frustration with TikTok is look how much this is costing and I’m buying

    Tonya Kubo (21:36.089)

    Mm-hmm. Yeah, the little like snack bags of chips.

    Tonya Kubo (21:49.935)


    Kathi Lipp (21:56.536)

    highly convenient foods that I don’t need to touch.

    Tonya Kubo (21:58.489)


    Yeah, so we have to do it a little differently here. So for my family, there is no difference between buying a bag of chips and a box of 40 snack bags. They’ll eat five snack bags in one sitting. So that’s like irrelevant. And there are certain things, right? I refuse to battle over food. I refuse to put padlocks on my pantry or anything. I have friends who do all that. I have friends who do it and it’s what they do and that’s fine for them, but I will not.

    Kathi Lipp (22:12.712)

    Mm-hmm. my gosh. Yeah, that makes sense, right.

    Kathi Lipp (22:21.902)

    Yes, 100%. Yeah.

    Tonya Kubo (22:30.905)

    So it’s, buy this, you know, I buy what I buy and it lasts as long as it lasts. And if I don’t wanna go to the store, then you’re gonna wait until I go to the store or you’re gonna wait until I order groceries. You may have to go five days without snacks. You’ll live, we all live.

    Kathi Lipp (22:35.468)


    Kathi Lipp (22:40.716)


    Right. No, that makes total sense. And yeah, there are definitely tiers of snacks, aren’t there? You know, it’s like…

    Tonya Kubo (22:52.665)

    Yeah, I will tell you one thing I do though. So I will buy extra and then I stash the backup. Like I have a back stock stash that goes, it’s on the top shelf of my closet. Nobody looks for food there.

    Kathi Lipp (22:59.427)


    Kathi Lipp (23:08.128)

    Right, okay, I used to wrap things in aluminum foil and market liver and Nobody in my family ever Like we never ate liver the entire time they lived in our house and they still don’t know that Yeah, but you do what you have to do, right? We

    Tonya Kubo (23:20.005)


    Tonya Kubo (23:25.391)

    Yeah. But I’m telling you, nobody gets more excited than when they thought there was no more Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Can you tell what Brian Kubo’s favorite cereal is? They haven’t seen any Cinnamon Toast Crunch for four days and suddenly they’re Cinnamon Toast Crunch out. I’m the hero.

    Kathi Lipp (23:33.203)

    Ooh, yes.

    Kathi Lipp (23:38.754)

    Yeah. Okay. I love that. You are the hero. Yeah. Roger. I have obtained hero status several times when I’m like, no, I know where that is. And you know, when we had kids in the house, there were two things like there was the liver trick and also there was Christmas box. think it was number five. We never had anything in Christmas box. Number five, except for the food that like

    Tonya Kubo (23:50.777)


    Tonya Kubo (24:00.987)


    Kathi Lipp (24:06.678)

    I didn’t I wanted to buy the big pack but I didn’t want to put it all out at one time because we had four teenagers, you know I mean Justin ate face cream one time like

    Tonya Kubo (24:14.413)


    Tonya Kubo (24:20.975)


    Kathi Lipp (24:25.802)

    Okay, number six, leftover makeover Monday. So we have like our big kind of family meal on Saturday, but I always know that that’s going to be a loop meal on Monday. So if I roasted chicken, it’s going to be chicken tortilla soup or chicken tortilla salad or something like that. You know, so planning, we’ve talked about it before, loop meals, leftovers on purpose. And then number seven,

    This is new, something new I’ve been doing. And can I just tell you, Tonya, I’m kind of a genius. I’m not gonna lie, not gonna lie. You know, I make a lot of dishes. Like I’ll make soups, I’ll make, you know, all these things. And then it’s like, I wish we had baked potatoes to put that on or I wish, so what I’ve started doing is once a week, it’s like my carb prep.

    Tonya Kubo (24:59.971)


    Tonya Kubo (25:22.171)


    Kathi Lipp (25:24.296)

    I will put, I’ll prep six baked potatoes and put them in the air fryer. I’ll do a big pot, or instant pot of rice. I do jasmine rice, that’s the one I do. I’ll do a batch of pasta on the stove. I’ll do my slow cooker with oats and fruit and bananas and spices, and I’ll do one batch of muffins.

    And I can get all of that prepped in about 40 minutes. And we are set for the week. We don’t have to keep making rice or keep making. And so I do six air fryer baked potatoes because we take some to our neighbor. But also that gives us four that if we wanted to have a baked potato as a side dish, great. Or if I’m running out of ideas for lunches.

    Tonya Kubo (26:21.711)


    Kathi Lipp (26:21.784)

    then I’m just gonna throw a baked potato and we’re gonna find what’s in the fridge and use it up and use what’s left over. I did fried rice the other day, because I channeled my inner Kubo and just did a bunch of stuff in there. This makes such a difference. I feel so much more prepped for the week. And all of these are relatively inexpensive to do.

    Tonya Kubo (26:34.944)


    Tonya Kubo (26:42.235)


    Kathi Lipp (26:47.234)

    but they make such a difference to getting dinner on the table or lunch on the table. I know you’re a big rice household. Do you do anything else to kind of prep for the week?

    Tonya Kubo (26:53.019)


    Tonya Kubo (26:58.943)

    Yeah, so for us, I mean on Sundays I usually cook the equivalent of what would be two like big meals. With the idea is one’s gonna be Sunday dinner and then leftovers will get us lunches for a couple days and then the other one is going to be our like repurposed Monday and Tuesday night dinners. Because that’s sort of what we need to do. So for us, you know, like we’re probably making rice twice a week.

    Kathi Lipp (27:07.575)


    Kathi Lipp (27:18.02)


    Kathi Lipp (27:21.475)


    Kathi Lipp (27:25.645)


    Tonya Kubo (27:26.055)

    And then there’s very rarely leftover rice and if there is then that becomes fried rice. We will, so potatoes, my family doesn’t like leftover potatoes except Lily and I will eat cold potatoes for lunch. Like we’re weird like that. It’s kind of fun for us. And I will make a loaf of bread. So I make, I have an easy sourdough recipe. So I make a loaf of sourdough bread probably every other Saturday. And that’s something that can get us through.

    Kathi Lipp (27:30.798)


    Kathi Lipp (27:35.352)


    Kathi Lipp (27:38.754)

    Yeah, I love that.

    Mmm, yeah.

    Kathi Lipp (27:50.424)


    Tonya Kubo (27:53.883)

    I think it’s helpful. Although the homemade sourdough bread is not quite like store-bought bread, right? It like just doesn’t quite last as long.

    Kathi Lipp (28:00.738)

    Okay. yeah. Yeah, that totally makes sense. Yeah. Well, it’s so good to, you know, know what’s going to help your family get through and don’t make potatoes if your family’s not going to eat potatoes. You know, if they’re not muffin people don’t do a muffin. Yeah, Tonya, go for it.

    Tonya Kubo (28:10.843)


    Tonya Kubo (28:17.979)

    one thing that I do love to make ahead. I love to hard boil eggs over the weekend because I like a hard boiled egg for breakfast. And so does Lily. She doesn’t like to take them in her school lunch because she thinks it just makes her whole backpack smell. She’s not wrong, but yeah, she’s not wrong. But you know, she’ll take a hard boiled egg. I’ll take a hard boiled egg. So that is something like I bought my Instant Pot purely for two reasons. One was to make hard boiled eggs in bulk.

    Kathi Lipp (28:24.328)

    yes, yes. Yes, yes.

    Kathi Lipp (28:32.898)

    They smell. It does. She’s not wrong.

    Kathi Lipp (28:42.111)


    Tonya Kubo (28:47.181)

    and the other was to make my own beans.

    Kathi Lipp (28:50.902)

    Okay, you know what? You’ve just reminded me of something, because I want to start making beans along with the prep, but the eggs, I had forgotten. And you know, I love eggs on salad. Like that makes me super happy. And I also love egg salad because apparently I’m channeling my 95 year old Eunice, because it just makes me so happy. Okay, this is so great. So guys, don’t try to do all these things. Take one thing.

    Tonya Kubo (28:56.699)


    Tonya Kubo (29:03.963)


    Tonya Kubo (29:10.989)


    Kathi Lipp (29:19.732)

    Make it a habit and then build on that habit and you’re going to have a much easier time Tonya. This was so great Thank you i’ve got some ideas from you that I am going to i’m going to instigate and i’m so excited about it Eggs and beans are going on the list. I love it. Well friends. Thank you for hanging out with us You’ve been listening to Clutter Free Academy. I’m Kathi Lipp now Go create the clutter free life. You’ve always wanted to live

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    • The importance of accountability and community in overcoming organizational challenges
    • The benefits of joining the supportive, compassionate Clutter Free for Life community

    Listeners will find inspiration in their message of self-acceptance and practical strategies for creating functional, livable spaces and transforming one’s relationship with home organization.

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    While Clutter Free for Life comes with a plan of action to keep you moving forward in your decluttering journey day after day, the true magic of this membership program is in the community. It’s a program FOR cluttery people BY cluttery people.

    It’s a family of cluttery people who want better for themselves and for you. We all understand the emotional weight of clutter and the physical barriers it causes. Clutter Free for Life members have a team of experts who know what it’s like to feel overwhelmed as their guides. Want to see whether the membership is right for you? Check out our info page Clutter Free For Life.

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    Meet Our Guest 


    Tonya Kubo

    Tonya Kubo is the illustrious and fearless leader of Kathi Lipp’s Clutter Free Academy Facebook group and the Clutter Free for Life membership program. A speaker and writer, Tonya makes her home in the heart of California with her husband, Brian, their two spirited daughters, and one very tolerant cat. Visit her at www.tonyakubo.com.

    Tonya Kubo Picture


    Well, hey friends, welcome to clutter free Academy where our goal is to help you take small doable steps to live every day with less clutter and more life And I’m back and you know guys, we’re just gonna keep talking about it. We’re gonna keep talking about clutter. We’re gonna keep talking about all the reasons that we need to crush the clutter in our lives, especially as we’re going into the holidays because can we just, okay, I’m gonna say something controversial. Hey, Tonya, by the way. Hey, Tonya’s here. Can I say holidays are their own form of clutter?


    Tonya Kubo (00:42.622)



    Tonya Kubo (00:49.406)

    they totally are.


    Kathi (00:51.2)

    Yeah, that you know, clutter is not always bad. I right now downstairs, I’ve got some clutter on my table. But the clutter on my table is stuff I want. Or I don’t know if I want it, but I have to investigate like there’s mail down there. One of another podcaster I was on her show, we were talking about soups and we were talking about her favorite soup. And she said, my favorite soup is made with chow chow.


    Tonya Kubo (00:57.49)



    Kathi (01:21.676)

    And I’m like, the only thing I know that is chow chow is either dog foods or dogs. So, do you know what chow chow is? How do you know what chow chow is?


    Tonya Kubo (01:28.584)



    Yeah. Yeah.


    Church fundraiser cookbooks?


    Kathi (01:39.523)

    Okay, that is fascinating. So, chow chow, would you explain it because I’ve actually never tasted it. Go for it. Or do you know? I know it’s made with cabbage, right? It’s like a relish with cabbage.


    Tonya Kubo (01:56.11)

    It’s, I think it’s a relish and people put whatever they want in it. It’s one of those things, it reminds me of, you know, it’s like every family has their own way of doing it, but it’s like canned, it’s home canned. And the people who love it, really, really love it. My mom hated it. My mom was like, ehh.


    Kathi (02:17.48)

    Mm-hmm. Okay.


    Kathi (02:23.128)

    So I was having this conversation with another podcaster and she was telling me about her, believe it’s a beef stew recipe that uses chow chow as a main ingredient. And I said, well, that sounds really interesting. She was kind enough to, she went to an Amish store and shipped me two cans of chow chow, or at least that’s what she’s told me. I have not opened the box yet, but I’m gonna go buy the ingredients to make her recipe and.


    Tonya Kubo (02:27.016)



    Tonya Kubo (02:31.986)



    Tonya Kubo (02:42.162)



    Tonya Kubo (02:47.517)



    Kathi (02:52.738)

    do that. So it’s clutter, because it’s not put away. But also there’s a category of clutter, where there’s no way to put it yet, because I have never had a chow chow section of my pantry before. And I just like saying chow chow. Can you tell?


    Tonya Kubo (02:55.676)



    Tonya Kubo (03:07.456)

    Right. I know. But remember, our definition of clutter is do you love it? Do you use it? Would you? Could you buy it again? I add the could you part. But for you, you know, it’s like it just needs to find a home.


    Kathi (03:13.688)

    Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.


    Kathi (03:25.408)

    So, so Tonya what this is is Schrodinger’s chow chow because I both want it and don’t know if I want it I both will use it and have never used it And I don’t know that I would buy it again because I’ve never bought it once So it is it is Schrodinger’s chow chow and that’s okay. That’s okay


    Tonya Kubo (03:51.55)



    Kathi (03:52.362)

    We don’t need to we don’t need to have a category for everything there has to be some space in your house for the things that you haven’t decided on but I do want to talk about what clutter can do to us because you and I have both lived with hoarders and I would say one of the the worst part about clutter hoarding is the extreme version obviously


    Tonya Kubo (04:01.447)



    Tonya Kubo (04:17.662)



    Kathi (04:20.792)

    But even as a young mom, I really struggled with clutter. And I would say it was isolating for me. Like I didn’t want to have people over. I remember thinking, it’s okay to have kids over, but I don’t want to have their parents over until a kid said something about my clutter. And I’m like, well, I don’t want to have anybody over anymore. And I, did you…


    Tonya Kubo (04:39.154)



    Kathi (04:48.61)

    Did you also experience that isolation with your clutter?


    Tonya Kubo (04:53.116)

    Yeah, well, I mean, you referenced it in your book, Clutter Free. And I remember the first time I read that and realizing, right, like I couldn’t have anybody over when I was a kid. I mean, every now and then my mom would make an exception. But, you know, it was always having to balance like, OK, if I let a friend come over, were they going to go to school and talk about how my house looked? Right. And then, you know, I made a conscious decision, especially when the girls were little, that I wasn’t going to let the condition of my house.


    Kathi (04:56.492)



    Kathi (05:13.342)

    Right. Yeah, right.


    Tonya Kubo (05:23.326)

    prevent me from inviting people over. So I would just tell people, I’m not cleaning for you. But I had a similar experience when I was pregnant with Abby. And like I had a potluck, a mops potluck at my house. And this one little girl came up to me and she was like, why is your house so messy? And my friend got offended for me. My friend Justine, who you know, got really offended for me. And she was like,


    Kathi (05:49.358)

    Bye now, Justine.


    Tonya Kubo (05:51.612)

    because she works full time. That’s why. she, I remember the little girl, cause she said, you only have one child and my mom has four. Why is your house so messy? My mom keeps our house clean. Which you know she got because her parents were talking about that at home, right?


    Kathi (06:06.169)

    Kathi (06:10.798)

    I want to retroactively punch somebody in that family. Maybe not the child, but somebody.


    Tonya Kubo (06:15.836)

    Ha ha ha ha ha!


    Tonya Kubo (06:20.994)

    Right, and so then of course you have my friend Justine Popsin, well because she works full time and your mom doesn’t. Right, which is of course like total mommy-war stuff.


    Kathi (06:31.106)



    Tonya Kubo (06:33.054)

    I just looked at it I said, know what? A clean house is a higher priority for your mom and your dad than it is for me and my husband. That’s all.


    Kathi (06:44.494)

    Okay, you gave the highly evolved answer. I might have said something like, well, your mommy’s also on antidepressants, which really helps with the… No, I wouldn’t have said that, but I’d want to say that because there’s no shame in being on antidepressants at all. Let’s be super clear. But also, I would want that little girl to be… I would want to punish her.


    Tonya Kubo (06:44.572)



    Tonya Kubo (07:13.15)

    Nah, she didn’t know any better.


    Kathi (07:13.334)

    Okay, you know what? I take back what I said about the antidepressants because people I love the most in the world are antidepressants. But that would have been my very unevolved response 30 years ago when I had kids and mops. Okay, that’s cute that I think I had kids. Yeah, 30 years ago. Okay, yeah. So I’m sorry. I’m just I’m, I’m, I’m D detangling stuff.


    Tonya Kubo (07:30.686)



    Tonya Kubo (07:36.296)

    I apologize for derailing our conversation about isolation.


    Kathi (07:40.366)

    You know, I think about it though, because well, okay, I think we just proved something there, or at least I did my unevolved response proves something. What will make me act terribly faster than shame?


    Tonya Kubo (07:58.482)

    Mm-hmm. yeah, totally. Well, and we have talked about this several times, right? We see that in Clutterfree Academy. I mean, so often, you know, we don’t get a lot of prickly people in there nowadays, right? Because we have such a strong culture and everybody really does want to be kind, but…


    Kathi (08:01.923)



    Kathi (08:08.47)

    Yeah. Yeah.


    Kathi (08:14.272)

    No. Mm hmm.


    Kathi (08:21.027)



    Tonya Kubo (08:21.746)

    The times that we do get somebody super prickly, it’s because they are so deeply embedded in shame that they can’t see their way out of it. And I feel like, you know, it’s that hurting people hurt. A lot of times they’ll lash out because they want to take the offensive rather than, cause they assume somebody’s going to lash out at them.


    Kathi (08:28.941)



    Kathi (08:34.902)



    Kathi (08:39.81)



    Kathi (08:44.844)

    Yeah, Tonya, have you heard that? Maybe we’ve talked about it on here, the 17 diapers discussion. Have we talked about that? Yeah. And, you know, I think the people who are so hard on the mom who had 17 diapers for her brand newborn, who was doing it all on her own, are the people who either there are two ends of the spectrum. They get their validation from their house being perfect.


    Tonya Kubo (08:51.034)

    Yes, I think a couple episodes ago.


    Tonya Kubo (09:04.883)



    Tonya Kubo (09:14.846)



    Kathi (09:15.554)

    Or I could never live like that, but they’ve got some something else that they would never ever tell another human being. And so like, well, I’m not 17 diapers, so you’re worse than I am. Well, yeah, but you know, you do this other thing that you would never want the world to know about. it’s clutter can be so isolating, you know, and I think


    Tonya Kubo (09:29.896)



    Kathi (09:43.938)

    once we get to a certain point, we feel like we can’t ask for help. Like I dug myself into this. I’m going to dig myself out. And we just don’t have a support system. And we get to this place where there’s so much self-criticism. We start to change the chemistry of our brain to believe, can we actually do something about this or not? So we have well articulated the problem. You have also seen my


    Tonya Kubo (09:51.036)



    Kathi (10:13.656)

    propensity for rage based on something that was said to Tonya maybe 10 years ago, but here we are. Here we are, friends.


    Tonya Kubo (10:20.594)



    Tonya Kubo (10:25.786)

    Everybody knows what a loyal friend you are though, Kathi, now.


    Kathi (10:28.442)

    Yeah, I write it done But I want to come back to what are some things that if you’re feeling in that space where you feel like you can’t do anything What are some things that you can actually get done? So we’re gonna take a little break and come right back


    Okay, friends, we’re talking about the shame and isolation of clutter. And Tonya and I want to come back and talk to you about that. Because we’ve both been there. We know a lot of people who have been there. And we know that there’s a way out because here, I love that story about the man who falls down in the hole. And a you know this story. And I’m sure most of our listeners do but


    Tonya Kubo (11:06.856)



    Kathi (11:11.97)

    You know, a priest walks by and says, I see you’re down in the hole. And he throws a prayer down to him. And then a politician comes by. He says, I see you’re down in the hole. And he throws a law down to him. And then there’s a police officer who comes by and he throws a law about you’re not supposed to be down in the hole. And then finally, a friend comes by and


    He jumps in to the hole and the guy in the hole says, why did you do that? Now we’re both stuck in the hole. And the friend who jumped in says, yeah friend, but I know the way out and I can show you. So let’s get out together. like I’ve heard that story for 25 years ever since I first heard it on West Wing and it still gives me chills because I feel like


    Tonya Kubo (11:56.36)



    Kathi (12:10.924)

    That is so much of what we do in Clutter-Free Academy and Clutter-Free Life is friend, I’ve been in the hole before, but I actually know the way out. Let’s get out together. And maybe you don’t know your way completely out of the hole. And by the way, Tonya, that person from the Mops group would come to my house today and her daughter would say, why is your house so messy?


    Tonya Kubo (12:12.882)



    Kathi (12:39.264)

    And I would say, you know what, my house is perfect for me. Because apparently her mom had different priorities and that is just fine for her family. But my home is happy, my home is clean. And we get to do a lot of wonderful cooking and loving and entertaining and work in our homes. And I’m really, really grateful. And so if that sounds like how you want your home to be.


    Tonya Kubo (12:42.333)



    Tonya Kubo (12:52.488)



    Kathi (13:08.18)

    If that sounds like how the kind of home you would like your kids or your grandkids to be in, I would love to tell you some things that have happened for us. So first of all, accountability. Tonya, how do you feel like accountability works in our groups?


    Tonya Kubo (13:26.192)

    Yeah, well, in ClutterFree Academy, right, the accountability piece is really more on the member. We have some members that want to be, you know, they want support and accountability. And so they post their before and after pictures. They ask specifically like, hey, you know what, can somebody check in on me at the end of the day, make sure I did what I said I would do. Whereas in ClutterFree for life, because it’s a paid membership program,


    Kathi (13:34.786)

    Mm-hmm. Yeah.


    Tonya Kubo (13:54.608)

    and people really are saying, I am going to pay you to boss me around, Tonya Kathi Grace, right? We actually are a little bit more proactive in the accountability. So we’re checking in daily. I am somebody who pays attention if somebody who has been active is quiet and I reach out to them. And usually, I mean, like I’m not like calling them or showing up at their house, okay? I’m not over the top, but I’ll tag them in a post in the group.


    Kathi (13:59.778)

    Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.


    Kathi (14:12.812)

    Mmm. Yeah.


    Tonya Kubo (14:23.486)

    I might drop them an email just to see. Because the thing is, is I know life gets in the way of our best intentions all the time. And what I know is that once you fall out of that routine, sometimes, like for me, all I need to do is skip two days and it’s no longer my routine. It’s no longer a habit. Like that’s how fragile my habits are. And so I know that on day three, it’s very easy to say, well, you know what? I messed up. I’m out for the whole month.


    Kathi (14:31.63)

    Mm-hmm. Yeah.


    Kathi (14:52.332)

    Right. If it’s not perfect, then I’m not going to get the rewards of somebody who’s perfect. So I’m out of here.


    Tonya Kubo (14:52.999)



    Tonya Kubo (14:58.982)

    Yeah, or you know what? I have let Tonya and Kathi down. I get apology emails left and right. I am so sorry, Tonya, but this happened and that happened and you know what? I’m like, I get it because I felt that way too. And I’m always like, please pick up wherever you left off, just pick it up. We’re here for you. Is there something I can immediately help you with? And I’ll tag them in that post or that coaching session. Because that’s the other thing is,


    Kathi (15:17.101)





    Tonya Kubo (15:28.062)

    Our weekly coaching sessions, as much as they are designed to help people with the next step, they’re a great place for people to come and discuss what’s hard and get peer-to-peer support in addition to support from our team.


    Kathi (15:39.074)



    Kathi (15:43.758)

    Yes, and I love the accountability. It keeps me on track because it’s so easy for life to crowd out things in another way. But the accountability says, no, Kathi, you’ve said that this is important to you. We’re just reminding ourselves of what’s important and that’s what we need. So there’s power and accountability being able and I think part of the accountability for me is to say I’m not the worst person in the world.


    Tonya Kubo (15:52.819)



    Tonya Kubo (16:00.538)



    Tonya Kubo (16:14.297)



    Kathi (16:14.316)

    that I don’t have the worst house in the world. And another part, and I know you’ll get this Tonya, and I think our listeners will too, cleaning out that drawer in my bathroom that has been bugging me for so long and has made me feel gross. If I shared that with my family, they might say, well, that’s what you’re supposed to do. But if I share it with,


    Tonya Kubo (16:17.34)



    Tonya Kubo (16:24.04)



    Tonya Kubo (16:33.555)



    Tonya Kubo (16:41.435)



    Kathi (16:43.776)

    My clutter free group. They’re going to say no we get this that’s important. That’s big And getting that, you know sharing strategies getting that support Is so crucial, but I think the number one thing for me is saying You don’t need to live in shame I have been there or I am there and you know, the only shameful thing is to give up and I don’t even want to shame people who are giving up because


    But the only thing that should be like, I need to change this desperately right now is giving up. Because you’ve said that this is important to you and you wanna live a different way and we wanna be there to help you. And the longer I do this, Tonya, the more I see our clutter-free group being like any other recovery group, like an AA meeting or an NA meeting or.


    Tonya Kubo (17:25.502)



    Tonya Kubo (17:38.322)



    Kathi (17:42.358)

    You know a whatever whatever kind of meeting you can think of way that Yeah, you can do it on your own, but why make it a thousand times harder?


    You know, because be around people who not only support your recovery, but understand the challenges you’re having in that recovery.


    Tonya Kubo (18:03.386)

    Yeah, well, people having ideas that you haven’t thought of. mean, this is something that has come up quite a bit in the paid membership program is a shoe or buying a shoe organizer to organize unmentionables in a way that they hang on the back of a door in a house that doesn’t have a lot of space. Right.


    Kathi (18:19.47)



    Kathi (18:27.138)

    Yeah, interesting.


    Tonya Kubo (18:28.796)

    I mean, it’s fascinating actually, the different things you can put in a shoe organizer. But some of us are like, well, it says shoe organizer, so we only think of using that for shoes. And then somebody else says, this is what I do. And you go, I can’t even visualize that. And then they say, well, I’ll just post a picture. And then you’re like, wow.


    Kathi (18:33.667)



    Kathi (18:39.512)



    Kathi (18:50.006)

    Yeah. Okay. You know why I love that so much, Tonya? my goodness. Do you know why I love that? Because the things online are only the aesthetically pleasing things because you want to be able to go to your drawer and see all the little compartments and you want to get that high from it being overly organized and color coordinated. And you know, there are organizing systems out there that, you know, you, you put things from yellow to purple.


    Tonya Kubo (19:01.32)



    Tonya Kubo (19:19.772)



    Kathi (19:20.026)

    And that’s the only way you’re and it makes me crazy because our houses are not set up like that I don’t have a walk-in closet My closet is a walkout closet, know, and I do have a shoe organizer in there But can I tell you my shoe organizing system? Do you want to hear how awesome this? Okay So every night when I’m getting into bed and I’m changing into my clothes, I kick my shoes into the bottom


    Tonya Kubo (19:27.773)





    Tonya Kubo (19:39.366)

    I do, I wanna hear it.


    Kathi (19:49.39)

    the closet in a jumble and then on Saturdays I put them away so You usually have five to six pairs of shoes on the bottom of the closet For about a week and then I put them away so I can find them again But you know what it works for me. Yeah, am I am I ready to get photographed for House Beautiful? I am NOT and if they came here, I’d break their camera, but it


    Tonya Kubo (19:51.07)



    Tonya Kubo (20:13.852)





    Kathi (20:17.792)

    My life is so much better than my shoes being all over the house every day tripping over them. It’s, it’s, do I want to be perfect or do I want to be sustainable? I want to be sustainable.


    Tonya Kubo (20:30.46)

    Yeah, no, exactly. mean, and I’m somebody, I only like alternate between two pairs of shoes usually. I tuck them underneath the bed, right? Because I get dressed in the dark because I get up hours before Brian does. So I just, there’s one little spot underneath the bed. That’s where my shoes live. I put them on, I’m good to go. And I think that’s the other thing that, so there is a time for aesthetics. There really is.


    Kathi (20:36.824)



    Kathi (20:40.366)

    Perfect. Yeah.


    Kathi (20:45.836)



    Tonya Kubo (21:00.892)

    But most of us now is not that time, right? Now is the time to minimize, like get as much out of there and to make our houses functional. So, you know, like for us right now, like socks are such a battle when you have kids and it was fine when their feet were not as big as mine. Now that our feet are all the same size.


    Kathi (21:12.782)



    Kathi (21:18.638)



    Tonya Kubo (21:27.774)

    It’s a problem. So we have two of those fabric cubes and all the socks go in there and we don’t match them. We don’t do anything. It is absolutely not a great long-term solution, but I don’t have socks all over the house and I’m not worried about whose socks are in whose drawer.


    Kathi (21:44.814)

    Okay, can I tell you my ultimate sock solution that I did when I had teenagers? I don’t know if this will work for you, but my girls would keep stealing my socks. I had black no-show socks. So what I did was I ordered a dozen Barney socks and.


    Tonya Kubo (21:48.59)

    I’ll take it. I will take it.


    Kathi (22:11.726)

    they were never touched by my teenage girls.


    Tonya Kubo (22:15.423)

    that’s funny.


    Kathi (22:16.972)

    Because I was so sick of, I literally did not have socks. And I’m like, I, go ahead.


    Tonya Kubo (22:21.478)

    Right. Well, I was going to say, yeah, I don’t have socks, but it’s not the girl’s fault. Remember, Brian does the laundry and Brian has an organization system that is called Mine Not Mine.


    Kathi (22:29.326)



    Tonya Kubo (22:36.922)

    And if it is not his, then it goes all in the same pile. Right? And so the girls and I, was like their underwear in my drawer, my underwear in their drawer. And I would always like hold up their underwear. like, what part of you thinks this is my size? And that’s when he explained, he’s like, Tonya, it’s a simple system. It’s mine and not mine. And if it’s not mine, I just kind of assume maybe it’s yours.


    Kathi (22:43.01)



    Kathi (22:47.726)



    Kathi (22:53.366)

    Right, right, right, right.


    Kathi (23:05.302)

    Okay, thank you, Brian, for doing laundry. Grateful.


    Tonya Kubo (23:06.59)

    Exactly. I am grateful for the laundry and now we have this weird commingled sock thing, but it works for now. once, Lily and I have been talking about this, it’s like, okay, once our frustration level gets to the point that we are ready to solve it on our own, we will do that. Until then we do not complain and we tolerate the solution that dad has come up


    Kathi (23:25.708)

    Right. Right.


    Yes, Barney the Dinosaur, just keep that in your back pocket.


    Tonya Kubo (23:34.928)

    I might actually, that’s tempting.


    Kathi (23:39.138)

    Yeah, just make your stuff so undesirable that nobody else in the house will touch it. Yeah. Okay. So Tonya, this is literally the last day of our sale.


    Tonya Kubo (23:44.872)



    Tonya Kubo (23:51.794)

    Right, well, we haven’t even talked about the clutter free for life sale!


    Kathi (23:54.646)

    So here’s why I’m gonna ask you if people are feeling isolated, what is our last ditch effort to say one, you’re the person who might benefit from this and two, what it’s gonna change for you.


    Tonya Kubo (24:09.05)

    I mean, it’s clutter free for life, right? So I guess here’s the thing is if you were looking for your house to be Pinterest perfect in 30 days, this is not the program for you. This is for the person who says it’s going to take time. It’s going to take effort. It’s a day to day thing that I’m going to have to work on. I’m going to slip. I’m going to fall. I might not even like look at the program materials for three months time. I may not. But when I’m ready,


    Kathi (24:12.045)



    Tonya Kubo (24:39.354)

    I will have this whole community of people who are waiting for me and are happy to help me pick back up. Then Clutter Free for Life is 100 % for you. You can do our annual pass right now. It’s over 60 % off of regular price. Month to month is totally an option as well. But right now the annual pass is just 118 for a whole year. That’s what, like nine bucks? You do the math way better than I do, Kathi. It’s like nine bucks a month.


    Kathi (25:04.098)

    Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.


    Tonya Kubo (25:07.958)

    And it’s worth trying out and giving it a go. And if it’s not for you, then you’ll know in the first 30 days, I think. Because we’re pretty laid back and sometimes we’re just too laid back for people. I get that. But I really think you just… They do. People do come in really expecting me to be mean. And I’m just like, I don’t have it in me. I’m sorry.


    Kathi (25:16.482)

    Yeah, for sure.


    Kathi (25:21.696)

    Yeah, no, they want us to be meaner to them.


    Kathi (25:30.732)

    No, that’s not what we do here. We’re nice and Right


    Tonya Kubo (25:34.106)

    I have a lot of compassion and I think my compassion, I actually had somebody last January who was like, no, like I don’t deserve compassion. And I was like, yeah, you do. And they were telling me, they’re like, you don’t understand. And they were telling me like how lazy they were and all these things. And I said, wow, you have really high expectations of yourself. And they were like, well, yeah. And I said, and how’s that working? And they just kind of stopped. And I said, you know, like,


    Kathi (25:46.04)

    We all deserve compassion.


    Tonya Kubo (26:04.07)

    I can’t say the word right now. Recrimination, self-recrimination has, like it sounds like you have a history of that and it hasn’t been effective. So what if we tried compassion?


    Kathi (26:06.636)

    Yeah, yeah.


    Kathi (26:14.092)

    Yeah, yeah, because if you’re going to keep doing the same thing you’ve always been doing and it hasn’t worked And here’s the thing I come from a generation I come from generations of people who wanted to shame themselves into better behavior And it just it doesn’t work. Okay friends today’s the last day, but here’s the beautiful thing if it doesn’t work for you 30-day guarantee what if you got to lose and I think


    Tonya Kubo (26:28.882)

    Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.


    Kathi (26:43.488)

    If you stick with it, you’re gonna see results. You may not feel like you see results in the first week, but within the first two weeks, you’re gonna start to see some noticeable results in your life. And we wanna be there to cheer you on. So I’m putting the link down there. It’s normally 299. You can join any time of the year for 299. But if you wanna get the super, because we like to onboard everybody at once. It saves our team a lot of time and a lot of energy.


    Tonya Kubo (26:55.166)



    Tonya Kubo (27:10.79)



    Kathi (27:13.006)

    118 and That’s It’s less than $10 a month To know that you’re on the right track Tonya. Thanks for hanging out with me Okay, and friends, thank you for hanging out you’ve been listening to clutter free Academy. I’m Kathi lip now Go start the clutter free life. You’ve always wanted to live


    Tonya Kubo (27:21.63)



    Tonya Kubo (27:26.44)

    Thanks for having me.



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