What does Jesus Say About Our Stuff- You’re Invited

What does Jesus Say About Our Stuff- You’re Invited

Friends, I am so thrilled about tomorrow morning. We’re launching our second year of the Clutter Free Bible Study with a few hundred (maybe a couple thousand) friends over on our Facebook group. We’ll spend the next 40 days taking a deep dive into the spiritual side of Clutter. Going Clutter Free is a lot like peeling an onion, every layer removed reveals something hidden beneath. Together, we’re going to figure out the emotions that lurk below the surface of our attachment to our stuff. I want YOU to come join us. Wonder if you’re ready to take on the challenge?

Here’s what last year’s participants have to say about their experiences:

“I have learned so much through this process about the ways clutter affects not only my house buy my body and my mental health too. I am learning to let go of stuff that before had a hold on my life I didn’t even realize. I am so grateful to be on this journey with all of you!” ~ Robin

“On Christmas Eve 2013, my youngest son wanted to host a tea party for his grandparents but our house was such a disaster that they were forbidden from coming inside and we had a picnic in the back yard instead. After doing Clutter Free in 2015, this year they’re allowed ANYwhere in my house! What a difference a year makes!” ~ Tabitha

“I discovered fears I didn’t know I had – fears of poverty, scarcity and of losing control.   I learned to trust God to provide what I needed when I needed it.” ~ Tonya

You can get more details about the study here. This year the Online Group kicks off on Februray 14 and runs until March 28. If you sign up before February 14, you’ll get a great deal for the online study access for just $14.99 (normally $25) by using code CFBSFEB18. Talk about a Valentine’s gift to yourself.

Plus, join us in the nicest corner of the internet – the Clutter Free Academy Facebook group, absolutely free. Join others who are finding freedom and sharing their #onesmallwin moments as they tackle clutter and find ways to be all that God has designed them to be. You can do it and we’d love to help.

Eps #289 The Heart Reasons We Deal with Clutter

Eps #289 The Heart Reasons We Deal with Clutter

Kathi Lipp invited our Clutter Free Academy queen Tonya Kubo to the studio to discuss her epic transformation from doing the Clutter Free Bible Study this time last year. We talk a lot about Clutter Free in terms of our stuff. But this week we get down to the nitty gritty about the heart and spiritual side of our clutter. What does Jesus have to say about our stuff? It turns out, quite a bit.

Kathi and Tonya talk about how the spiritual side of their clutter was an integral piece of changing their own hearts and in turn, their lives. We also discuss what to expect on our upcoming online group study. For more info on our group study click here.

To be a part of the study club, get access to our online videos and booklet for just $14.99 (regularly $25!) between now and February 14, 2018 with coupon code: CFBSFEB18. Click here for lifetime access to the study and join our private Facebook group for daily encouragement from Kathi and Tonya for Lent this year.

Meet Our Guest

Tonya Kubo

Tonya Kubo

Tonya Kubo is the illustrious, fearless leader of Kathi Lipp’s Clutter-Free Academy Facebook group. She and her husband, Brian, are raising two spirited girls in the agricultural heart of California. She writes about fighting the demons of comparison, clutter and compulsion on www.tonyakubo.com.

When You Need to Hear from God: Discovering Hope in the Psalms

When You Need to Hear from God: Discovering Hope in the Psalms

Hear from God: Hope in the Psalms

I have resisted the whole adult coloring book trend for the past couple of years. I was never much of a coloring book person as a child, plus the fact that I’ve never had what one might call “artistic skills”. (Whenever I made a big swing and a miss at an artistic endeavor, my mom would always sweetly say, “You have other talents.”)

So when my publisher asked if I wanted to blog about a new Bible study/coloring book, I resisted. What if it brought back all my childhood trauma of not being able to stay within the lines? What if my coloring was so bad that you all judged me and openly mocked me in the comment section of the blog? (These are real thoughts I have as I lie awake at night.)

But looking at Discovering Hope in the Psalms, three things made me change my mind:

1. My Bible study routine was feeling a little stale and I needed to kick it up. This seemed like a great way to mix it up.
2. One of the authors, Pam Farrell, is one of my favorite people on the planet. Getting to spend a little bit of time with her each morning is a good thing.
3. The title intrigued me: Discovering Hope in the Psalms. I’ll be honest with you – I was in desperate need of a little hope with some of the circumstances going on in my life.

So, I thought, “What could it hurt?” Plus, if my coloring was really so bad as to shame my family, I didn’t have to show you in the pictures I took.

Here’s what’s I love about this study:

1. While there are coloring elements, they are only a part of this amazing Bible study. (Whew!)
2. This is a legit Bible study, not just some pretty pages with a verse thrown in here or there. This goes deep, but in an accessible way. I’m getting to know the Psalms in a whole, new, fresh way, like never before. I’m loving it.
3. This whole study encourages you to explore God and the Psalms through the arts- not just coloring – but through spoken word, cooking and other creative pursuits.

If you are in a place in your life (and your quiet time) where you need to hear from God in a fresh way, I want to encourage you to change up your quiet time routine. Here are some ways Discovering Hope in the Psalms helped me:

• Breaking my quiet time routine by trying a new format for Bible study.
• Experience God in a fresh and new way.
• Get permission to be artistic. Experiencing God not just in his word, but throughout the day in artistic ways through song, art, cooking and reading helped expand my view of Him.
• Reading someone else’s story of struggle helps me understand God in my own struggle. The short stories in this book helped me see how the Psalms applied to Pam’s life and my own.


I’m going to give six of you a chance to go through this study for yourself. If you want to experience God in a new and fresh way, I encourage you to take a look at Discovering Hope in the Psalms. And for six of you, you will get the chance to go deeper! I have five copies to give away, plus, for one of my readers, I’m going to send you my entire quiet time kit including:

Discovering Hope in the Psalms
• This beautiful Study Bible for Women
• A set of colored pencils for exploring God through creativity
• My favorite cup for hot and cold drinks Hydro Flask
• My very favorite pen, the Uniball Air Micro
• An assortment of teas (to keep those creative juices flowing)

This post is sponsored by Harvest House Publishers, but all the views expressed are mine and only mine…

For your chance to win, enter below.


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Digging Deep Into Scripture With Words

Digging Deep Into Scripture With Words

Digging Deep Into Scripture

When we run into a hard-to-understand verse in the Bible, it’s hard to know what to think or where to look for answers. In the second post of her “Tools Not Rules” series of Bible study “how-tos”, Amy Carroll shares how following a single word through scripture can unearth rich understanding. Amy gives some resources to guide word study, and one of them is free. We love free!

Amy Carroll

Amy Carroll is a speaker and writer for Proverbs 31 Ministries. She’s the author of Breaking Up with Perfect as well as the director and coach of Next Step Coaching Services.  As a woman who loves a great story and a challenging idea, co-hosting the Grit ‘n’ Grace podcast has become one of her favorite things.

Amy and her husband live in lovely Holly Springs, NC.  You can find her on any given day texting her two sons at college, typing at her computer, or trying to figure out one more alternative to cooking dinner.  Share life with Amy at www.amycarroll.org and find out more about her speaker coaching services at http://www.nextstepcoachingservices.com/.

How to Get Profound Result from Simple Bible Study

How to Get Profound Result from Simple Bible Study

Results from Simple Bible Study

Have you tried method after method for Bible study only to discard them or forget them? Or are you a Bible study newbie? Amy shares a simple method with profound results in this first post in her “Tools Not Rules” series for Bible study. Before you start watching, click here for a free download that will give you everything you need to dive into deeper Bible study.



Amy CarrollAmy Carroll is a speaker and writer for Proverbs 31 Ministries. She’s the author of Breaking Up with Perfect as well as the director and coach of Next Step Coaching Services.  As a woman who loves a great story and a challenging idea, co-hosting the Grit ‘n’ Grace podcast has become one of her favorite things.

Amy and her husband live in lovely Holly Springs, NC.  You can find her on any given day texting her two sons at college, typing at her computer, or trying to figure out one more alternative to cooking dinner.  Share life with Amy at www.amycarroll.org and find out more about her speaker coaching services at http://www.nextstepcoachingservices.com/.


Get Out from Overwhelmed – Join Us for the Least Overwhelming Study Ever

Get Out from Overwhelmed – Join Us for the Least Overwhelming Study Ever

It could be just one more thing to pack into an already overwhelming summer.
“A Bible study? Whose got time for that?”

Welcome to the least overwhelming Bible study you will ever do.

No travel required – you are part of this study from the comfort of your own home (or on the beach, or locked in a car for eight hours going to grandma’s…)

No child care – you can do this study while the kids are asleep (or while they are hanging off you on the couch…)

No extra study guide to purchase – you just need the book.

No snacks to bring – you can just have a stash of your own favorite snacks at home to bust out when the kids are actually in bed.

Sound good? Here are the details:

Women’s Bible Cafe has chosen Overwhelmed as their summer Bible study! We’ll start the study the week of June 19th and finish the week of August 21, 2017. r

My very favorite partner in crime, Cheri Gregory, and I will be working together to bring you fresh insights and great tools to get you to a place of peach this summer. I can’t wait.

What do you need to do? Just two steps:

  1. Order Overwhelmed
  2. Sign up to join the Women’s Bible Cafe

It’s that easy.


Didn’t I say “least Overwhelming Bible study ever?”