Friends, I am so thrilled about tomorrow morning. We’re launching our second year of the Clutter Free Bible Study with a few hundred (maybe a couple thousand) friends over on our Facebook group. We’ll spend the next 40 days taking a deep dive into the spiritual side of Clutter. Going Clutter Free is a lot like peeling an onion, every layer removed reveals something hidden beneath. Together, we’re going to figure out the emotions that lurk below the surface of our attachment to our stuff. I want YOU to come join us. Wonder if you’re ready to take on the challenge?
Here’s what last year’s participants have to say about their experiences:
“I have learned so much through this process about the ways clutter affects not only my house buy my body and my mental health too. I am learning to let go of stuff that before had a hold on my life I didn’t even realize. I am so grateful to be on this journey with all of you!” ~ Robin
“On Christmas Eve 2013, my youngest son wanted to host a tea party for his grandparents but our house was such a disaster that they were forbidden from coming inside and we had a picnic in the back yard instead. After doing Clutter Free in 2015, this year they’re allowed ANYwhere in my house! What a difference a year makes!” ~ Tabitha
“I discovered fears I didn’t know I had – fears of poverty, scarcity and of losing control. I learned to trust God to provide what I needed when I needed it.” ~ Tonya
You can get more details about the study here. This year the Online Group kicks off on Februray 14 and runs until March 28. If you sign up before February 14, you’ll get a great deal for the online study access for just $14.99 (normally $25) by using code CFBSFEB18. Talk about a Valentine’s gift to yourself.
Plus, join us in the nicest corner of the internet – the Clutter Free Academy Facebook group, absolutely free. Join others who are finding freedom and sharing their #onesmallwin moments as they tackle clutter and find ways to be all that God has designed them to be. You can do it and we’d love to help.