579: How to Plan Like a Homesteader No Matter Where You Call Home, Part 1

Would you consider yourself a natural planner, or is it challenging for you to plan ahead? If you think planning doesn’t come easily, then you share that trait with Kathi and Roger Lipp, but moving to the Red House has forced them to plan ahead. In today’s podcast they share their hard-won wisdom with all of us.

Even if you don’t live on acres in the wilderness, you can still apply these lessons to lessen the stress in your life. For example:

  • Are you prepared for extreme weather events or other emergencies in your area?
  • Have you been thinking longer term in your financial planning?
  • What home maintenance issues are going to turn into big problems without attention?
  • Are you taking the time to build practical skills?

Kathi and Roger give us some helpful ideas in all these areas and more. Listen and find out how you can experience more peace in your home by planning ahead.  

Sign up here to get an email when Part Two comes out next week, when we will learn seven more areas to think about in order to plan like a homesteader.

The Accidental Homesteader: What I’ve Learned About Chickens, Compost, and Creating Home


Homesteading [hohm-sted-ing]
1. an act or instance of establishing a homestead.
2. the act of loving where you live so much that you actively ignore the fact that your house is trying to kill you on a regular basis.
For Kathi Lipp and her husband, Roger, buying a house in one of the most remote parts of Northern California was never part of the plan; many of life’s biggest, most rewarding adventures rarely are.

Kathi shares the hard-won wisdom she’s gained on her homestead journey to help you accomplish more at home, gain fresh perspective, and give yourself grace in the process. Here’s a handful of the lessons Kathi shares:

  • Prepare before the need arises
  • Everything is always in process, including us
  • Your best household solution is time and patience
  • You don’t have to do everything the hard way
  • Be open to new and better ways of doing things
  • A lot of small changes make a huge difference.
    Highly practical, humorous, and inspirational, The Accidental Homesteader will encourage you to live with more peace, joy, and contentment.

Order your copy of The Accidental Homesteader: What I’ve Learned About Chickens, Compost, and Creating Home here.

Are you a natural planner or is planning ahead a challenge for you?

Tell us in the comments!

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Meet Our Guest 

Roger Lipp

Roger is a productivity and quality engineer for a Fortune 50 company.

Roger helps teams reach their full productivity potential by teaching them the practical and simple steps to reach their goals. Roger and his wife, author Kathi Lipp, teach communicators how to share their message through social media and email marketing.

He and Kathi coauthored Happy Habits for Every Couple with Harvest House Publishers.


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