554 The Time Saving Mom – How to Juggle A Lot, Enjoy Your Life and Accomplish what Matters – Part 1

Today Kathi is joined by Crystal Paine, also known as the Money Saving Mom, as they discuss how to juggle a lot, enjoy your life, and accomplish what matters! Crystal is a busy entrepreneur and mother of six who has been on a journey including secondary infertility, foster care, adoption, and caring for a child with special needs. 

How does she decide what to take on and what to say no to at any given time? Crystal shares her six by two priority system – six priorities, focusing on two each day. These are her top priorities:

  1. Spiritual health
  2. Marriage
  3. Kids
  4. Home
  5. Business
  6. Friendships

Rotating the focus of these priorities during the week gives her a little breathing room, while still making sure she accomplishes what matters. Next week Crystal Paine will continue her conversation with Kathi, as they chat about planning systems and how to turn these priorities into action steps.

Be sure to subscribe to the podcast to be notified when the next episode is released. When you do you will also receive a free Clutter Free Kit with handouts and video interview with Kathi!




Time is short. Here’s how to invest it in what matters most.

As a busy mom, pulled in many directions, you’ve felt it: There’s too much to do, and not enough time to do it.

It seems like the only solution is to hustle harder. But there’s a far better way to manage your time so that you can simplify and enjoy your life.

Crystal Paine–mom of six, bestselling author, and entrepreneur–delivers a real-world, no-nonsense guide to keeping you sane and doing the things you love most.

In The Time-Saving Mom, Crystal takes you inside her days to help you:

· Adopt an easy-to-implement four-step system to organize and simplify your life

· Create morning and evening routines that set you up for success

· Learn time-saving hacks to help you find time for pursuing your personal passions, friendships, exercise, and better sleep

· Carve out sacred time for God and your family

You don’t have to be a productivity queen to maximize your time. Instead, you can be a time-saving mom, investing in what matters most.


The Time Saving Mom

What are your top priorities this week? Tell us in the comments.

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Meet Our Guest 


Crystal Paine

Crystal Paine (www.moneysavingmom.com) is a New York Times bestselling author, a popular speaker, the host of The Crystal Paine Show, and the founder of one of the top personal finance blogs on the web, Money Saving Mom. Her desire is to help women across the globe live with more joy in their everyday lives. Her biggest passions are helping women understand how the Gospel can radically transform their lives, raising awareness for foster care, and finding great deals at the grocery store. She lives with her husband and kids in the Nashville, Tennessee, area.


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