Decluttering with Kathi and Overcome Overwhelm 

 with Special Guests Cheri Gregory and Chris Moss 

Join Kathi as she diescusses Getting Out from Overwhelmed with Cheri Gregory and Chris Moss, Authors of the Overwhelmed Reflection and Discussion Guide. This is going to be a rich conversation that you won’t want to miss!

Links Mentioned:


The Clutter-Free Home

Learn more about Clutter Free for Life

The Overwhelmed Reflection and Dicussion Guide

 Connect with Chris on Facebook and her Website


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Meet Our Guest 

Cheri Gregory

The Overwhelmed Reflection and Discussion Guide 

Quiet the chaos and restore your sanity

This is the companion Reflection & Discussion Guide to accompany the book Overwhelmed: Quiet the Chaos and Restore Your Sanity by Kathi Lipp and Cheri Gregory.

Designed for personal reflection while reading the book individually and for use during an 8-week small group study.

 Let Kathi, Cheri and Chris help you find a place of more serenity and less overwhlem though guided reflections and discussions.          




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