Kathi and Cheri Gregory are back with us today in Part 4 of this series, talking about decision fatigue, how it’s often a stumbling block to decluttering, and what we can do about it. Friends, in this series, we’re learning together how to get rid of this decision fatigue and keep going even when it’s hard. Join in to be encouraged and learn about:
- How to get rid of all this stuff in the middle of a crisis
- How to get past the all or nothing thinking
- What to do when you’re stuck in decluttering
How to Quiet the Chaos and Restore Your Sanity 
Feeling overwhelmed? Wondering if it’s possible to move from “out of my mind” to “in control” when you’ve got too many projects on your plate and too much mess in your relationships?
Kathi and Cheri want to show you five surprising reasons why you become stressed, why social media solutions don’t often work, and how you can finally create a plan that works for you. As you identify your underlying hurts, uncover hope, and embrace practical healing, you’ll become equipped to:
- trade the to-do list that controls you for a calendar that allows space in your life
- decide whose feedback to forget and whose input to invite
- replace fear of the future with peace in the present
You can simplify and savor your life—guilt-free! Clutter, tasks, and relationships may overwhelm you now, but God can help you overcome with grace.
Kathi and Cheri Gregory, co-author of Overwhelmed, get together for this episode for a little discussion regarding the concepts of being overwhelmed and being clutter-free. So often we find that our clutter overwhelms us and that being overwhelmed contributes to our clutter. It can be a vicious cycle.
Kathi and Cheri discuss five steps to keep from getting overwhelmed as you declutter your home, your heart, and your life. Order your copy of Overwhelmed here.
Learn more about Clutter Free for Life.
Giveaway: For a chance to win a copy of both Overwhelmed and The Clutter-Free Home, answer this question in the comments below: Tell us about what type of decision fatigue you are dealing with.
We would love to stay connected.
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Meet Our Guest

Cheri Gregory
Cheri Gregory delights in helping women draw closer to Jesus, the Strength of every tender heart.
Cheri is the co-author of four books, co-host of Grit ‘n’ Grace The Podcast, co-leader of the Sensitive and Strong Community Café, and founder of Write Beside You communicator coaching.
Cheri and her college sweetheart, Daniel, have been married for 32 years and live in California near their two adult children.
You can connect with Cheri at CheriGregory.com, SensitiveAndStrong.com, GritNGraceThePodcast.com, and WriteBesideYou.com
- #655 Finding Grace in Your Imperfect Space: A Conversation with Hilary Bernstein - February 4, 2025
- #653 Say Goodbye to Insomnia: How Decluttering Can Reboot Your Rest - January 21, 2025
- #652 The Clutter Free Lifestyle: 10 Habits That Actually Work - January 14, 2025
Decision fatigue haunts me all the time!!! I can barely decide at McDonald’s what I want to order!! It’s like I have all these competing factors all bouncing around in my head and I can’t figure out how to make the “right” choice (especially with things that don’t have one best choice). My biggest struggle day to day is deciding what to serve our family of seven for dinner. Plenty of options, but I just can’t seem to actually pull the trigger and finish making the decision until it’s after 5, I have to drive kids to activities, and no one has eaten. Such a struggle!!!
Decision Fatigue…YEs. Homeschooling four kids. Nothing major, just completely overwhelmed by the barrage of decisions about everything from what and when, and how and why they should eat or wear to what they need to learn, which extra-curricular activities do we participate in and why they shouldn’t irritate each other. And then there’s managing the hand-me-downs. Not to mention the daily household chores, meal planning, and is it even worth sweeping the floor again today? Just can’t see that I’m getting anything accomplished.
Oh my word.. this is so “me” in this episode! I’m glad do know it’s not only me getting stuck in overwhelm, paralysed by the decisions to be made. I also experienced what Cheri said about starting something new to help get more energy to finish something old .. ir really does help. Thank you so much for your clutter and life support 🙂
I am a school librarian meeting in person with students and grateful to still have a job. BUT it’s a CRAZY busy year! So simple decisions such as picking out clothes for the next day or what to pack in my lunch are a few contributors to my decision fatigue
Decision fatigue is so real. Between the pandemic, deciding to leave my job to be home full time, searching for a house in a crazy market, and having a miscarriage, my decision-o-meter is full up. I found myself staring at Halloween candy options on Amazon, overwhelmed with the decision and frozen wondering if kids even like Swedish Fish anymore. A house within our price range came on the market this afternoon – I looked at my husband and just said “the pics are nice, why don’t you go look at this one on your own and decide the offer.” Yes, this is the house I would raise a family in [Lord willing] and I am completely ok with him making this decision ?
The ? was meant to be a laughing face. Oops!
Hi Rachel,
Thank you for sharing a part of your journey with us. Congratulations, you are the winner of this episode’s giveaway of Overwhelmed and Clutter Free. Please fill out this form and we will send it to you asap: https://form.jotform.com/200663868431155
Samantha, KL Giveaway Team