It is day one of the Spring Fling and we are going to start easy … in the kitchen. If you declutter the kitchen, it will make a big difference in how you cook and enjoy family time together.
Time to declutter the kitchen
The kitchen doesn’t seem to hold as much sentimental attachment as some of the other rooms in our homes, so let’s get the 20 items out of there. I would encourage you to really look at your stuff. Do you have six cookie sheets? Unless you are planning to take the place of Mrs. Fields, that probably is overkill. Could you donate a couple so that someone who is baking their cookies off of aluminum foil has a safe way to make cookies for their kids? One thing I realized as I was getting rid of my 20 things in the kitchen? It was hard! Not because I was attached to things, but because I’ve been decluttering so much over the years that I really do have my essentials only in the kitchen. That is Clutter Free progress, baby!

What to do in the kitchen
1. Set up your three boxes/totes and two bags.
2. Start with one drawer or one shelf. 3. Do NOT pull everything in your kitchen out and sort through it. That’s how your kids manage their toys, and how does THAT work for you?
Bonus: You know those days when you feel extra motivated? Yes, they may only come around once a year, but today could be that day! If so, here are some extra things you could do that will bring you more peace in your kitchen:
Soo behind as usual. Just starting fling with fear and trepidation. After years of absolute chaos and the only one giving a rip (me) quitting all housekeeping, my home is a hording junk heap with a MAJOR dustbunny infestation. I’m still working 2 jobs, but I either reclaim my space or move … without my family! I have little hope of family participation – been there, done that, read them the articles, played the videos, even took them to counseling. Whatever. At least there will be less crap for them leave out.
Having missed the first three posts, but seeing the 4th in my inbox, I started tonight. 22 items thrown out from the fridge and freezer alone! 11 of those were from the door of the fridge.
I also found a stack of hand towels in my craft room (while looking for a project today) that were purposed for sellable crafts. Nope, not anymore. Some added to kitchen towels, some to bathroom. Then I removed the stock of kitchen ‘bar mops’ I had from the kitchen, kept only five for deep cleaning, and placed the rest in my ‘donate’ bag. There are at least 10 towels in that bag now, bringing the total up to at least 3 items. I even took out the trash so I am starting fresh tomorrow!
Now it’s off to bed. I get to play catch up tomorrow…
Oops! I meant 32 items…
“I don’t have 20 ketchup packets” she whined. Oh yes I do! They were hiding! It was also great to show my hubby how much clutter costs us by showing him the 6 boxes of Mac and cheese in the pantry… all purchased because I couldn’t find a box when I wanted it.
You won the giveaway for the first day of the Spring Fling! I will send you an email for your mailing address. Thank you for participating and Good luck on your spring fling!
Have a blessed day!