Welcome to the Clutter Free Book Club, where I share the books I’ve been reading (and hopefully loving.) Each month I review at least one book I’ve read, and because I am living a Clutter Free life, I pass that book on to one of you. To be entered into the drawing, just comment on this post and you’ll be entered to win. But there is one catch: if you win the book, you have to promise to pass it on to someone else when you’re done (keeping this book club Clutter Free.) When you comment below, share either 1. A book you’ve read that you think I should put on my list or 2. The name of the person you will pass this book onto when you’re done reading it!

Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life…And Maybe the World Hardcover – April 4, 2017
Where I bought it: Audible
by Author Admiral William H. McRaven (Ret.)
Where I read it: It’s a short book – I listened to it while I was helping my step-daughter and son-in-law move into their new house.
I’d heard about Admiral McRaven’s speech at University of Texas (Hook ’em!) and what he’d learned in his military career. It was such and enjoyable book and many of the lessons have stuck with me. Lesson 1 making your bed means that the first thing you do each morning is accomplish something. (I lay in bed for a minute and pray first, so first God, then accomplishment. I recommend THAT order.) Recommended!
Just a word on the books I read and review: I have a wide and varied sense of taste when it comes to books. I would love for you to enter and win one of my books – but if you are offended by book content, I would ask that you go online to read reviews to see if this book is for you before you enter to win.
*Only US readers are eligible to receive the free book.
The Year of Less by Cait Flanders is a wonderful book. And if I win, I will pass the book along to Donna Hughes.
Have you ever read “God is the Gospel” by John Piper?? It is one of my all-time favorite books! If I won this book I would give it to my sister in law, Amie!
I would offer it to one of friends in my moms group who also struggles with clutter.
I definitely would ??? this book & pass it on to my friend Pam who desperately wants to improve her home like I do.
I would LOVE to read this myself before passing it along to my sister Jen.
Definitely would share this with my sister! Hope I’m not too late to enter!
Pass it on!
I am taking baby steps in a lot of areas of my life including the monster of junk and clutter and many more areas, I would share with my cousin Carlar, to start and then on and on to our loved ones and friends
I would read it first and share it around to my friends and family. Anything I can do to make life sweeter for others 🙂
I would share with a cluttery sister! It looks great!
I need to read this. I only make my bed if someone is coming over. lol I would pass this on to my book club girls.
I’d pass it along to my sister Susan.
I’d pass it on to my daughter Jenna.
I would pass it on to my friend who is also striving to be clutter free.
I would pass it on to my neighbor who is going through the clutter free journey with me.
I would share it with two people my husband and friend Sandra at work.
My mom could use a decluttering help.
I’d actually pass it to two different people. First, I’d share it with my sister then to my best friend.
Oh my, I love making my bed first thing in the morning after I have said hello to God. An organized and made bed puts me in a good mood. I have been this way as long as I can remember. As a child I would make my bed and smooth all the wrinkles out. So of course when I was sharing a bedroom with Miss. Messy, my sister, she would jump on my bed and wrinkle it all up on purpose. And I would yell at her and remake it. Thankfully she doesn’t live at my house and my husband loves a made bed. 🙂
So who would I share this book with? My sister. Who now makes her bed every morning. I guess I my good habits rubbed off a little on her.
Opps. I accidently sent comment without name or contact info. How can you contact me if I win? I am the bed maker who shared a room with Miss. Messy.
I love your podcast. Listened to a few episodes on my drive down to see my sister, who by the way is now Miss Clean,
The Turquoise Table is an amazing book.
I would pass the book on to my friend Jeanne. We quilt together and we share books and other items when we can.
I’m currently going through a book by Emily Ley…it’s called Grace not Perfection (I think)…..I’d probably pass the book onto my husband 🙂
Hi Ashley!
Congratulations! You won the Clutter-Free Book Club Giveaway Book of the month! I will send you an email to get your mailing address. Thank you for participating and I hope you enjoy your book!
God Bless!
I would pass this on to my favorite sister.
I would pass this book along to my mom. We have been in this Clutter Free journey together.
I would pass it on to my mom who is also trying to simplify her life!
Maybe you could consider putting The Kneeling Christian on you list (small paperback 125 pages)? it’s a Christian classic written sometime before the 1930’s by “an unknown Christian” (Zondervan). It answers the most often-asked questions Christians have about prayer: “How shall I pray?” “What is prayer?” “Must I agonize?” “Does God always answer prayer?” “Who may pray?” It’s also the book that brought me to the Lord at a neighborhood Bible study in 1968 and my hubby too. I’m actually re-reading it now because I want to “refresh” my prayer life.
I will pass it on to my sister , who like me is always fighting clutter.
Sounds like an interesting book! I’d pass the book on to my mom and sister, both bookworms 🙂
Sounds like good advice since I’m discovering the little things really do count. I’ve started laying out my clothes the night before and morning is now much easier. I will pass this on to a MOPS friend.
I’ll pass it on to a mom in our mops group, whomever expresses a need for it first, with the understanding that they pass it on when they are done as well. We’ve done this with lots of books before.
I would pass it on to Christine Anderson, another Clutter Free Academy member, We live in the same town and have shared organizing advice with each other for a while now!
I will pass it on to my clutter free buddy, Arlene.
Sound wonderful! I would pass it on to my sister.
Thank you!
I recently saw the movie, then read the book, “Wonder.” It is not a Christian novel, but a wonderful book, written for junior high school age, that helped me to understand what it is like to look out on the world as a child/person with a physical disability (craniofacial disorder, in particular). And it captured how others respond to people with disabilities, for better or for worse.
I would love to win “Make Your Bed!” I am working on discipline in eating, but I need to transfer that virtue to other areas of my life.
I love my bed to be made in the morning also!
My favorite book is Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers, a beautiful story about God’s love!
I would give book to my daughter Paige
I’d love to read this! I love to make my bed first thing, because it is such a quick job to complete.
I would pass this book on to my friend Margo
I will pass it on to my husband, Greg.
I would pass it on to my mom, who has a hard time letting go of clutter.
i would pass the book on to my sister who is starting to downsize her big house
My daughter in law LIndsay who has 7 children 9 and under and wrestles with clutter.
I would pass it on to my daughter Evan.