How to expand joy during the season of joy!
We have survived Thanksgiving and are entering the “Season of Joy” preparing for Christmas. For many people “joy” is not the predominant feeling they are experiencing. They feel overwhelmed, overspent, and their “to do” list is twice as long as their “done” list. How do we expand joy during this overwhelming season?
The opposite of overwhelmed is “peace and joy.” How do we get from one to the other? How do you expand the joy in your life?
Kathi and Overwhelm co-author, Cheri Gregory, discuss the overwhelm we all feel and provide ways to ensure you have more “joy” in your life, especially during this season.
They discuss three tips for adding joy to your life:
- Gratitude – Be grateful for what you already have and seek out ways to be grateful every day.
- Avoid squeezing out the joy – Risk enough to let joy come in and don’t push it away.
- Root out the joy – Look for joy in your every day life. Be a joy seeker. Expand joy!
Meet Our Guest

Cheri Gregory
Cheri Gregory is a teacher, speaker, author, and Certified Personality Trainer. Her passion is helping women break free from destructive expectations. She writes and speaks from the conviction that “how to” works best in partnership with “heart, too.”
Cheri is the co-author, with Kathi Lipp, of The Cure for the “Perfect” Life and the upcoming Overwhelmed.
Cheri has been “wife of my youth” to Daniel, her opposite personality, for twenty-eight years and is “Mom” to Annemarie (25) and Jonathon (23), also opposite personalities.
Cheri blogs about perfectionism, people-pleasing, highly sensitive people, and hope at