I hope you’ve enjoyed your Labor Day holiday and ate something BBQ-y or something simply summery…

So if you’ve partied had this weekend, it’s time to think about what you are going to have the rest of the week. Don’t let Tuesday catch you by surprise.  Go into the week with a plan – even if it’s a back-of-the-envelope plan.

Tuesday – Balsamic-Glazed Pork Chops (recipe can be found here at Epicurious ) with garlic spinach and new potatoes

Wednesday – Every Man for Yourself (or as some of you call it “YOYO” You’re On Your Own.)

Thursday – BBQd Chicken with Asparagus and rice

Friday – Speaking out of town and having dinner at the church (my favorite kind of meal – the kind that’s made by someone else…)

So tell me in the comments what you are eating this week, and you will be entered to win an advance copy of The “What’s for Dinner?” Solution.


Our winners from last week are:

Kate St. Amour  and Lynda Williams.

(Be sure to email Sunnie at kathilipp.com to let her know your mailing address!)