It was suppose to be a beautiful “lay-around-the-house-after-church” Sunday yesterday. That is until the car thermometer hit 95 degrees. Ugh. Too hot and sticky to lay around.


So Roger and I decided to go out for dinner – hit an air conditioned restaurant and cool off. So we went out – and once we ordered our Grilled Polenta appetizers we realized that we picked the only restaurant in modern America that did not have air conditioning. Double Ugh.


So in celebration of hot-sticky weather, I am sharing one of my favorite Frozen Gourmet Recipes that’s perfect for BBQing. (Oh, and if you are like my agent who Twittered about how the sun was gleaming off the snow in Colorado this morning, this recipe is great for the oven as well…)


Also, I will be giving away a copy of my cookbook The Frozen Gourmet this Friday, randomly drawn from one of the commenters to this posting. Let me know what your favorite hot weather dish is – two chances to win if you actually include the recipe!


Teriyaki Chicken

We make this marinade again and again – it is much better than any prepared marinade you can find in the store.


4 each    Chicken legs and thighs (or use six chicken breasts)

1/2 cup    Soy sauce

3 tbs    Honey

1 tsp    Grated, fresh ginger

2 tbs    Dry sherry (optional)

1 clove    Garlic, minced

2    Green onions, thinly sliced


1. Prepare: Place the chicken in a gallon plastic bag. Mix the remaining ingredients together in a bowl. Pour the mixture over the chicken. Seal the bag.

2. Freeze: Place your bag in another gallon bag and lay flat in the freezer.

3. Serve: Defrost the chicken. Pour off marinade and bake chicken in a pan at 350° for 30- 40 minutes, (or until no longer pink in the center.)

Servings: 4