To do list

Don’t we all love some great tools to help us bring a plan together?

Thanks to our amazing editor, Teresa, we have the entire 21 days of The Husband Project in one handy download:

Download the Husband Project

Plus, here is a blank calendar to plan out all of your activities for your 21 days:

Blank Calendar

My suggestion? Print it out and write in what you are going to do each day to bless your husband (but keep it hidden from him!). You can copy it and share it with your accountablity partners so they know how to encourage you/pray for you/ kick you in the butt.

After you get your calendar together, your next step is to get your To-Do List organized. This is the list of all the things you need to do to launch the project.

Download it here:

The Husband Project To Do List

This is where it all happens – need a babysitter for a week from now so you can go out to dinner – write it down. Want to special order his favorite kind of licorice from the classic candy website? Write it down. By planning ahead, you’ll be able to do a lot in advance and not have to stress out the night you’re suppose to make his favorite meal.