Hello again, gals…

Here’s the final exchange between the three Project Managers; this from a wife who’s really given thought to her husband’s personal favorites:

“I totally agree with you M. My husband has not said anything. Sometimes I think I could drop a brick on his head and he wouldn’t notice! Maybe it is a guy thing! Maybe they do notice but don’t say anything? Either that or we are both already amazing wives who are very sweet to our husbands, always put them first and give them plenty of sex ! Ha Ha. Well, on to week 3.

I did Day 19 first. I had shrimp cocktails and drinks ready for him when he got home. We enjoyed them while I finished cooking dinner.(One of his favorites! Steak and potatoes.)

Day 15-The thing he hates the most are my comfortable underwear. He calls them Grandma underwear! I guess it is time to head out to Victoria’s Secret!

Day 16-I love the shower idea! I think I have to steal that one!:)

Day 17-A Day off for Hubby. Not sure yet. Will talk to him about a perfect day and plan it for him.

Day 18-Favorite Meal. Something he loves is Cabbage Burgers. I have only made it once for his birthday last year! It takes forever!! Bread from scratch and the recipe I have is for a crowd of people. So it is hard to scale it down. Anyway, plan on trying to carve out time to make these. (He better notice this! 🙂

Day 20- Will place post it notes on things he will find while working. Rear view mirror on car, cell phone, Lunch box, etc..

Day 21- Get guy movie from Netflix. Something I know he has been wanting to see.

Talk to you ladies soon!”
