Get Yourself Organized for Christmas Project 17: Ship Those Boxes Out

Get Yourself Organized for Christmas Project 17: Ship Those Boxes Out

It is shipping day!

Today is shipping day! Grab your packages, buy yourself a Starbucks, and brave the post office (the lines won’t be nearly as long this early in the game).

To make this day painless, take some time earlier in the week to familiarize yourself with, print out labels, and pack everything up so it is ready to go for pick up. (You can still enjoy a Starbucks if you like!) If you have never used before, this may just be the most magical part of your Christmas this year.

Assignment: Shipping day is time for shipping your boxes!

  1. Learn how to ship using
  2. Use Priority Mail boxes.

Priority mail can be picked up at your house the next day.

Check out Kathi’s Quick Tips in the book for ideas for packaging and sending.

For More Details: Get Yourself Organized For Christmas – Page 96


  1. Gifts
  2. Priority Mail boxes
  3. Mailing labels

Share Your Thoughts:

Did you have any gifts to send? Did you mail them or order online? Do you have any quick tips to share pertaining to packing and mailing gifts?

Avoiding Overwhelm:

Expand your capacity for joy by seeking out opportunities to be joyful, appreciating what you have, and finding joy where you are – no matter what that looks like. (Yes, even the post office or the holiday mall traffic!)

And join us over on the Clutter Free Academy Facebook group where we encourage one another and stay accountable as we become Clutter Free!