Get Yourself Organized for Christmas Project 16: Take Time for You

Get Yourself Organized for Christmas Project 16: Take Time for You

Take time for you!

When was the last time you made time for you? Like literally planning nothing? Now sure, you may write on your calendar ‘get pedicure’ (that counts), but there is this GLORIOUS thing on a calendar called white space. Have you heard of it?? It is literally that … space for nothing. You should try and add some white space to that busy calendar of yours! (For inspiration, check out this classic podcast: Finding Whitespace During Christmas)

Find one way to refresh and recharge and find time for you in the midst of the busy Christmas season!

Here are some ideas:

  • get lunch with a friend
  • take a long hot shower
  • read a book in a cozy chair with a hot cup of tea
  • browse Pinterest mindlessly for one hour, guilt free
  • watch a great Christmas classic on TV
  • call a friend and talk for long enough that it felt like a visit
  • choose two days next month on the calendar for white space

Lest you be tempted, today is not a catch up day, it’s a RELAX day. You deserve it once in a while. Besides, you will be so much more effective when you take time for you.

For More Details: Get Yourself Organized For Christmas – Page 92


Share Your Thoughts:

How did you do planning your ‘white space’? Did you do nothing? Did you get a much-needed nap or pedicure?

Avoiding Overwhelm:

Are you rest-resistant because you think that if Christmas is going to happen at all this year it is completely up to you? And there is so much left to do. Breathe deep. Recognize that you’re trying to play God. Repent. And then rest, guilt-free.

And join us over on the Clutter Free Academy Facebook group where we encourage one another and stay accountable as we become Clutter Free!

Get Yourself Organized for Christmas Project 8: Catch-Up Day (and a Bonus Project for Extra Credit)

Get Yourself Organized for Christmas Project 8: Catch-Up Day (and a Bonus Project for Extra Credit)

Organized for Christmas doesn’t mean you can’t rest.

Time to catch up on anything you haven’t been able to finish thus far. Check your binder. Take a breath. You’ve got this!organized for Christmas

If you are not sure of the last time you took a breath, it has been too long! Your next step is to slow down and breathe deeply. Did you know that you think much more clearly when you get a good amount of oxygen to your brain? Or that by filling your brain with more oxygen you are opening receptors to help you react faster, think more clearly and get more done? This is scientific fact, so if you are feeling busy or stressed, it’s time for a nice walk. 20 minutes at a good pace should do all of us some good.

For extra credit, do something to bless your spouse and get him in the holiday spirit. This can be another form of getting oxygen to the brain! Go ahead – have fun with this.


Share your thoughts:

Chat with us and tell us what YOU did on your Catch up Day.

Avoiding Overwhelm:

Be sure to listen to your body throughout the holiday season. It “talks” to us for a reason. What is your body telling you? That it needs to go to bed? Stretch? To eat? Or stop eating?

And join us over on the Clutter Free Academy Facebook group where we encourage one another and stay accountable as we become Clutter Free!