When You’re Feeling Hopeless
I’m waiting for things to change.
I pray and I work, but whether it’s circumstances or sin, I get in a place where I’m stuck. Where I feel that things are the way they are, and they are never going to change.
Maybe for you it’s your marriage.
Or your weight.
Or that child that is living any way except the way that you raised them.
Maybe it’s money, or not being where you want to be in your career.
Or maybe it’s the feeling that things are happening for everyone else, but not for you.
It’s amazing that things can be clicking along in some areas of my life, (my marriage, my career,) but just thinking about other areas (physically, relationally,) can make me feel like my whole life is just a huge, overwhelming mess. And that’s when I want to give up.
I pray and I wait, and then I grow weary of praying, because my prayers feel like they are going unanswered. And then I feel as if God has grown tired of me and all of my wants and needs. It makes me feel like I’m that kid in second grade whose gone to the teacher just one too many times and has been asked to take her seat and quit bothering everyone.
I usually feel that way when I’m not spending time in the truth. When I’m relying on my own faulty thinking instead of relying on God’s own thoughts about what I should believe. And this is what he says to me:
“We are not hopeless. We are the children of an all-powerful savior who wants us to cast all our cares on him.” 1 Peter 5:7 ‘Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.’ He love us and cares for you.
Don’t give up. Don’t give up. Don’t give up.
In celebration of my new book: Praying God’s Word for Your Life
I will be giving out a copy a week. Just comment below and tell me one area where you are being faithful to wait on God. A winner will be chosen Monday, June 10th.