I’m waiting for things to change.
I pray and I work, but whether it’s circumstances or sin, I get in a place where I’m stuck. Where I feel that things are the way they are, and they are never going to change.
Maybe for you it’s your marriage.
Or your weight.
Or that child that is living any way except the way that you raised them.
Maybe it’s money, or not being where you want to be in your career.
Or maybe it’s the feeling that things are happening for everyone else, but not for you.
It’s amazing that things can be clicking along in some areas of my life, (my marriage, my career,) but just thinking about other areas (physically, relationally,) can make me feel like my whole life is just a huge, overwhelming mess. And that’s when I want to give up.
I pray and I wait, and then I grow weary of praying, because my prayers feel like they are going unanswered. And then I feel as if God has grown tired of me and all of my wants and needs. It makes me feel like I’m that kid in second grade whose gone to the teacher just one too many times and has been asked to take her seat and quit bothering everyone.
I usually feel that way when I’m not spending time in the truth. When I’m relying on my own faulty thinking instead of relying on God’s own thoughts about what I should believe. And this is what he says to me:
“We are not hopeless. We are the children of an all-powerful savior who wants us to cast all our cares on him.” 1 Peter 5:7 ‘Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.’ He love us and cares for you.
Don’t give up. Don’t give up. Don’t give up.
In celebration of my new book: Praying God’s Word for Your Life
I will be giving out a copy a week. Just comment below and tell me one area where you are being faithful to wait on God. A winner will be chosen Monday, June 10th.
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MY almost gratitude goes to DR wisdom for bring back my lover.my husband dumped me for another woman but by the grace of God we are now back with the help of DR Wisdom.I contacted drwisdomspelltemple@gmail.com concerning my ex husband and he guaranteed me of 3 days to my greatest surprise my husband came back to me in the third day i want to say a very big thank you.if you are in any kind of problem about your relationship you can contact him on;drwisdomspelltemple@gmail.com he will put a smile on your face.
I am waiting on God’s timing in my youngest child’s (she’s 28) personal walk with the Lord. She is saved I am pretty sure, yet feels there is no need really for corporate worship or connection to His church. She doesn’t express Him in her daily conversations very much, so I am praying He reveals Himself to her in the way she needs. I’m praying right now for the right opportunity to really dig into things with her. God always knows best!
I have been waiting on God to bring emotional healing in regards to the broken relationship with my father who left when I was very young. At 41yrs, I see how this brokenness has affected every relationship since, even though I have been very blessed over the years! I have prayed regularly for God to restore me to wholeness and bring me peace in His fullness and Glory so that I can truly love others the way Jesus calls us too!
Thanks Kathi!!
This is what I needed to read this morning!! I am waiting on God for my marriage. It feels so many times the marriage takes two steps forward and three steps back. I was/am feeling hopeless. But, at the same time I know I have a God who is faithful and reliable!! It was good to read something to help strengthen that fact.
I am waiting on God to restore my marriage. My husband and I have always struggled, despite the fact we are both Christians, to believe that God can move in our marriage. I have been reluctant to submit to and respect my husband and he has been reluctant to rely on the Lord in times of strife. I know God can restore our marriage and if He chooses, our marriage can be a great testimony to His amazing work in our lives in this area!
I’ve recently come back to God (two years). He is amazing! I am waiting and praying for my newly blended family, husband, my three from a previous… And his 2 from a previous… And finally a 16 month old from our marriage. We praise Him everyday for the miracle he has provided when he joined us together.
We also pray for our ability to financially make it, since I lost my job last December.
My grandfather (Papa) and my dad have both recently been diagnosed with 2 different cancers. We are hopeful for their recovery, the good Lord willing. I hope that God hears my prayers and will continue to bless us. It is so hard to be patient, but know that He will provide.
I am waiting on God to help me through challenging times with teenagers and young adults always remembering to “glance at the circumstances and gaze at the Lord”
I have been struggling with the balance of a demanding job and my family. I have to work and am thankful to have a job where I help others, but I don’t feel like I can do any of it “good enough.” I feel like I’ve been blessed with a change in my job this last year that will allow me more balance, but the change has initially caused a lot of stress for my family and me. I believe God made this change and I am reminding myself to lean on him when I am overwelmed.
I’m waiting on financial blessing and physical restoration of my health.
My husband is in the military and we have been patiently waiting on orders
I’m doing my best on being faithful and waiting on God in my career. I’m going to school for court reporting, and if I don’t finish this summer, I will be going on my 7th year of a 2 year program. I really believe that God has been telling me not to worry and to trust Him, but boy it can be:so hard sometimes!
My husband and I are always tired and not as healthy as we need to be to keep with our toddlers. It seems like my efforts to improve this are ineffectual. I am giving this worry over to God and not giving up!
We are awaiting answers regarding some medical/health questions. Thanks for the giveaway.
We recently have been reorganizing our life to prepare for a baby, financial stewardship being the primary focus right now. We sold our car to get out of debt, and have been praying/and searching daily for God to provide a replacement w/the cash we have. It has not happened YET, but I’m trying desperately to remind myself and encourage my husband of His promises, and that He loves our obedience but that we don’t have to do works to be blessed, because His love is uncondiitonal, all the while knowing faith without works is dead. Yet I have an adversary who is hurling all kinds of insults our way. I am determined to not grow weary in doing good! Thank you for the word of encouragement today!
I’m waiting for God to show me His personal involvement and interest in my life.
Ps. I love reading all the comments! And praying for you gals!
I don’t have this book…I need it! I am waiting on God for the perfect part time job! My daughter starts kinder in the fall and I have time in my hands. Well not really, I have twin toddlers at home. Haha. I need the balance.
Also, praying that God will provide a husband for my mom. Someone who loves her dearly, Godly and financially stable. And not a sheep in wolves clothing. She did that before twice!
Waiting on God to provide and affordable air ticket or confirm if I should just drive myself cross country to stay with my daughter for a month after the birth of her second baby sometime this week. I check for tickets everyday, and have reduced our budget in many ways, but tickets are still not within our budget. He will tell me to buy or drive. I’ll wait patiently.
It sounds like an encouraging book!
I have recently been praying to God about waiting to feel passionate about my husband. Although we love each other dearly sometimes we get lazy about keeping passion alive in our relationship. Awhile ago I heard a sermon on “waiting” and realized that is something I need to bring to God and wait on God for. I thought this was something I had to fix on my own and now realize God can do that through me.
I Am Trusting God With My Special Needs Son’s Future. I Have Grown Weary With Worry And Decided To Give It To God.
I’ve been married 13 years and my husband started out as a dedicated believer but has struggled to follow God for 12 of our 13 years. It has been a huge struggle for me and disappointment since I waited 8 years without dating to marry a godly man. Daily I pray for him, daily I ask God for the courage to wait on HIM and keep my eyes off my husband and what he’s not doing. Some days are better then others but I don’t , won’t give up. Gods word hold me together and reminds me that my battle is not with my Husband but with a much deadlier foe- who wants to steal, kill and destroy any good thing God has for me. So I wait on HIM and daily grow in my faith.
Praying and waiting on God that he will miraculous restore the relationship between my dauther and my husband.
This message was very timely. I am praying that God will make me a more godly woman and that I would just draw closer to him and walk with him. Thank you for your message.
Waiting faithfully for dad’s health (battling lung cancer).
Praying and waiting and believing that God is shaping me into the godly woman he created me to be who will one day be unconditionally loved and accepted by a godly man.
I am waiting on God to help financially. With two unemployments in 5 years, our finances still are not where they should be.
Thank you for your timely message. Waiting on God’s divine plan in my husband’s health issues. Two weeks ago we were told he had no tumors (after a year of surgeries and very painful procedures and chemo), just to be told yesterday that the cancer cells had invaded the bladder wall. We just have to hang on and trust.
I am waiting on God to send me a job. I have been out of work for several years, and it sure seems hopeless most days.
Thank you for this very timely post! I have been waiting for baby number three
I’m waiting on God for the conversion of my best friend. It’s been years, and it is more and more evident that she needs to cast her cares on him. He is doing a lot of work on bringing her to her knees. I pray constantly that he will give me the words to say to her. And in the meantime her pain breaks my heart. Only He can heal!
praying for God to add another child to our family
Although it is hard for me, I am waiting for God for my next contract opportunity – one that will allow me to balance home and work.
I am choosing to be faithful in God’s perfect timing for a job for my husband.
To be free from in-law guilt/manipulation in our marriage.
For God to restore my son and daughter in law’s marriage
The military continues to dely and change our orders to move from our current duty station. I decided to give it to God because it must mean he want me ere for a reason and I will wait until he decides it is time for us to move.
His guidance with how to balance work/family better
Being more self disciplined! He has been hard at work with me on this, it effects so many areas of my life. I see how far He has brought me and I’m thankful that He is leading the way, for the rest of the way! 🙂