Couch Time: Reconnecting with Your Husband is Vital

Couch Time: Reconnecting with Your Husband is Vital

Too often when I crawl into bed I realize that the day has brought little (if any) emotional connection with my husband.

I might be living and married to this man, but I often wish I had more quality time with him.

I realize I miss him. I miss us.

Busy lives and families

Families today are busier now than ever before. It’s common for both parents to work full-time jobs outside of the home, and many of us report feeling stressed, tired, and rushed (New York Times)*. Whether we’re working inside the house or outside of the house, the busyness of life leaves couples feeling more like friends than intimate partners.

Consider our leisure time. According to my own informal survey, though couples spend time ‘together,’ women often report time spent on electronic devices steals precious time and causes them to feel disconnected from their spouse.

Couples experience shoulder-to-shoulder time, but lack face-to-face time.

Reconnecting with your husband

So, what is one thing you can do when you miss your husband? Incorporate daily ‘couch time’ with your husband.

One Small Win: ‘Couch time’ is 15 minutes of uninterrupted conversation time.

And while ‘couch time’ doesn’t have to be on the couch, choose a place where you can preferably sit across from one another and away from distractions.

Determine the time and place it will take place.

  • Right after dinner?
  • Before leaving for work?
  • Face Time over your lunch break?
  • Set your alarm 15 minutes early to chat in bed before getting ready for the day?
  • Sit down at the table as soon as you are both home?

And yes, this even goes for those of us with young children! Prime your kiddos for this special time by telling them, “Mom and Dad will be visiting for 15 minutes. When we are done, then we’ll be happy to help.

It doesn’t take long to connect with your husband. It does take intention.

Imagine catching up with your husband about your day. Sitting down and truly listening to each other. Filling your husband in on that funny story or frustrating situation. Talking about the next day and what you each have going on.

Don’t wait. Chat with your husband about couch time today. Plan it, and enjoy your special time together.

* Miller, Claire, C. “Stressed, Tired, Rushed: A Portrait Of The Modern Family.” The New York Times. November, 2015. Web. 14 Dec. 2016.

why can't my husband be more like meAmanda Davison is on a mission to share how her education in counseling and God’s word changed her marriage. She is sure to share personal, laugh-out-loud moments, which are woven with challenging yet inviting perspective change.

As a Speaker and Wife Coach, she tackles topics such as: becoming a confident wife, handling the real frustrations as wives, knowing and owning our high call as wives, and obedience. She wants to hear from you and hopes you will join with her on the journey of learning to love God’s people well. Learn more about Amanda at