by kathilipp | Oct 31, 2018 | Clutter Free, Podcast |
Tonya Kubo is back and on today’s podcast she and Kathi continue the conversation on the differences between clutter and hoarding. Drawing from personal experiences they share practical tips for what to do if you or a loved one struggle with hoarding.
In this episode you will learn:
- why the mess is not always the actual problem when it comes to hoarding
- when it might be time to seek professional help
- what resources are available to help
Find out more about Aftermath Cleanup Services
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Special thanks to Tonya for joining me again this week!
Tonya Kubo is the illustrious, fearless leader of Kathi Lipp’s Clutter-Free Academy Facebook group.A speaker and writer, Tonya makes her home in the heart of California with her husband, Brian, their two spirited daughters and one very tolerant cat. Visit her at
by kathilipp | Oct 30, 2018 | Clutter Free, Podcast |
Do you have a loved one that struggles with hoarding? On today’s episode Tonya Kubo joins Kathi as they discuss what it’s like to live with and love a family member who struggles with hoarding.
In this episode you will learn:
- the difference between hoarding and clutter
- why hoarding is really a symptom of anxiety
- how to practice empathy with loved ones while understanding that only hoarders can help themselves
Thanks for Listening!
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To help out the show:
• Leave an honest review on iTunes. Your ratings and reviews really help and I read each one.
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Special thanks to Tonya for joining me again this week!
Tonya Kubo is the illustrious, fearless leader of Kathi Lipp’s Clutter-Free Academy Facebook group.A speaker and writer, Tonya makes her home in the heart of California with her husband, Brian, their two spirited daughters and one very tolerant cat. Visit her at
by Clutter Free Academy Team | Oct 22, 2018 | Christmas, Clutter Free, Home |

Spring isn’t the only time to tackle cleaning. As we face down holiday prep for the busy season ahead, tackling some of the things we do in our annual Spring Fling in the Clutter Free Academy Facebook group are a great idea. In this video from spring, Kathi’s talks about her famous 3 Questions that you need to ask to decide if something has earned the right to live in your space. There are a variety of reasons we hold onto things and with her usual grace-filled manner, Kathi talks about making the hard calls to live free. Let’s clear out some clutter and make way for the family fun and festive season we are about to enter. Watch now:
by kathilipp | Aug 31, 2018 | Clutter Free |
Handle Paper Clutter Like a Boss: Create (and Use!) a Paper Organization File

Time and again in our Clutter Free Academy Facebook group, one subject keeps rearing it’s ugly head: “HOW do I handle all of the paper?!?” In July, we talked on Facebook Live about Kathi’s amazing, you’ll-really-use-it paper system to keep your paper clutter in check. Check out this Facebook Live to get the scoop on tackling this, our biggest clutter headache.
by kathilipp | May 21, 2018 | Clutter Free |
Standing in front of my closet that is packed like one of those Pillsbury biscuit cans (careful…careful…), yet magically contains nothing to wear, I think to myself, “This is it! I’m going to totally become a minimalist, have a capsule wardrobe and never be stuck in this kind of indecision again.”
You want to know how to declutter your home fast. I get it. So do I. So I start to dig in and declutter. I ready myself with donation bags and an attitude that says, “Get out of my way. I’m DECLUTTERING!” And away I go.
The first shirt is easy. It’s my camo shirt and I wear it anytime it’s clean. (For me, camo is the new floral.) No brainer. It stays.
The next shirt – well, that one’s easy – for all the wrong reasons. It was a promo t-shirt an acquaintance sent me for her book launch. (I’ve noticed one thing about giveaway t-shirts: people order Smalls through Extra Large to send out. If you are bigger than an XL, well, you get an XL—and you’re gonna like it. Friend, next time, save the postage.) Out it goes. This decluttering stuff is so easy!
And then, sometimes the decluttering is not so easy…
Shirt number three. It’s my olive-colored tissue tee I bought at Target. I love the shirt, except it hits me in a funny place, making me wonder if my reflection in the mirror is fourteen months pregnant. I can only wear the shirt with a cardigan or a zip-up sweatshirt. I do have another olive shirt that I like better, but this is a perfectly good shirt. And what if something happened to my favorite olive shirt? I would need a backup. I put it in the maybe pile.
Shirt number four. It’s cute, but I don’t have the right pants for it. But I will find them. Someday. Maybe pile.
And in the next 40 minutes, I’ve got seven shirts in the keep pile, two in the giveaway pile, 24 items in the maybe pile and the rest are still hanging in the closet because it’s all just too much.
You want to know how to declutter your home fast, but the problem…
Because you see, the biggest problem with your stuff isn’t space, or time or money. It’s decision fatigue.
I know you want to declutter your home fast, but I also know that you get to a point in decluttering when you are so tired of making decisions that you just…can’t…do…it… anymore…and it’s too hard.
It helps to remember that we are not supposed to own things for the rest of our lives. Yes, it’s great when we have that throw pillow we use and love for 15 years or that pair of PJs you wear every week for a decade.
But for many of us, we love to change things up, and when we do, it’s important to make way for the new by handing down the old.
Because here’s the thing friend: You don’t get any gold stars for having the most clothes.
And this isn’t just a problem for people with a lot of extra money. I remember when I was unemployed and under-employed as a single mom. I still had friends who would give me their hand-me-downs and instead of buying clothes I loved, I would buy clothes I could afford at cheap discount stores.
As a result, when I look back at my past attempts at decluttering, I’ve finally come to this conclusion: Clutter is indecision.
So how do we get over the obstacle of holding onto things that are crowding our lives? How do we regain the power to make decisions?
Give yourself these 3 Clear Questions if you want to know how to declutter your home fast:
- Do I love it?
- Do I use it?
- Would I buy it again?
If you answer No to two of those questions, I’m guessing that item is truly clutter and it’s time to get rid of it.
Shirt #3 The Olive Shirt
- Do I love it? No. I don’t want to look pregnant.
- Do I use it? Occasionally, when I’m desperate.
- Would I buy it again? No, it doesn’t look good on me.
It’s clutter. Time to go.
Shirt #4 The Shirt I like but it doesn’t go with anything
- Do I love it? Yes.
- Do I use it? No.
- Would I buy it again? No.
It’s clutter. Time to go.
For me, the closet is the hardest place to make these decisions. If I can do it there, I can do it anywhere.
So, how do you make the 3 questions work for you when you want to figure out how to declutter your home fast?
- Write them down on a Post-it note. Having the 3 questions in front of you while you’re decluttering will help you stay focused.
- Give yourself a goal. Recently, I was going through my jewelry. I hadn’t gone through it in years and there were a lot of things I no longer wear. I gave myself the goal of getting rid of 30 pieces of jewelry. Because I had a goal, I got rid of some pieces that I might have been tempted to hold onto, “just in case.” But the best part of getting rid of the 42 (yes, 42 pieces!) was that I actually rediscovered some pieces I really love and have started wearing again. So not only do I love them (question #1), now I use them (question #2).
- Think about the next owner. I think about when I was broke and shopping thrift stores. When I found a shirt I loved that actually fit, I was so grateful to find something in my budget I could wear or that my kids wouldn’t be embarrassed wearing to school. If you are having a hard time parting with something you like but don’t use, picture the person who will be wearing it in three weeks—how that jacket you never wear is now one of their favorite pieces of clothing. Or how that blazer made it so they could walk into a job interview with confidence.
I Promise – You Can Learn How to Declutter Your Home Fast
The next time you are ready to declutter, arm yourself with the 3 questions, a couple of plastic bags, and a prayer of determination.
You can declutter. You can make decisions. You can love your stuff again.