All you have to do today is just brag on him a little.
Let it drop to his mom that he’s a great husband. Let your kids know that their dad is the smartest guy you know (or makes the best salsa in the world.) Brag to your girlfriend about how your husband knows how to hang up a towel.
It really is that easy.
Oh and to help you in this department, I’m offering a little special over at the store: buy one of the “My Husband is a Hottie” shirts over at the store, and just for this week they are $14 (usually $18.)
When my assistant, Sunnie wore this in front of her kids, her sons couldn’t BELIEVE that their mom would wear such a shirt. Yep – it’s the only shirt on the planet that can make your husband blush, your mother-in-law proud, and your kids embarrassed at the same time. Check it out in my store at under OTHER. (They will be on sale through Friday.)
OH – and a head’s up! On Thursday, I want you to get your husband a treat – a candy bar, a slice of cake, something (that he doesn’t have to share with you or a kid…) so you may want to be on the lookout today for something to give him tomorrow!
Today’s winner will get a DVD of THE HUSBAND PROJECT.
Who knew that so many men needed some flirting in their lives?
Over 60 (!) of you signed up for the 5 Day Flirting Challenge. I am blown away! And it’s not too late: If you have a friend who you want to challenge along with you, send her over here and she can flirt along with the rest of us!
So how bad did I need this in my own life? Just last night as I was falling asleep, Roger said, “Thanks for all the extra attention this weekend. It’s been so nice…” (And all I could think of was that I gave him an extra hug in the morning. Yikes. The poor boy has been way deprived…)
So today, all I want you to do is leave a post-it somewhere where only he will find it (and he doesn’t have to find it today.) Write something fun, something flirty. Here are 21 suggestions from the book THE HUSBAND PROJECT
I’m praying for you today.
Those jeans are really working for you…
I love you.
You are the best dad!
You’re the kind of husband that makes the other wives jealous.
You rock my world!
Can’t wait to see you tonight – meet me upstairs…
Thanks for working hard to provide for us. I appreciate all that you do.
You make me feel beautiful.
I thank God for you everyday.
How did I get so lucky, being married to a guy like you?
You’re great!
You make everyday more fun.
Have a great day.
You’re hot!
I feel so safe with you.
Smart and good looking – I’ve got the whole package in you!
You can be very distracting, you know…
Our kids are so blessed to have a dad like you.
That smile I wear – it is all because of you.
God have blessed me in big ways by letting me be your wife.
And once you tell me what you wrote and where you hid it, I will put you in the drawing for a copy of my latest book THE ME PROJECT
And our winner from Friday is:True Random Number Generator
I’ve noticed while I ‘ve been on my deadline, my ability to pay attention to Roger’s needs has gone down dramatically.
Now don’t get me wrong, I still fix dinner, do the laundry, and tell him “I love you,” on a regular basis. The basics are covered.
The problem? I’m a little bit out of practice when it comes to the fun part of marriage. So next week I’m putting flirting on my to-do list and I want to know – will you join me.
If you are willing to do something, everyday, to flirt with your husband, I want you to join me. Starting on Monday, I will give you a little task that will take less than five minutes. By the end of the week, I guarantee your marriage will be just a little bit hotter. (Plus, I will do a giveaway everyday when you put in the comments what you did. So you will have fun, prizes and flirting. Not a bad week.)
And to give you a head start on the winning, if you put in the comments that you are IN for the challenge next week, I will pick a winner and send you a copy of THE HUSBAND PROJECT.
We are going to have some fun next week…
Thanks to all of you for sharing your Starbucks orders – I have rarely had that much fun reading about other people’s addictions!
And the winner of the Starbucks card is #31 commenter: Erin!!!
Well I sat at a red light at the corner of Pearl and Almaden Expressway here in San Jose, praying that the light wouldn’t turn green so I could snap this picture for you: