You are all so much fun. I love to hear what you are saying, writing and posting about your men!
Day #3 is pretty simple:
Text or Email something fun or flirty to him today (bonus point if he gets it in the middle of his work day.)
All you have to do is let me know that you sent it (or tell me when you are going to send it) and you will be entered into the drawing for THE MARRIAGE PROJECT.
I have loved this week – y’all have blessed me so much – you are a fun group. We should hang.
So I have been doing the 5 day challenge, but our internet has been down, so now I’m back tracking and posting about what I have done. I e-mailed him a flirty letter during his and my work day!
This is simply brilliant.
Using technology to our romantic advantage is awesome!
Today is our 13th wedding anniversary and I sent my husband several flirty texts, maybe even a picture or two as well.
He got in one it and sent me a text with this equation:
143 x 4,748.25
That is 143 for every day of marriage (13 yrs x 365.25 days per year)
And in case you don’t know, 143 = I Love You
I sent my hubby a text that said “everyday you make me love you more!”
Done- I had a busy day with my parents. When I got home found out my husband was having to work a double. So I sent him two e-mails. One with a hamster hanging upside down. I wrote heard you are work a double hang in there you will be home soon. Then a little personal flirty part. The other one was a dog with a stuffed pillow in his mouth that looks like he had giant pink lips with some buck teeth hanging out with a flirty note. My husband is a huge animal lover and sends me frequently pictures of animals with a little note for me.
I agree this one is easy because we say hi several times a day. I am texting him an “I love you because” message.
Just sent him an email!
Just emailed hubby! 😉
totally sent him one!! and your blog answered the question I left on facebook….so forgettaboutit!
oh I totally sent him one 😉
🙂 I love sending him messages during the day…especially when I know he’s with a co-worker/in a meeting, etc.!! It’s amazing how it changes things when you do see each other after a long day. Usually he walks in excited/happy to see me! keep it up girls! Even if they don’t ACT like it makes a difference to them – it DOES!
Sending it right now…..
Done and done. {grin} I do this often, so easy peasy! Always dig thinking about his surprised face when he gets it!
Done! Txted him while he was at the tire store about how his body is looking great since he started working out again 🙂
Done and done. And he’s at work. Let’s just say he’s in for a pretty fun night later on!
He’s a visual kind of guy, so I sent him a photo. And he just sent me one back!!!
All I have to say is that I hope that Dear Hubby is not in a meeting when he gets my text that I just sent 😉
Funy I was just about to text my husband when I got a message on my phone from him! 😉
So I replied with a flirty message of my own!
Bummer! I just found out about this. Too late to start? Is there a way to get updates emailed to me?
We text each other often throughout the day (romantic/flirty…not just business stuff) today though, I texted him a photo, so I’ll check this one off. Oh, it was a shot from down my shirt. 😉