Whispers of Rest: Giveaway and Book Club with Bonnie Gray

Whispers of Rest: Giveaway and Book Club with Bonnie Gray

whispers of rest

Do you need to find whispers of rest and love from God?

Life gets overwhelming fast, doesn’t it? Our hearts and bodies and mind and souls are designed by God to rest at times. We all need to take a break at times. But more than just a day off, we need time to restore our souls and to rest in the presence of our God who loves us more than we can ever know. That is why I am excited to share with you my friend Bonnie Gray’s new book and book club – Whispers of Rest.

If your heart needs to find a place of rest and wonder at God’s love, join a Whispers of Rest book club this summer. Check out Bonnie’s invitation to you here. And visit whispersofrest.com to learn more about joining the book club and to get free bonuses!

Win a free copy of Whispers of Rest

Would you like to own your own copy of Bonnie’s new book? Comment below with how you hope to find rest in God this summer for your chance to win one of three copies of Bonnie’s new book.

whispers of rest

Episode #254: How to Stop Giving Other People Authority Over Our Lives

Episode #254: How to Stop Giving Other People Authority Over Our Lives


Build your own dreams or someone will hire you to build theirs. ~ Farrah Gray


Co-Author of Overwhelmed, Cheri Gregory, joins Kathi for a four week series to discuss what they have learned since writing Overwhelmed. This week, the authors discuss the one that that has stood out to them the most: “Women turn over their power to external sources too often.”

Often, we let what we think we should do for others dictate what we spend our time and energy on. But what if God isn’t surprised by what our circumstances are and has called us to more anyways? Kathi and Cheri discuss ways they’ve let others take over their time and emotions, and ways they’ve changed their own behavior to better handle situations that overwhelm their relationships, time and energy.

What are the steps you can take to take back control of your life?

Our Gift to You

Download our guide to creating a personal manifesto. This booklet will help you create your own manifesto so you can begin to live your own values.

Meet Our Guest

Cheri Gregory

Cheri Gregory

Cheri Gregory is a teacher, speaker, author, and Certified Personality Trainer. Her passion is helping women break free from destructive expectations. She writes and speaks from the conviction that “how to” works best in partnership with “heart, too.”

Cheri is the co-author, with Kathi Lipp, of The Cure for the “Perfect” Life and Overwhelmed.

Cheri has been “wife of my youth” to Daniel, her opposite personality, for twenty-eight years and is “Mom” to Annemarie (25) and Jonathon (23), also opposite personalities.

Cheri blogs about perfectionism, people-pleasing, highly sensitive people, and hope at www.cherigregory.com.

Get Out from Overwhelmed – Join Us for the Least Overwhelming Study Ever

Get Out from Overwhelmed – Join Us for the Least Overwhelming Study Ever

It could be just one more thing to pack into an already overwhelming summer.
“A Bible study? Whose got time for that?”

Welcome to the least overwhelming Bible study you will ever do.

No travel required – you are part of this study from the comfort of your own home (or on the beach, or locked in a car for eight hours going to grandma’s…)

No child care – you can do this study while the kids are asleep (or while they are hanging off you on the couch…)

No extra study guide to purchase – you just need the book.

No snacks to bring – you can just have a stash of your own favorite snacks at home to bust out when the kids are actually in bed.

Sound good? Here are the details:

Women’s Bible Cafe has chosen Overwhelmed as their summer Bible study! We’ll start the study the week of June 19th and finish the week of August 21, 2017. r

My very favorite partner in crime, Cheri Gregory, and I will be working together to bring you fresh insights and great tools to get you to a place of peach this summer. I can’t wait.

What do you need to do? Just two steps:

  1. Order Overwhelmed
  2. Sign up to join the Women’s Bible Cafe

It’s that easy.


Didn’t I say “least Overwhelming Bible study ever?”

I’ll Get It Right Next Year! … Organization for Taxes

I’ll Get It Right Next Year! … Organization for Taxes

Organization for taxes

Did tax season almost make you lose your marbles … again?! Unfortunately, it’s only eight months until it will be time to start thinking about taxes again. If you find organization for taxes, it can make a stressful and overwhelming experience, easier to handle.

After struggling for years, Amy Carroll has two simple systems that have saved her sanity during tax season, and she shares one as a free download. Next year really can be better!

Episode #254: How to Stop Giving Other People Authority Over Our Lives

Eps #244: Simple Ways to Celebrate Life Even When We Don’t Feel Like it

Kathi talks with guest, Bekah Pogue about her book, Choosing Real, An Invitation to Celebrate When Life Doesn’t Go as Planned. When life isn’t really following the plan, there are beautiful things still happening all around us. These two energetic authors and speakers discuss how to use the 5 senses to discover joy in the simplest of things and celebrate life on a daily basis.

Bekah explains one of the important questions she asks herself when considering an activity or obligation:  “Am I sacrificing my sanity or my family to make this happen?” Maybe you can relate. Join in this refreshing conversation and find some beauty in your everyday.

Choosing Real Giveaway

Bekah and Kathi are joining forces to give away two “Choosing Real” Kits.  Each kit will contain a copy of the book, Choosing Real, An Invitation to Celebrate When Life Doesn’t Go as Planned and a $5.00 Starbucks Gift Card.

To win, leave a comment in the show notes about what brings your 5 senses alive.

This giveaway is only available to our U.S. listeners.

Meet Our Guest

Bekah Pogue

Bekah Pogue

From Bekah’s website:
“I write from my heart about connection, faith, parenting, marriage, books, identity, my obsession with desserts, and all things real.  If you’re looking for vulnerability, down with talking about hard things, and choosing to see genuine beauty every.single.day, consider yourself invited, friend.

My first book, Choosing Real: An Invitation to Celebrate When Life Doesn’t Go as Planned released December 2016. I also guest writer for Yellow Conference and cheer other writers along as a writing coach.  I love communicating with women, whether in small groups or large conferences, as if you were sitting on my couch and catching up as old friends. You can find me at the beach, reading, baking, rearranging furniture or flea-marketing. My creative hubs, Bryan and I have been married a dozen years. We have two energetic boys, and reside at The Pogue Cottage in Huntington Beach, where dance parties are a regular occurrence..”

Episode #254: How to Stop Giving Other People Authority Over Our Lives

Episode #240 – Zip It! We Don’t have to Say Everything We Think!

Doing Lent Together

You’re invited to join Karen for #DoingLentTogether inspired by Zip It! She will be leading a free challenge on Facebook, March 1 – April 15 and instead of giving up chips or chocolate, we’ll spend our 40 days giving up using our words wrongly!  Scroll to the bottom of the page and sign up for details.

We don’t need to say everything we think!  Oh but it’s so hard not to sometimes!

Kathi talks with NY Times bestselling author, Karen Ehman, about her latest book, Zip It. They discuss why it is important to use less words and yet still be able to tell the truth. Karen discusses her struggles to “Zip It” and how she has learned to replace words that are negative and tear down with fruitful words to build, bless and encourage others.

You Are Invited

She also invites the audience to her Zip It: 40 Day Challenge starting on March 1 throughout Lent. Kathi will be participating in #doinglenttogether and will be sharing several great ideas on the blog in the coming days so be on the lookout for that or subscribe to the blog.

Win A Book

Two Zip It books will be given away.  To win, share your biggest tongue challenge in the comments below.  Two winners will be selected from the comments.

Free Download

Doing Lent Together and Zip It Samples

We use our words everywhere: with family members, coworkers, the stranger in the store—even the words we text or post online. Our daily words can impact our relationships for better—or for worse. (Been there. Said that. Wish you could take it back. Can you relate?)

Sign up for FREE samples.

Meet Our Guest

Karen Ehman

Karen Ehman

Karen Ehman is a Proverbs 31 Ministries speaker and New York Times bestselling author. Described as profoundly practical, engagingly funny and downright real, her passion is to help women to live their priorities and love their lives as they serve God and others.

Karen writes for Encouragement for Today online devotions that bring God’s peace, perspective, and purpose to over four million women daily. She has authored eleven books including the popular Listen, Love, Repeat: Other-Centered Living in a Self-Centered World and New York Times bestseller Keep It Shut: What to Say, How to Say It and When to Say Nothing at All. Both include a companion DVD Bible study designed for group or individual use.

Two of the books she has written are just for moms and were coauthored with Ruth Schwenk of The Better Mom – Hoodwinked: Ten Myths Moms Believe and Why We All Need to Knock It Off and the newly released ECPA best-seller Pressing Pause: 100 Quiet Moments for Moms to Meet with Jesus. She is also the Speaker Track Director of Proverbs 31 She Speaks Conference and a teaching staff member of their writers’ training site COMPEL.

Karen has been a guest on national television and radio programs including FamilyLife, Engaging WomenThe Harvest ShowMoody Midday Connection, The 700 ClubAt Home Live, and she has been a popular repeat guest on Focus on the Family. She is a cum laude graduate of Spring Arbor University with a BA in Social Science and has been married for over a quarter-century to her college sweetheart Todd.  She and the Mr. make their home out in the boondocks in the middle of the Mitten (Michigan–America’s “High Five”). They are the parents of three sometimes quarrelsome but mostly charming children ranging in age from teen to adult.

She is a lover of coconut and dark chocolate, sharpened Ticonderoga #2 pencils, whimsical notecards, and any kind of Post It note. She is a collector of retro Pyrex ware (especially in aqua or pink!) and is a die-hard fan of the Detroit Tiger baseball team. (Bless you boys!)

But most of all, she considers it an honor to tell others about the gospel–the good news of Jesus Christ–whether from the stage at an event, on the pages of one of her books or Bible studies, or over a cup of French press coffee in her kitchen.