Thank You…

Thank You…

Oh friend, how can I thank you for the prayers for me this week.

I knew you were praying. I could feel it, I could see it, and you told me.

I knew it every time I saw one of those MOPS moms praying over another MOPS mom.

I knew it in the divine appointments that were happening every time I turned around.

I knew it when I stepped on stage, to speak to the largest live audience I’ve ever spoken to, and had less nerves than I do when I’ve spoken to a dozen women.

I’m so excited to share with you all that God has done, and I will be over the next few weeks ( and there are ways that you will get to participate…) But for now know this:

You are the best bloggy friends a girl could have.

God used you in a big way.

I owe you a coffee the next time we hang out.

Could I ask You to Pray?

Could I ask You to Pray?

Hey friends.

Thursday is a big day for me, and I could really use your prayers. It’s kinda the biggest speaking engagement I’ve ever had, and while I’m humbled by God that I get to do anything even in the realm of this event with MOPS, Sara Groves, and Max Lucado, I’m also, well, freaking out a bit.

  • Would you pray that I wouldn’t get in the way of what God wants to say.
  • Would you pray that these MOPS moms are just blessed this whole convention and know that there is a God who loves so sweetly that He would orchestrate all of THIS for them.
  • Would you pray that I get some sleep…

I will be speaking on THE HUSBAND PROJECT from 3:00-4:30 and then in the MOPS presentation STORYBOARD from 6-8:30. (All Nashville times…)

Thank you friends. I can’t telly you how much my bloggy friends mean to me that I can come to you and ask for this. Love each and every one of you.

What Authors and Other Entrepreneurs can Learn from Bettheny Frankel

What Authors and Other Entrepreneurs can Learn from Bettheny Frankel

This is not a blog about about Real Housewives, business, or low-calorie alcohol. However, it ‘s a blog about following the path that God has for you.

So why am I writing about someone who is famous for Real Housewives, business, or low-calorie alcohol?

Because when you do figure out what God’s next step is for you, we need to use every resource and brain cell that He has given us to make that plan a reality. And this woman, has used a lot of brain cells.

When I talk about what I do for a living, I can no longer say “writer”. Writer doesn’t even begin to describe what I do. Yes, I write books, but I also speak, coach, network, market, and have products beside my book. You can call me an author, but I think the term “Authorepureneur” is a little bit closer to including all my activities.

It is the same for you and what you are trying to accomplish in life. If your leading a Bible study, it’s not enough to be a good teacher. The best leaders are also:

  • Marketers – they know how to advertise a class
  • Networkers – they know how to make connections and keep those women coming back for more
  • Social Media experts – keeping in touch and starting a Facebook page to keep in touch only adds to the study
  • Ministers – managing the needs of her group
  • Party Planners  – someone has to bring the snacks to keep those women coming back
  • Child care coordinator – nuff said

If you are a bible study leader, a ministry leader, a children’s ministry leader, a MOPS coordinator, your son’s room mom, or just a mom, multiple skills are required to make a success of your endeavor.

So here is are my questions that I would love for you to answer below:

1. What are you trying to do? Go back to school, start a business, lead a ministry?

2. What is something you need to learn to make you more successful (or get your started) on that God project?

If you are a speaker or author, check out my upcoming teaching session on building your platform.

Read Bettheny’s great article in CNN Money.

Dear Bloggie Friends – and There’s a Party Goin’ On Right Here

Dear Bloggie Friends – and There’s a Party Goin’ On Right Here

Hey friends-

As many of you know (because part of my responsibility has been to talk about it,) I am being featured on Focus on the Family Wednesday morning on their radio broadcast. This was taped about two weeks ago and will be heard in a LOT of places on Wednesday morning. We are talking about THE HUSBAND PROJECT. It’s a light hearted interview and was a lot of fun.

This morning, I will be flying to Colorado to work with the team at Your Family Live (the TV/Webinar part of Focus on the Family)for their broadcast on Wednesday where I will be the main guest (they have a couple other people coming in on Skype.) During and right after the broadcast, Focus will be having its first ever Twitter Party featuring me, my book and a ton of giveaways. Focus is teaming up with my publisher Harvest House, and MOPS International. (MOPS is using this to promote their convention where I’ll be speaking with (gulp) Max Lucado.)

So at this point, you are probably saying, “Um, Kathi… Awesome. But why are you telling me?” (I’m sure the guys that I sent this to are especially scratching their heads…)

I would really, really love your help in one or two of the following ways. Because I want the Twitter Party to be a success for both MOPS and Focus, and I want the broadcast to do its part in encouraging women to encourage their men!

1. You could join the twitter party: If you follow on twitter, you will find out all the details. Don’t have a twitter account? Don’t worry. You can sign up for one and then never use it after Wednesday (that’s what Roger did when he signed up for one!)
2. You can listen or watch on Wednesday: for the radio program(10 AM CA time) for the webcast (11AM CA time)
3. If you are one of my web savvy friends, you could let other people know about the party. Here is a little script you can post, email, carrier pigeon:
Your Family Live is also having their very first Twitter Party with Kathi! Prizes include Kathi’s book, The Husband Project, “My Husband’s A Hottie” T-Shirts, Focus on the Family’s Essentials of Parenting DVDs and several resources from MOPS, including ten free Storyboard Tickets and two free Registrations to the MOPS 2011 Convention in Nashville, TN on August 4-6th! Make sure you “follow” Your Family Live by going to, and then respond to the tweets on the day of the show for your opportunity to win! You can find out more by going to the Your Family Live Facebook page!

4. Finally, if you have no interest in getting a Twitter account, and have a full time job and can’t randomly take off to listen to me on the radio, perhaps you should consider changing jobs…
Actually, I am writing because I believe that God is going to do something powerful with the listeners on Wednesday. I know there are a TON of men who have no soft place to land in their lives. I want women to be called to a higher standard in their marriages, but I know that a lot of them are hurting as well. My prayer is that women will join together to not only pray for their marriage, but take daily action steps to improve their marriage.

Thanks to each of you. I am blessed.


Your Prayers Worked (I didn’t say anything inappropriate on Focus on the Family)

Your Prayers Worked (I didn’t say anything inappropriate on Focus on the Family)

and let me tell you, there is always that possibility….

Thanks to each and every one of you that prayed for my time with MOPS and Focus on the Family last week. So many of you have asked, “So… how did it go?” and I have been so exhausted since doing it that I’m now sitting down to get all my thoughts on blog.

1. MOPS was awesome. I have always loved that organization, but now meeting the people behind the scenes? I love them that much more. If you are not a part of MOPS and you have preschoolers, well you should be. If you are a part of MOPS and aren’t going to their national convention in August, please come. Bribe your husband with lingerie so he’ll watch the kids and come – it is going to be amazing…

1. A Dry Run is a Good Thing. I met with the web/TV producer Tuesday night (my radio interview was on Wednesday,) and had a great time getting to know her. Then she asked me, “Would you like to go over to the Focus radio studio to see where they will be interviewing you.” Um… Yeah… So Deanna took us over there and she did a practice run with me…




And then (because we are total nerds..) Roger and I did a dry run as well:

I know. Nerd Alert.






Finally, the big day (after almost no sleep) arrived, and it was amazing. I will have pictures from that day, but the interview went really well, we had a great time, and I didn’t say one totally inappropriate thing.

Finally, we got to meet up with our friends Steve and Shannon, (Steve works at FOTF). After being so nervous, I needed something to calm my nerves. No! Not alcohol, (please, this is Focus on the Family we are talking about!) But this is Zoe, Steve and Shannon’s new puppy. Zoe is your reward for praying for me. Zoe did the trick.

Dear Bloggie Friends – and There’s a Party Goin’ On Right Here

Prayer – Anyone? Anyone?

Hi Ladies –

I’m sitting in a hotel in Colorado Springs and just can’t get to sleep. It’s been a great day with a visit to MOPS headquarters getting to present to many people on their staff. We had fun with THE ME PROJECT, and I had a chance to meet one on one with several of their key leadership. Had lunch at a great BBQ place (Brothers, if you are ever in the Denver area. Roger is a rock star when it comes to sniffing out the best dives.)  Thanks to those of you who were praying for my time there.

Wednesday, I have a radio interview with Focus on the Family.

As you can imagine, I’m a wee bit nervous.

I will be sharing about THE HUSBAND PROJECT (to be broadcast at a later date.) I would love your prayers that I communicate clearly, would be able to sleep tonight, and would be an encouragement to those who are wanting more for their marriages.

Thanks friends. I’ll let you know how it goes.