Oh friend, how can I thank you for the prayers for me this week.
I knew you were praying. I could feel it, I could see it, and you told me.
I knew it every time I saw one of those MOPS moms praying over another MOPS mom.
I knew it in the divine appointments that were happening every time I turned around.
I knew it when I stepped on stage, to speak to the largest live audience I’ve ever spoken to, and had less nerves than I do when I’ve spoken to a dozen women.
I’m so excited to share with you all that God has done, and I will be over the next few weeks ( and there are ways that you will get to participate…) But for now know this:
You are the best bloggy friends a girl could have.
God used you in a big way.
I owe you a coffee the next time we hang out.
Kathi, I WAS ONE OF THOSE MOPS MOMS!!! And it was my first confrence, and let me just tell you that YOU are one of the many reasons that I LOVED it so very much! You had me laughing and deeply feeling all at the same time! Thank you for being you and for sharing it with the rest of us! You truly are a gift from GOD! I also bought the Me project,a dn the MArraige Project and I have to tell you my husband and I are enjoying every minute of reading your book togetehr! Thanks!!!
A Very Happy MOP,
Jennifer Dudley
Oh Kathi, do tell! I’ve already spoken to one of my dear local MOPS ladies and she was SOOOOO on fire! She was able to meet you and get you to sign her books (that she had bought from my book table). Isn’t the Lord good? Can’t wait to hear all about it. Blessings and LOVE, Janell
I was at the MOPS Conference in Nashville and heard you speak – TWICE!! (Storyboard and The Husband Project)! Fantastic! Looked you up just because of that! Bought 2 of your books and a shirt while I was there (you were right – men love it, the first 2 comments on ‘My Husband is a Hottie’ shirt were by men – bonus: my hubby liked it too).
I just wanted you to know that I really enjoyed hearing you speak and am looking forward to reading the books. Hope to hear you speak again. You did an excellent job. Thanks so much for the encouragement and the ideas!
Doesn’t it feel GREAT to live into what God has called you to?! Remember this? I do, from way back: “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know”. From your mouth to God’s ear and back through you to another ear that needs to hear it, too. It’s awesome to see the impact you have in pointing women toward a Love that will always be big enough to satisfy the hunger within. I’m so proud of you honoring your vision, values and quirky, funny, inspiring, real self that is such an amazing example of being fearfully and wonderfully made!
Kathi, Speaking as one of those MOPS moms that you touched at the conference, I am very thankful for having the chance to listen to your presentation. Thank you and thank you to your readers for praying. I’m looking forward to getting into your book, “The Husband Project.” I also know that my group is anxiously awaiting the MOPS meeting where we will watch the DVD and then at another time hopefully skyping with you. We are so inspired by this weekend! Thanks again!
You were awesome! We are all still in horror over the Macy’s bags at Goodwill, but most of all encouraged to write a better story for our lives. My friends who were in The Husband Project workshop are very excited to get started. Thank you for sharing your gifts with MOPS!
Praise God…sounds like He moved in powerful ways at the conference and in the lives of the women there. Thanks for including us and allowing us the privilege of praying for you. Can’t wait to hear the specific details of the conference.
At the MOPS Convention I wanted to buy the Husband Project and grabbed the Marriage Project instead. I know God doesn’t make mistakes and this is proof. I came home and told my husband about it and he grabbed the book and dug in. Certainly NOT his usual behavior. We’re starting our planning week, but I just can’t resist wearing the “my husband is a hottie” shirt tonight to his softball game tonight. Maybe that will kick it all off.
Thanks for being an inspiration!
Kathi!!!! I was there and had no idea about this blog before. I too could feel God’s guidance when you spoke. My group from Liberty even met you in the resource room and we are hooked. Just created a secret facebook page for us to start your Husband Project together so we can support each other in this new adventure!!!
Thanks so much for being at Convention!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You were a blessing to many and have probably changed alot of paths in a great big way. Thanks for being real and also being an inspiration to me. You are doing what I think I feel lead to do!!!
THANKS so much. Hope you can come to us to speak and visit your KC family!
isn’t that what friends are for??
Thanks for allowing us to be part of all that God is so evidently doing in your life.
Can’t wait to hear all about it and see what you will share! I bet it’s awesome!
Jenny Lee Sulpizio
God always show up! Way to go!
Oh, Kathi, you are so very welcome! What a pleasure and an honor to pray for you and those precious MOPS. And isn’t it just like God to show up in such a big way, like we knew He would! So fun to watch Him work, and such a blessing to be allowed to be even a small part of it. Oh, and thank you, I will have a Skinny Vanilla Latte…