Do you need to find whispers of rest and love from God?
Life gets overwhelming fast, doesn’t it? Our hearts and bodies and mind and souls are designed by God to rest at times. We all need to take a break at times. But more than just a day off, we need time to restore our souls and to rest in the presence of our God who loves us more than we can ever know. That is why I am excited to share with you my friend Bonnie Gray’s new book and book club – Whispers of Rest.
If your heart needs to find a place of rest and wonder at God’s love, join a Whispers of Rest book club this summer. Check out Bonnie’s invitation to you here. And visit to learn more about joining the book club and to get free bonuses!
Win a free copy of Whispers of Rest
Would you like to own your own copy of Bonnie’s new book? Comment below with how you hope to find rest in God this summer for your chance to win one of three copies of Bonnie’s new book.
Just got the book today. So excited about the book club!!
I am hoping to get some rest in the warm sunshine of the summer and focus on the positives in my life instead of the negatives. Negativity weighs you down and does not allow for the rest that we all need.
Rest. That is a word that keeps coming up in things I’ve been reading, but something I can’t seem to find. As a mom, pastor’s wife, teacher, and self- proclaimed work-a-holic I am busy. And I often fear not being productive or being seen as lazy. But I know I need some balance & don’t want to struggle with guilt when I take time out to rest. I need some guidance.
This sounds like an amazing read! I know I’m less busy than I was a few years ago. Bit maybe it’s just the same busy but with different things? ( daycare for grands instead of teaching chapel at the women’s mission for example). And yet, I’m hoping, that in between all the things I’m doing i can find rest. That I can find my desk, (need to purge, sort, organize the house). That I can make myself sit outside on the swing more often. That I can read for fun (not just to study). Thanks for offering this giveaway. It’s already in my wish list of books to buy. But winning one would be fun.
I just turned 50 (June 1st) which has ushered in much reflection on my life. My mind has been in overdrive with so many thoughts and I am in desperate need of a rejuvenation. So counting on a Summer of refreshment, renewal, relaxing and resting in Him. Longing to hear His voice and move into this season of life focused on Him ??
Yes, rest. Taking time to breathe and enjoy God’s creation and my family and pray to see what God has planned for us to do next.
Thank you for the opportunity to be involved. I am recuperating from a serious illness in which Jesus has definitely been here for me and still is. I want to focus, concentrate and rest in him the way he wants me to so I can grow closer to him and hear what he wants me to do and be obedient. I also want to become clutter free. God Bless You
Wow! God is surely directing me to many sources of learning about rest. I’d love to win a copy of the book, as my book allowance is a little overdrawn. LOL! Thanks Kathi for all you do.
I just had knee replacement surgery this morning. I am planning to use my summer to heal physically and grow spiritually. As I sit herein my hospital bed I decided to look at emails, I came across the email that led to you Whisper’s of God, I believe this is one of those whisperer .
I feel like I just barely survived the months of April and May. My hubby is getting deployed so I am hoping to now have time this summer to get renewed and refreshed. Plus any new book is a friend of mine
God is everywhere I am. During the summer, I want to spend more time actually talking with Him and being silent to hear Him. I belong to Him, so I should be at His beck and call.
I am a busy mom of 4 who has a servant’s heart which leaves me always giving of myself for my children and others and not refilling my own cup. After reading Overwhelmed, I have been trying to find a way to carve out a day of rest in my life and still haven’t achieved that goal, but my body, mind and soul are craving rest more than ever. I’m determined to make it a priority as well as carving out time to put me first on a regular basis. Would love a copy and to join in this study!
I want to find refreshment this summer before beginning another year of homeschooling work my daughter in the fall.
After having a mini-stroke this weekend most likely caused by stress, I hope to find rest this summer by finally learning how to turn my worries and stress over to God. I’ve got to much life left to live to be weighed down by things that I just need to turn over to God and let him handle.
I hope to find rest in God, this summer by letting the little things, that sometimes i let over take my time, go. I hope that the little things the preoccupy my thoughts and energy will be let go and replace with who i am in Him and His promises, wether yet, seen or not…i need rest…to become closer to my God, my father
What great timing for this study! Seems like we are all coming into a busy summer season and the list of things to do keeps growing. We know that we must be disciplined to attend to filling ourselves before we give all we have away. Women naturally over extend and seek to help others first.
May we all grow with this lesson!
This book would be an answer to my prayers! As my therapist and many other Christian women friends have told me, “You need to find what nurtures you and makes you happy!” So, I am needing to rest my soul and discover what best nurtures me in my healing process. It has been a long journey with many small steps taken and more to go! Thank you for the opportunity to take a try at winning a book that sound refreshing to my soul. All who read it will surely be blessed!!!
I am going to make sure I have moments of being still in His presence and soaking it all in. I’m not going to jam pack my summer with too much busyness and I am going to make sure I truly enjoy the summer with my family, rested in God.
The past few months have been hectic between homeschooling my children and helping my elderly parent through illness, hospitalization and recovery from a stroke. I need to at least have mental rest from the stress of every day life.
This summer, I hope to find rest by segmenting my day and NOT doing “just a little” more work. It never ends up being just a little!
Thanks for all you do!
This summer hope to find rest from emotional burdens related to family relationships.
I am seeking quiet time with God as I recover from two physical illnesses. Finding time to rest and reflect while I am transitioning at work and home into new roles and stages.
I wish to cut back on my activities and spend more time with God. My health is another area requiring me to slow down. This summer with school out, I’m a school librarian. I want to establish these habits.
I would love to be in a place spiritually and emotionally where I can taste and see God’s love for me. I don’t often feel it although I believe the truth of His love. How can I have that living, real, intimate relationship with my Jesus in a way that helps me to live with more clarity and purpose and inspiration as I go through my busy work day and home and work responsibilities? Looking forward to learning how to deepen my intimacy with Jesus and carry Him in my heart throughout all my day. Thank you!
I am a single mom of three who needs God’s grace and help everyday
not sure where to begin to rest
If only I had time to rest. I work full time, raising five children, thank you God for my wonderful husband who helps out as much as possible. So even when I am sitting my mind is still thinking of all the things that still need to be done, who is going where and what time. WHATS FOR DINNER? Now that it’s summertime I’m hoping it slows down but I don’t think it will. Just more summer activities.
It has been a crazy two years, surviving infidelity and being pregnant with my third. I need some peace.
I have 5 children all 6 and under and I am finding that it’s important to have soul rest and take advantage of little moments to focus on Jesus and calm my heart. Using quiet time in the car and even 10 minutes after they are in bed to light candles and turn on worship music, has been amazing in helping me find the rest.
I am expecting #3 in July & while I don’t expect to get alot of sleeping “rest” I hope to slow down all the other things in my life. Babies force you to stop & sit alot and I hope to allow myself the freedom to enjoy that rather than pushing myself to keep up with everything else.
I hope to find rest not just through the summer but prayerfully from now on. I am in a constant state of rushing and stress with more to do that I have time. I am always going, going, going and feel guilty if I’m not. With 3 kids homeschooled and an at home business as well as the daily/weekly to do’s, I can never seem to find time anymore to rest or recharge. I would love to figure out a way to do just that. Thank you!
Sounds awesome
I hope to find rest in God by spending time outdoors in His glorious creation.
I hope to find rest in God this summer by daily choosing to know HIM more. If I meet someone new, I have to spend time with them to get to really know them better, or have a close relationship with them. I’ve known God most of my life, but I want to KNOW Him more.
I think resting is one of the hardest things for me. I can’t seem to just stop, quit, and when I do, I feel guilty. I want to learn to rest in the Lord, and to be able to rest with my family.
I find being ‘present’ in each moment of the day is important. Consciencly bringing God with me is even more important. That is different than finding Him there, almost as a surprise. I want to be more consistent and purposeful in my relationship with God. I am not an after-thought to Him! He shouldn’t be that to me!
I so need this – Be still and know – sounds so easy, right? I truly desire to rest – REST – in Him
I am carving out time first thing in the morning, then later in the evening, for some down time with God. I have wanted this for a long time, but have failed at making it happen. Kathi, you’ve given me the idea to try again!
sounds delightful!
Rest is hard in this fast paced world, but as I am getting older I realize how important it is. I am going to cut back on my activities & spend more time with my Lord, and those close to me.
As I end a crazy busy month (and year) of school stuff, birthdays, organization meetings, planning, etc. I find myself yearning for rest! I sit down and am so used to being in the fast-forward pace of life that being still is going to take some work. But it is my desire! Yearning to enjoy some rest-filled moments throughout the summer and to model it to my children so they see it, see the value of it, and long for the same in their own life. <3
Rochelle, does it not seem incongruous to you that we have to “work” at resting? It makes so little sense, yet it is undeniably true.
As I read through this, I could sense the tingles of adrenaline as I thought forward through the summer Rest? What is that stuff? Am I overtaxed, or just not well organized? Why do I feel the stress waves coursing up my neck and down the insides of my arms? It is time to breathe slowly and deeply, Just let it go … just let it go …
Rest will come when I prune completed tasks from my extant task list while refusing to add new tasks to it. I don’t know that I have the discipline to do that.