459:  Common Ground

Loving Others Despite Our Differences

with Amerbly Neese


Clutter steals our peace and it also steals the peace of the ones we love. Join Kathi today in a great conversation with Amberly Neese, author of Common Ground, discussing how we can live at peace with other people. Clutter issues in our head, our heart, and our home often disrupt this peace and cause tension between loved ones. Join in the discussion to find out ways that we can clear out this clutter and live at peace with others by:

  • Finding common ground
  • Asking important why questions
  • Fully embracing and loving God, ourselves, and then others


Common Ground: Loving Others Despite Our Differences


Whether it is in politics, the professional world, a party, or a pew, we face conflict every day. As discussions get more heated and social media is deluged with opinion-spewing, hurt feelings, and broken relationships, we need hope and practical tools to navigate the tumultuous waters and live at peace with everyone.

Fortunately, the Scriptures hold the key to living at peace despite our differences. In Common Ground, a four-week Bible study, Amberly Neese combines stories of sibling rivalries from the Bible with personal experience, humor, hope, and her love of God’s Word.

Stories examined from the Old and New Testaments include:

  • Joseph and His Brothers: How to Combat Jealousy

  • Moses, Miriam, and Aaron: How to Work Together Despite Differences

  • Mary, Martha, and Lazarus: How to Appreciate the Contributions of Others

  • Rachel and Leah: Having Compassion for the Plight of Others

These stories point us to peace and reconciliation in all our relationships, reassuring us that it is possible to find common ground with everyone—despite our differences.

Giveaway: For a chance to win the Common Ground prize pack, answer this question in the comments below:

What is it that you feel is the biggest benefit to these difficult relationships in the past year

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Meet Our Guest 


Amberly Neese

 Amberly Neese is a popular speaker/teacher, comedian, author, and all-around encourager. She helps people like you experience the freedom found in meaningful relationships with God and others through her teaching and her books “the Belonging Project”, “Common Ground” and “the Friendship Initiative”. Amberly is a featured speaker and comedian for two national tours. She and her husband have two teenagers and live in Prescott, Arizona, where they enjoy the great outdoors, the Food Network, and all things Star Wars.


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