On today’s episode of the podcast, Kathi is joined by Tonya Kubo, the illustrious leader of the Clutter-Free Academy Facebook group. Kathi and Tonya share about the value of creating a clutter-free community and how you can create a culture of generosity and reciprocity in your own community.
On today’s show you’ll learn:
- How a “small give” can be a great way to start building a community of sharing
- Why it is a false economy to hold onto stuff “until I have time to sell it”
- The many benefits of a “semi-permanent” loan
Clutter-Free Home
Are you longing for a place of peace from which you can love others well? The Clutter-Free Home: Making Room for Your Life is your room-by-room guide to decluttering, reclaiming, and celebrating every space of your home.
In The Clutter-Free Home, you’ll walk through each room of your house to create organizational zones that are not only functional and practical but create places of peace that reflect your personality. Kathi will help you tackle the four-step process to reveal the home you’ve always dreamed of and then transform it into a haven that reflects who you truly are meant to be.
You can find Kathi’s pizza fondue recipe here!
And the Tightwad Gazette Kathi referenced is available here
Thanks for Listening!
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Meet Our Guest

Tonya Kubo
Tonya Kubo is the illustrious and fearless leader of Kathi Lipp’s Clutter Free Academy Facebook group and the Clutter Free for Life membership program. A speaker and writer, Tonya makes her home in the heart of California with her husband, Brian, their two spirited daughters, and one very tolerant cat. Visit her at www.tonyakubo.com.
- #655 Finding Grace in Your Imperfect Space: A Conversation with Hilary Bernstein - February 4, 2025
- #653 Say Goodbye to Insomnia: How Decluttering Can Reboot Your Rest - January 21, 2025
- #652 The Clutter Free Lifestyle: 10 Habits That Actually Work - January 14, 2025
My husband passed away and I’m going through his clothing. He has a LOT. I’ve found someone with a group home that will take the t-shirts – some still in a package. I’ve thrown away the used JC Penny’s briefs but I’m struggling over the Weldon Mack underwear. These things are over $20 A PAIR. They appear in perfect condition. I laughingly told my daughter I may wear them myself rather than throw away.
Does anyone think I should offer them on Swip Swap (is that the name?) or Freecycle?
Loved listening to two of my absolute favorite people today! I have to tell you that as Tonya was talking about the cost of things and people saying you could “make money” or “how much did it cost”, I was thinking about: “what is the cost of keeping it?” And that goes back to the clutter free principles. The cost for keeping it for me may be bad emotions or space. And when Kathi was talking about dusting off the box for Goodwill, I love that because I always think about people who just use Goodwill or any second-hand store as a dumping ground. People need to think “would I use that” or even more importantly “if someone found out I donated that, would I be embarrassed”? hahaha. Thank you for the encouragement and the kick in the pants I need to get moving and decluttering again!