On today’s episode, Kathi welcomes Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith to talk about one of Kathi’s favorite topics- rest. Dr. Saundra shares insight from her book Sacred Rest: Recover Your Life, Renew Your Energy, Restore Your Sanity. Kathi and Dr. Saundra talk about the physical and spiritual side of rest and the importance of restorative rest.
On today’s show you’ll learn:
- Why medical solutions for rest might not be enough
- What rest looks like in the Bible
- The seven different areas that need to be restored
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What do you do when you’re in need of spiritual rest?
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Meet Our Guest

Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith
Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith is a busy author, speaker, and board-certified internal medicine physician in practice near Birmingham, AL. She has been featured in many media outlets including Women’s Day, Redbook, FOX, MSNBC, and Prevention. Her newest release is Sacred Rest: Recover Your Life, Renew Your Energy, Restore Your Sanity. Learn more here.
I wish i knew how to rest more effectively when spiritually spent! I usually nap and pray as I fall asleep. And while this feels good and necessary, it doesn’t seem to be a long-term approach.
Congratulations, Jeanette! You have won a copy of Sacred Rest by Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith. Please check your email for important information. Have a blessed evening!
When I am in need of spiritual rest I find a passage of scripture to meditate on and to pray through.
When I’m in need of spiritual rest, I have to find some quiet which can be hard to while homeschooling four kids. After listening to this podcast and taking the rest quiz, I’ve been more motivated than ever to find rest. Thank you so much.
Congratulations, Abby! You have won a copy of Sacred Rest by Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith. Please check your email for important information. Have a blessed day!
I definitely needed this today! Knowing I need something (rest, a good rant/vent, road trip), but not sure it will cure the constant exhaustion, and highly doubtful it’s anything medical – that’s been my state of mind for a few months now, and I’m ready to fix it. I took the Rest Test, and discovered I need “creative rest.” I’m curious to see how that works. I don’t consider myself particularly creative. (I’ve tried a paint class thinking it would be relaxing and fun, but got anxious and flustered when I asked a question and the instructor said “Just do whatever you think will look the best.” What?! No! I need detailed instructions.) Thank you Kathi and Dr. Saundra for your help in kickstarting my RESToration (I think that’s my positive word for the year).
With small children and being a caregiver of an adult, I often find very little time for any type of rest. Thanks for the insights and help.
I have to get alone and have quiet. Then I open my Bible or listen to worship music. It’s different than my daily bible reading or study. It’s a specific “taking time from my other activities” to spend time with God
I withdraw from the normal routine and social media. I spend a full day w God in prayer and bible reading and rest
When needing spiritual rest I try to listen to some calming praise and worship songs, find a quiet place to read from the Bible, and just talk to God. Being out in nature can help too.
I once had a mentor encourage me in a very busy season of life to practice a Sabbath. I can’t say I have always done it well. Now, life with 3 young kids makes it difficult to get away. But the busier life gets, them more intentional I get about taking one day a week to rest and spend time with God.
I was just in Genesis today at the start of this new year, and I loved Dr. Saundra’s comment that the next day after humans were created was the day of rest! So they didn’t have to “earn” their rest. That is an awesome revelation! What a picture of the grace of God!
When I need spiritual rest I get alone with Jesus, in the Word, prayer, sometimes worship, sometimes creating with Him, etc. I let Him lead. “How would You like to spend time together today, Lord?”
I would LOVE to read the “rest” of the Dr’s book 🙂
I have found that being a part of a Bible study that deeply dives into the Bible and has questions to be answered every day have given me the discipline to pause from the busyness of life and find rest.