Do you struggle with wanting to live clutter free but also wanting to create a warm and inviting feel to your home?

On today’s show, Kathi sits down with Myquillyn Smith to talk about her book, Cozy Minimalist Home. Myquillyn shares her insights into what it means to be a “cozy minimalist,” one who wants the most amount of style with the least amount of stuff.

Kathi and Myquillyn also discuss what it looks like to go from a “stuff manager” to a “home curator.” And Myquillyn shares the one thing you can do today to start your journey towards a cozy, minimalist home. You don’t want to miss this fun and informative interview!

Cozy Minimalist Home releases on October 23, 2018!

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Enter to win a copy of Myquilln’s book!

Two lucky winners will win a copy of Cozy Minimalist Home 

Enter by answering in the comments, “Which room do you struggle with the most when it comes to being a cozy minimalist?”

*US residents only

Buy the book here.


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Meet Our Guest

Myquillyn Smith

Myquillyn Smith

For the last ten years, Myquillyn Smith, known online as “The Nester,” has encouraged women to embrace their homes – imperfections and all. In Cozy Minimalist Home: More Style, Less Stuff (Zondervan), Myquillyn helps readers see their home’s hidden potential and create beautiful, functional spaces they love.

Myquillyn is a self-taught, design school dropout who took a week-long course so she could be a certified home stager and redesigner. She and her family have lived in 13 different houses, apartments and condos and spent plenty of time getting real world design experience. Millions of women have been inspired by Myquillyn’s blog, The Nesting Place and her home has been featured in Better Homes & Gardens, Ladies’ Home Journal, Cottages and Bungalows and the Charlotte Observer. Christianity Today named her one of 20 Creative Innovators of 2016. Her first book, The Nesting Place: It Doesn’t Have to Be Perfect to Be Beautiful, released in 2014.

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