On today’s podcast Kathi sits down with friend and author Mary Demuth, to talk about her new book “The Seven Deadly Friendships.” Based on the seven deadly sins from Proverbs 6, Mary looks at 7 types of unhealthy friendships that can cause emotional clutter in our hearts.

In this info-filled interview, you will learn

• how relationship issues can be caused by fear

• why setting boundaries in friendships is absolutely essential

• when to walk away from toxic friendships that cannot be restored

Take the Quiz!

If you’d like to find out if you are in one of the seven toxic relationships, head over to 7deadlyfriendships.com to take the quiz.

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Enter to win a copy of Mary’s book and a $50 Starbucks Gift Card!

Click HERE to enter.

*US residents only

Buy the book here.


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Meet Our Guest

Mary Demuth

Mary Demuth

Mary DeMuth is a writer and speaker who loves to help people live re-storied lives. Author of more than 30 books, including parenting books, Southern fiction, and a memoir entitled Thin Places, Mary speaks around the country and the world. She is the wife of Patrick and the mom of three adult children.

Learn more at www.marydemuth.com