On today’s show, Kathy sits down with Carol Kuykendall and Krista Gilbert to talk about their book, “Give Them Wings.” Carol and Krista share insights about how to clear the emotional clutter out of the letting go process.

Kathy, Carol and Krista also share an in-depth conversation about how to navigate parenting in the digital age and how to equip our children for success during the “letting go years.”

Enter to Win!

Enter to win a copy of Carol and Krista’s book!

Two lucky winners will win a copy of Give Them Wings. 

Enter by answering in the comments, “what has been (or what do you anticipate will be) the hardest part of your kids moving on?”

*US residents only

Buy the book here.


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Meet Our Guest

Carol Kuykendall

Carol Kuykendall

Carol Kuykendall has authored and coauthored nine books about families and mothering. She worked for 12 years at MOPS International, writing and speaking, and continues to write for Guideposts and Daily Guideposts. She lives in Boulder with her husband Lynn. Learn more www.carolkuykendall.com