Do you hold on to things hoping someone in your family will one day need them? It’s time to get over the hierarchy of giving mindset.
In this episode you will learn:
- why it is not better to give something to a family member than a stranger
- how a “permanent loan” might be a great way to temporarily get rid of some belongings
- how you can minister to others by sharing your baby items
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Special thanks to Tonya for joining me again this week!
Meet Our Guest

Tonya Kubo
Tonya Kubo is the illustrious, fearless leader of Kathi Lipp’s Clutter-Free Academy Facebook group. She and her husband, Brian, are raising two spirited girls in the agricultural heart of California. She writes about fighting the demons of comparison, clutter and compulsion on www.tonyakubo.com.
I struggle with letting go of brand new items I bought for gifting and never did gift them. I have multiple bins of gifts I’ve collected for years. I’m ready to let go but I’m not sure who to give them to. In my experience with yard sales, it seems people don’t gravitate toward new items in packages as much as looking for something used especially if it is “vintage”. I also don’t see new items on the shelves at Goodwill and Savers.
On another note, I really want to give material things to the victims of California’s fires, but one, a lot of stuff I have to give is non-essential items, it’s more fun or decorative; and two, many of the displaced don’t have a place to store donations until they’re are ready to return to more permanent housing.
Any thoughts or suggestions, especially for my first concern?
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