Learn 5 easy ways to foster creativity and stay organized at the same time.
I come from a line of crazy, creative women.
My grandmother was a designer, and then the first woman creative director for Hallmark Cards. She toured all over the Midwest giving talks about creativity while drawing with chalk at the same time. (They were called, adorably, “Chalk Talks”.)
My mom made many of my clothes growing up and is an award-winning quilter. (She made the “guest book” for Roger’s and my wedding – a king sized quilt that everyone at our wedding signed.)
And my step-daughter Amanda, can make anything more beautiful with her lettering, drawing and a little bit of purple glitter.
If you had asked me as a young adult if I was creative, I would have given you my standard reply, “It skipped a generation.”
But now, years later, I can finally say the words “I’m creative”, because I realized that all creativity is not just about making things pretty — we can be creative in a thousand different ways. Here are a few ways I have infused creativity in my day:
- Putting a great meal on the table;
- Writing a loving note to a friend;
- Putting up a fun Facebook Live video;
- Cutting branches from our trees to make “arrangements”;
- Mixing up essential oils to make our room smell amazing.
And we all have the opportunity to infuse a little more creativity into our day, but one thing I’ve discovered about myself is that in order for me to be creative, my creativity demands a couple of things: order and space.
So here is how I foster creativity and stay organized at the same time:
Create Routine
We all have the picture of the wild and free spirit who is creating everywhere she goes. Her life is one big piece of art …
But what I’ve come to understand is that your creativity needs a safe place to be let out to play. Your creativity needs some rules and structure to feel secure enough to do what it wants to do. This is why I get up at 5:00 a.m. every morning, go downstairs, feed the animals, grab a cup of coffee, and start writing. I’ve trained my creativity to show up and perform on a schedule. I no longer have to wrestle her to the ground – we have a standing date.
This routine also helps me stay organized in the morning because when I start my day the same way every day, I am able to continue my day the same way. After I write, I walk the dog with my husband, come home, clean up, and get ready for the day. One of the beautiful things about routine is that you don’t have to spend a lot of time deciding what you’ll do next. It’s already been decided for you and your brain is free to think of other, amazing creative things.
Your To Do: Where is one block of time that you could create a little routine for yourself? Create a pocket of routine in that time and then start to grow your routine to two hours. (I highly suggest starting with first thing in the morning or last thing at night.)
Break Routine
As much as I believe in the benefits of routine, sometimes there is value in breaking out of it, for creativity’s sake.
Right now I’m sitting in the passenger seat of our Rav 4 listening to Simon & Garfunkel’s I Am a Rock while driving in Northern California with my husband by my side (singing about 40% of the words to the song while tooling down the freeway.) This? It’s not my optimal writing situation. But, sometimes, it’s good to get out of your routine, mix things up a bit, and challenge yourself to do the hard stuff and be creative even when the circumstances don’t lend themselves to it. I love to know that I can be creative – no matter where I am or what I am doing (or whose off key singing I’m listening to). I am a warrior!
Another way I love to break routine is to dedicate a couple of times a year to just being creative. I love to get away with a few friends to a cabin or house somewhere pretty and just hunker down and write all day. This is when I can get away from laundry and errands, hang a “Do Not Disturb” sign on my email (with an auto-responder) and just concentrate on getting my creativity on.
Your To Do: Don’t have a cabin in the words? That’s OK. Take a Saturday in a Starbucks, or even rent a hotel room with a friend. (But be sure to set up the schedule ahead of time so you know when to chat and when to write. There’s nothing worse than coming home from a writer’s retreat without having written anything…)
Plan Out Your Day
There is something about having a well-scheduled day that forces you not only to stay on track, but actually frees up your brain to think differently.
I love scheduling my day and seeing it on paper – it helps me see my day in chunks and make plans to create.
When I’m scheduling, I try to break up my “thinking-about-how-to-write-this-article” heavy thinking with “folding-the-load-of-towels” non-thinking so that my brain has some time to be free and play. As much as I would love to concentrate my way into brilliant thoughts, most of my favorite ideas come while unloading the dishwasher and removing puggle hair from the couch.
I’ve tried a million different planners, and Iwhat I’ve learned is that I need a planner without a ton of structure. This one from Ruth Choe Simmons, The Gracelaced 17 Month Planner is just perfect for me – with enough structure to keep me on track, but enough blank spaces to give me the room I need to think outside of the lines. It’s exactly what the creative one needs: a little guidance in her life.
Your To Do: Spend just five minutes planning out what you want to get accomplished today (or, if you’re better at night, plan out what you want to get accomplished tomorrow). You will be amazed at how much more room your brain will have to be creative.
Organize Your Tools
One of the fastest routes to creativity is to have your tools ready and waiting for you when it’s time to create. Every night I set my coffee to auto-brew, charge my computer, and make sure that my notebook and pen are next to my writing chair before I go to bed. That way, all my tools are where I need them.
The less obstacles you have to get to your creativity, the faster you can start being creative.
Your To Do: Define what your tools are and where you are going to keep them that will require the least amount of hassle.
Create Some Space
“Clutter makes me creative!”, we scream. But, actually, all the research says the exact opposite.
We do our best work in an area where we are free from distractions, and let’s be clear; all clutter is a distraction.
Your To Do: Create a space where you can be as free from distraction as possible. An uncluttered area where you can create keeps your mind on the beauty of what you are creating, not the clutter that is trying to steal you attention.
Giveaway to Help You Stay Organized!
How do you up your creativity? Share your idea below and you will be entered to win our grand prize sponsored by Harvest House Publishers so you can be creative and stay organized too.
I love my weekday mornings….I get my husband out the door to work and get my coffee, and my “office”….a ThirtyOne bag that I have arranged with all of my budget folders/recipe calendar/accessories, etc…then me and my pup-pup get on the couch, turn on GMA and we get to “work”. I love having a portable, PRETTY office, that is organized with all my goodies. Clearly, there is more to do….but, I loved the idea of a planner for future projects that incorporates a spiritual journey as well!
I up my creativity by sender by making and sending personalized cards to friends to encourage them.
My creativity comes out most in this season when I slow down and live I. The moment being silly with my kids, or inviting them to join me in creating something in the kitchen, etc.
I don’t make enough time to be creative, but it’s not always a priority.
I plan it into my schedule (when I can) and I know exactly what I want to do so I’m not flapping around rummaging through my projects to choose what to do.
I like to dream and think of all the crazy things I could possibly do. Sometimes they can flop quite badly, but sometimes I’m proud of what I achieve.
I set challenges for myself (like a painting a day for 30 days or a series of fruit working on a particular technique I’m trying to master). If I’m having trouble finding a subject or style I browse Pinterest and add to my art boards. A good walk taking photos of inspiring views helps also.
Thanks for reminding me I do a have a creative part of me despite me not writing, painting, drawing, etc. I enjoy crafty house decor and usually wandering Hobby Lobby gets my juices going:)
I love this! I love visiting local places where creative people hang out to get my juices going. Garden supply store, public garden, a new shop with local wares…it always sparks something!
I have made the conscious decision to make my writing a priority by enrolling in a class for writing devotionals. This has meant saying no to other things but it has been such a growth opportunity for me and my creative spirit.
I’d say I use creativity with my baking and my cooking. I love to do both of those and I like to change things and find new ways to make the recipes better. I also love feeding people and having them around our table. What a joy and honor that is. I love what that does for the hearts of people, to be loved and to feel welcomed all while having their bellies filled.
My daughter is heading back to college on Friday. This article is exactly what I needed to get my writing life – and thus my goals – back on track!
Thank you, Kathi!
I am a voice and piano teacher and run my own studio. Though my teaching schedule is PACKED this year, I am trying to start my teaching hours a little later in the morning so that I can make space to sing and play myself. And, I am going to be really hard-nosed about it!
PS I really loved the podcast with Ruth. When she said, “Just because you’re not blooming, doesn’t mean you aren’t growing”, my soul was revitalized. It’s a long story, but I often expect results at an impossible rate and then doubt when I don’t see the fruit I think I should see. She reminded me that God is doing the work in me daily and that each day is adding up to cumulative growth. Thank you for such a beautiful reminder!
While I have always fostered creativity in my children I have always used that time to clean or straighten up the house. Now that we have been working on being clutter free I actually take the time to sit and enjoy being creative WITH my kids…even though they are teens now! We enjoy adult coloring books, painting wood crafts, and even got out the potholder loom last week from years ago!! I just have to give myself the permission to take a break and enjoy my kids! I think making a daily plan would open my eyes to how much free time I do really have to be creative! Great blog post! Thanks!!
To stay organized I use seperate journals for seperate writing projects, and tie them all together with a schedule in my planner. This way when I am going somewhere to work on a specific project, I only take what I need. No extras to get me distracted. My qriting soace and creative spaces are seperate. In the same room, but seperate desks and storage.
Using a travelers notebook helped me be more creative. I started writing down ideas or inspiration I’ve seen. It helps give me the confidence to try something new and I’ve discovered lots of new fun ways to be craetive.
Staying focused, being intentional about how I use my time and being around creative/intentional friends all help me!
My creativity really comes through in my cooking. I love to tweak recipes, try new flavors, and experiment. I also do craft projects with my daughter and a friend sometimes, but I’m overly critical of myself so it’s not totally enjoyable. I love to write stories but rarely find the time.
Does listening to the clutter free podcast count? 😉 I strugglelike some others mentioned with finding the time to create. In the last year I returned to work full time and I feel like I’m constantly juggling a stack of various sized plates in each hand while trying to walk in marbles. But I have a junior in high school who loves art and I marvel at her desire to create and try new things. Sometimes I get the opportunity to join her. My 7th grader loves to create with fashion and hairstyles and my 4th grader’s brain is constantly moving in ways so far outside the box I really struggle to follow. They all amaze and inspire me.
I love making something new out of something old. I often pull my kids into my projects, give them a paintbrush, hammer or cooking spoon and we have some fun. Just giving us the experience of trying something new makes us much more brave to keep trying and that’s what I’m hoping to pass on to them. I have crates or “work boxes” that have put different supplies so we can put our hands on what we need. It’s not the most organized system but in finding the one thing that we are looking for, we are often inspired by something else. My boys are in homeschool high school now and still love it when I pull out a work box. What are you going to make, Mom?! Can I help? ?
I integrate my creativity into my work, by creating digital graphics for clients and for my own purposes. But since that is often so tightly knit with “work”, often I need to decompress with “nonwork” things. First, I am always dabbling. I love to learn new techniques, hone new skills, and just try new things! I refinish furniture occasionally, once in a while I practice hand lettering, and when I don’t want to have to try too hard I pick up my crochet hook. So no matter what I’m drawn to in a given time, I have a variety of options. I certainly have no excuse for being bored! Haha. And I also love to explore Instagram, Pinterest, and hobby lobby, and grab photos or screen shots of things that I see and think “i can make that” – there is inspiration all around us!
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Thank you so much for this amazing prize! It’s such a gift. I am blessed and excited!
I have a planner where I do meal plans, list chores. I am a flutist and artist. So I put a little music note and “draw” on the days of the week. I am not consistent with follow through, though. I love your idea of keeping sermon notes right there in your planner and having spaces for gratitude,!
My creativity comes out best in the kitchen. If it’s just us, I try to creatively use what we have on hand to make something delicious. If we invite people over, I think outside the normal stuff and add something trendy to it or I take something classic and try to improve the flavor. I especially love doing this with dessert!
I usually make time when I can wait for the house to be quiet at night, after family members go to bed, but before I’m too tired. Best time to meet with God too!
I am most creative when I sit down with my kiddos and just play. I love it! My mind is just free and relaxed!
Bring along a friend.
I definitely have to set aside time! I find that if I begin, the creativity comes. Otherwise, I never get to it!
I struggle with creativity….probably because I am spread too thin to be able to be creative. I am going to try some of your ideas!
I like to doodle and find it relaxing even if I only have 5 minutes. I often find Bible verses to add to my doodles for added inspiration. I also like to be creative with meals, I am by no means a gourmet cook, but like to make meals that are quick, repurpose our leftovers, use up what we already have or new recipes for the Instant Pot. I feel very accomplished when I make something that tastes great with minimal time and clean up.
Took me years to realize I was a creative too, and get crabby if I go awhile without being creative. Whether it is writing, playing the piano, making a diner, taking pictures, etc. While I have my favorite creative go to’s, I have also found that so many things foster my creativity. And yes to getting away to be creative. My sister and I recently had a jewelry making sister’s trip.
I use my creativity outside the house by volunteering for the drama program at school as the costume lady, direct the VBS program at church or similar things. Keeps me busy, uses a variety of “skills” and is just plain fun!
I love to sit with flowers around me (whether artificial or real) at the dining room table with feet up on the chair, Bible by my side, my favorite brand of ink pens, computer, highlighters and journal. Sometimes I have the TV on but usually I like it just to be me and the dining room. Sometimes I will read an excerpt from my favorite speaker or writer to get myself geared up and confident to write!
My husband goes to work at 4:30 AM. I wake up with him, so we can spend time together. Once he is out the door I work around the house plus do a daily devotion. A great start to the morning pumps up my entire day!
I up my creativity by listening to instrumental music while writing or planning (whatever creative work I need to accomplish).
I this age of technology I use my smart phone to help me stay organized by sharing calendar and grocery list apps with my husband – also I use it to remind me of my Bible study plan task for the day. The last thing I need is another piece of paper in my life and in my countertop! I always have my phone with me so instead of it being a hindrance it becomes a help!
I have a temporary craft drawer for supplies of whatever project I am working on at the moment. It is right by the craft table. When I am done with that project leftover supplies will go back to their permanent storage spot.
Thrifting is a way of being creative for me. I love seeing what I can find & how I can use it.
Read read and read more! I find that the more I read the more my creative juices flow! I also share what I’m reading with friends and family which spark more conversation and more ideas. I also find a lot of inspiration in nature— so I put myself outside as much as possible!
I cannot focus with other distractions, so ironically, I am most creative when working by myself in a library study room. Perfectly quiet, nothing on the walls, with just some paper, my favorite colorful (but erasable!) pens and my thoughts. Once I get home, I can focus on my family!
I meet with a group of friends once a month to make cards. There are 5 of us. Our cardmaking themes can vary with the seasons, or cute ideas we’ve seen and want to recreate. Oftentimes we start with a basic idea, then each of us puts her own touches on her card or project. Along the way, there is lots of laughter, encouragement and sharing of hearts. At the end of the evening, the table holds a lovely showcase of our work to enjoy and sharewith others!
I always have a handwork project going but right now creating meals on a very limited budget is stretching my creativity leaving me with little mental energy for other creative outlets.
I try to go to a Sip-N-Paint class each month. I wear my Bob Ross tee, just for the occasion! 🙂
I used to be creative. But, now with all the endless clutter, I even feel guilty if I start anything creative, when I know I should be working on cleaning and clearing clutter instead. .. My aunt is a planner, and recently showed me her adorable calender/planner. It is cutsied up with stickers, pretty bookmarks and paperclips. I am moving in that direction, because not only can I plan, but, I get to use my creativity in decorating my planner. Hopefully it will keep me on track
I up my creativity through my child. His imagination is not stifled and we love to make things together. This could be art, this could be in the kitchen. I also have a canvas where I like to change when I have new colors I want to explore and examine.
My creativity is upped by talking with friends and looking at pictures of ideas along with having someone I love to be creative for.
I’m going to say I get creative with food! I enjoy turning leftovers into new creations! Growing up my Mom never wasted anything!
I am struggling with finding time to be creative. When I was younger, it came easier. Now at 42, with 2 teenagers & a FT business, I sadly have not prioritized that time. Stress has greatly reduced that creative part of my brain. However, generally I find time each weekend to work on something creative. It definitely encourages my spirit when I do!
Honestly, in the midst of motherhood with my four beautiful kiddos, I find that I haven’t had the space or capacity to be as creative as I was before little ones. But I find that I express my creativity in the context of my life with little ones: not having elaborate Pinterest-worthy birthday parties, but finding out what interests each kiddo and then being creative with that. My oldest daughter loves crafting and rings, and so we’re going to make simple ring holders with her friends. The time will come for me to be in a different season where I can be more creative, and so I guess my creativity comes in finding ways I can be creative in this stage ?.
This is a wonderful resource place, and reading everyone’s posts makes me realize I’m not alone! My creativity comes out in how I set up small spaces amidst the clutter, each area that’s “working” and productive is set up like a little place of worship, with inspirational sayings, the beautiful or pretty small items or pictures or photos that I love surrounding me on the walls or desk. So I have these small oasis like spaces in various spots in my house, where I can sit/stare at/focus on, like little “breather” spaces, when I need to take a break from the crazy pace of life and clutter. I am slowly trying to excavate the clutter away from the things that allow me to be creative: piano, paints, colored pencils, making devotionals, reading, writing letters and using beautiful stationery, growing plants….I also like to look at a space and imagine how I’d fix it up in my “ideal” world – what colors I’d use to paint, what colors I’d cover the furniture with (slipcovers), what kind of plants, I try to envision in my mind “how I want it to be” and then break it into small parts of tasks and chip away at moving each area of the house in that direction. It really is a matter of having TIME – discipline – and determination – but if you take it in small pieces, you will eventually move the mountain!
Listening to music and looking at beautiful nature scenes, or putting on sounds of nature tapes or Pandora can really help calm down anxiety that grows as you focus on taming the clutter. Having music in the background while I sort through boxes of old files, etc.makes a big difference, and also, taking “physical” breaks – walks, stretches, dancing, doing some physical chore around the house. Good luck everyone! Time is precious, try to find joy in each thing you keep around your home and don’t let the ugly stuff interfere with your creativity and self-expression!
I recently moved and am in the midst of extreme chaos!! Trying to determine what I need vs. what I think I need to downsize my belongings is a huge struggle. That being said, I must create a special place for my creativity to be launched on a daily basis. The beach is my perfect re-focus place. I always feel more clear headed after visiting there, allowing my creativity to flow. Am realizing I need to plan better, too!!
Getting outside helps clear my mind and think more creatively. Prayer helps too- ask the ultimate creator for help!
Thank you Kathi for all your inspiration.
Yes I make a daily list before bed and also gratitude journal 10 things a day what I am thankful for. Need work on a cleared space ..with no distractions.
Love the tips for being more creative. I like to make list and when things are organized, I can take some time to get creative.
Love the tips for being more creative. I like to make list and when things are organized, I can take some time to get creative.
I love your idea to have a standing “date” to be creative. I’m going to try this, so I can get back to scrapbooking.
I have found ways to be creative at my job. Instead of doing all of my work “inside the box,” I add some structured flare, and I’m finding that our customers really enjoy my ideas.
The creativity gene didn’t just skip me, it skipped my whole family. I wish I was creative, but sadly I’m just not.
I like to create things in the kitchen. My daughter and her two children just moved out so hard to be creative when not a lot of mouths to enjoy the creations. I will check out the planner and see about getting some organization in my life. Thank you for your wonderful blog.
I would like to cut out time to be more creative!
Having a plan has definitely helped me be more creative this past year. Knowing how much time I have for things outside of responsibilities has freed me to do things that are more fun!
My take away today is I can be creative but plan it out and allow myself to put it on my to do list and not wait until I have “time”
I begin my mornings with my Inspire journaling Bible and a little box of creative tools. I love illuminating and meditating on God’s Word.
I appreciated your thoughts on what creativity really is. It’s not JUST being artsy, like we picture it being. And clutter works against creativity. Clutter is selfish, and takes away from creativity. I, too, grew up in a very cluttered house; my sister and I are both fighting what feels like a losing battle against it. And who cares about creativity when you can’t even see it for the clutter?!?
I schedule a creative day once a month
I schedule a creative day every two weeks.
I’m a one-at-a-time creator. Only 1 project in-progress at a time. I need to have a clear vision of my final project and then I’m free to be creative with that vision without trying to be creative in other areas at the same time.
I am generally a creative person! I like to make things! I find it less overwhelming to be organized and clutter free! I can focus on the project!
I have struggled with this for sooo long! When I was younger I was always doing something creative (poetry, journaling, creating, planning, etc…) but as I got older life has gotten more busy and cluttered 🙁 I am currently deep in my clutter free journey and have found that I can “Up” my creativity when I designate the time ahead of time. If I want to wrap a really nice gift, I plan for it. If I want to bake something extraordinary, I plan for it. Although Im still living with clutter and getting out of it, Im designating some time and it has made ALL the difference!
I take one day a week (usually Monday) to plan my week, prep my meals ahead, and get laundry done. This allows me every other day to be free of those tasks and just be creative. It’s also a no make-up kind of day, so that’s an added bonus.
Being creative is not a problem for me but finishing my projects is and so I wind up with many around the house. I’ve found that scheduling a set time in my day to work on projects works best for me. Knowing I have a time set aside in my routine keeps me from getting discouraged and keeps me motivated to complete them.
I love anything colourful. I am a card maker and I do some painting and scrapbooking (when I have time between being a wife, mum and part time work). I have so many ideas and techniques that I want to try out that my brain feels like it’s going to burst for lack of space. Help with being organised would be wonderful. Thanks for the opportunity Kathi.
Having a daily routine and lists helps me manage time better but the best thing for me is being realistic about the time needed to do some chores or projects – like straightening the pantry. Instead of planning to do it all at once, I will schedule an amount of time, an hour or maybe just 15 minutes a day until the job is done. This helps keep my routine on track and get work done. Less stress and clutter makes me more creative.
I would LOVE to see this organizer you mention in person. I am searching for just the right one!
I agree with all you write here, Kathi! Especially this, we do our best work free from distractions, and let’s be clear, ALL clutter is a distraction! I am going to print that and refer to it daily!
My 11 and 8 year old begin school this morning. Guess what is on my to-do list, which I am making at 0430 this morning! CLEAR OUT THE CLUTTER!
When you read this please pray for me, that I am persevering steadfastly and that MANY bags are LEAVING MY HOUSE TODAY! Pray that my decision making is clear and quick, and that not ONE item will be missed later.
Thanks for all you are doing Kathi. I know not everyone shares my same struggles, but you get it. You are a gift!
Hope your day is blessed!
I’m not creative. As a matter of fact, I’m disorganized, not a planner, have clutter and easily distracted. I need help in every way. I’m hoping your blog posts will help me. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
AMEN. Julie B me too.